Monster Integration

Chapter 2412 Party II

Chapter 2412 Party II  Fifteen minutes had passed since the party began; everybody talked with everybody while taking the bites of Hors d’oeuvres and amuse-bouche and drinking wine.

The mood of the party is amazing; everybody is talking and laughing under low background music. Their faces are glowing without any worry, which is kind of different from how they have behaved for the past month.

The pressure of the project had made everyone tense since the first day, and it is due to the success we have got that their mood has improved such drastically; the food and wine had helped a lot too.

I could see people casting glances at the different dishes and wines which golems hadn’t taken out, but they knew it was not a time yet; the main guests had yet to arrive, and we will have to wait for a little for them before we begin eating those.


I was just thinking about them when teleportation lit up, and two people appeared in it. Lord Hunt and Lady May.

”Lord Hunt, Lady May welcome,” I greeted as they walked out of the formation. “Grandmaster Zaar, it is quite a party you have arranged, and looked at the food,” Lady May said and took a bite of Hors d’oeuvre before taking a glass of wine. 

”Amazing! The praise I have heard about your culinary skills do not do them justice to you,” Lord Hunt praised. 

I was happy seeing the two council-member appearing when they said someone would be coming; I thought their projection would come for a few minutes. Even earlier in the watching room, only Lord Hunt has been present with his physical body while everyone else has come with their projection.

Now, two council members have arrived with physical bodies, which is quite rare given how busy they are with their schedules.

A few minutes passed as council members moved around to mingle before once again appearing before me, and now the smile on their faces had vanished; they had become serious.

”Grandmaster Micheal, today’s result changes some things,” said Lady May with serious expressions on her face. 


”The council now completely believes that you will accomplish this great task and already had accepted most of your pending requests,” said Lord Hunt, and my holowatch rang out with the mail.

I wanted to open the mail but did not; it would be quite disrespectful, and I also could guess what requests of mine council had accepted.

”I thank the council,” I replied, to which both of them shook their heads, “It is we who should be thanking you; without you, I don’t know what we have done about the coming tide,” said Lord Hunt.

”Aside from granting your requests, the council and Grand Lords have agreed to give you access to three secret vaults,” said Lady May.

”Really?” I asked in shock, the secret vaults, what kinds of place they were. I thought they did not exist, seeing the things I had heard about them, but it seemed like they do, and it couldn’t help but make me excited.

”Secrete vaults contents are not revealed electronically; you will have to visit physically and can take out anything you want as long as it is needed for the project,” added Lord Hunt.

”Thank you, Lady May, Lord Hunt, for this opportunity; I am very sure the secret vaults have that will help us immensely in realizing the project,” I said with a small bow.

”There is one more thing,” said Lady May, and her expressions had become extremely serious, “All the personnel of the project has been spider-marked, excluding the seven,” said lady May and a small list of names flashed in front of me for a moment before it disappeared.

”I understand,” I said with a sigh.

This time, I am not one bit surprised; after what we have pulled today, there is no way the council would take any risk of anything.

The spidermark is total surveillance; their calls will be monitored, and so will their visuals. They will sleep, eat and work under the Pyramid’s eyes; there are also restrictions on movements outside the Pyramid.

It could be said being part of this project has shackled them, and these restrictions or surveillance will remain till the war is over.

There are only seven people who have been exempted from that list; Grandmiress Charline is one of them, which is a brainer. She was selected to be a leader of the hall of sleep; she is loyal and trustworthy as one can be.

There is also Grandmaster Sethi and Hazel, whose mother is a powerful Grandmaster. Jim and I are also on the list, and so is a teacher. Which is also not surprising; her Inheritance is from excellency, and it is said as aside from compatibility and talent, the Inheritance also checks one’s loyalty to the human race.

”Let’s eat, I am sure; both of you have more important things than staying at a party,” I said, and they did not refute. Their presence here is already enough, and I don’t want to waste too much of their time.

”Let’s eat, everyone!” I said loudly; it instantly caught everyone’s attention, and we began to walk toward the big round table.

As everybody sat in their seats, the golems began to place the food on the table; the smell of it was so delicious that people were barely able to able to keep their hands from touching the cutlery placed in front of them.

Finally, the red liquid with a hint of green filled the wine glasses in front of everyone. The bottle and glasses are special, though not a wisp of wine’s aroma could be leaped.

Seeing the glasses everyone’s filled, I took a glass in my hand and stood up.

”Today, we have achieved an important milestone that we ourselves have thought impossible not long ago,” I said and paused for a moment to look at every one.

”We achieved it through the hard work of everyone, but this is just a beginning, and I hope everyone will work even harder from today, so we will achieve our goal as achieved this milestone,” I said and took a sip from my glass, and everyone followed taking a sip of wonderful arsgasif wine.

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