Monster Integration

Chapter 2420 Crystalised Crater

Chapter 2420 Crystalised Crater  CLANG!

Its hammer clashed against my sword, and my body shook under it. I was barely able to stop myself from taking a step back under its powerful force.

As I was shaking under its attack, it had taken back its hammer with mechanical efficiency and attacked again with greater power. Seeing that, my eyes couldn’t help but become serious, and I activated the ‘first boost’ finally.

With the power of the first boost, I once again began to deal with it with ease and focused more on understanding its anatomy.

I did not focus on the things I could not understand, instead focused on the things I could. The main things I focused on were the utilization of power, the working of veins which had also been modified heavily, and its brain functions.

These are all important things that could help me in my research greatly. While I am focusing on these things, I am recording everything from each artifact present in the body to the strange runes on that pale grey disc that had enamored me the most.

Seeing the grey chains on it spread everywhere, it is clear that this disc is one of the most or most important parts of the flesh golem, and I will try to have it, if possible.

About fifteen minutes passed, and I felt like it was reaching its limit of power; I could see the strain the necrotic core was feeling in providing the increasing power to the golem.

I became even more careful despite my strings wrapping it around fully. If I wish, I could freeze it on its spot, as I do with the Grimms, but I felt like that would be an unwise thing to do against the enemy, which I don’t know anything about.

It is a golem, and these things have many contingencies programmed inside them, so taking a cautious approach against it would be a wise choice.

One and half a minute passed, and it could not draw increasing power anymore. Its core had reached a limit, and I did not see any unstable factor I had been expecting. It is behaving normally, and it couldn’t help but make me take a sigh of relief.


I had just thought that when suddenly, the connection between the grey disc and the necrotic core suddenly snapped up. It became unstable in an instant, releasing powerful energies that scared the shit out of me.

It is not just that, as it snapped the connection with the grey disc. The grey disc also snapped in connection with the artifacts, and a grey core formed a connection with them at the same instant and began to pour an immense amount of power into them.

This power is not to charge up the artifact but to overwhelm them heavily so they would explode. So, the necrotic core is not will be the only thing that will explode; with it explode, nearly every artifact inside it.

”Fucking Hell!”

I cursed loudly and activated all three boosts instantly before I shot back with my greatest speed while the shields materialized around me. At the same time, my strings covered the grey disk and soul core and yanked them out with all the strength I had.

The decision to do that kind of impulsive, that if I had time to think about, I would not have done something dangerous in my greed, but it is already too late now. I have already yanked it out of its body, and it is now coming toward me.

In a fraction of seconds, the necrotic core has completely changed; it has become so unstable that it will explode within a fraction of moments.


The grey disk and the necrotic core had just entered inside my shields when the flesh golem finally exploded.

Its explosion was like a supernova; it extremly bright, blinding like a dark sun, and its power had reached me in an instant and clashed against my shield.

As the power of the explosion covered my shields fully, they too became blinding while immense power began to come inside me. My runes always consumed them; it did not matter even if it was the filthiest kind of energy; they would consume that.


The power of the explosion was huge, and an immense amount of energy began to come inside me. My body had reached the limit of the energy it could take, and I was about to burn my blood to manage the flow of this huge amount of energy but stopped suddenly.

The power of the explosion had begun to lessen, and in just a couple of seconds, it had reached the level I could bear it comfortably.

A minute passed, and I finally withdrew my shields as the power of the explosion had nearly disappeared. What little remained could be easily bored by the defense of my armor.

”Fuck, that was scary!” I said as I wiped the heavy sweat piled up on my forehead in just a couple of seconds.

Flesh Golem had the power of barely a mid-Grandmaster, but the explosion it had created would have wiped away a peak Grandmaster. 

The only reason I was able to survive was that I immediately sensed the unstable core and created the distance between it. If I had been in the hundred-meter range of it when it had exploded, there is no way I would have survived, even with my powerful defensive method of mine.

These golems are scaring the hell out of me; if I come across another one, I would have to be extremly careful if I want to fight against it, and I have already decided I would not fight against a golem that has the power of peak Grandmaster.

Even though I would be able to defend against its attacks with the help of my shields. If it had exploded, there would be zero chances of me surviving, and I still love my life enough not to take such risks.


A heavy sigh couldn’t help but escape my lips when I looked at the huge crater. The explosion was so powerful that it had crystallized the earth. There are still heavy energies lingering in the crater, which are powerful enough to kill anything that is not Grandmaster.

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