Monster Integration

Chapter 2378 The Program I

Chapter 2378 The Program I  It is a huge hall and in the center of it is an oval table with twelve seats for twelve council members. A few meters away from the main table, there is a lone chair on which a projection of lord of Glass is sitting.

There is always projection or physical self of Grand Lord present in the central command. The authority of the Grand Lords are supreme, they could override any decision made by the council, but they seldom do that.

They just watch and advise when asked by the council; this had been a thing for thousands of years, and it worked extremly well for us humans.

As I entered the hall, many people looked at me, and some of them were downright shocked. They were not shocked seeing me but shocked seeing the metals, especially the black ones, which shows how many Grandmasters I have killed, and it is a lot.

It is more than anyone; even council members have not killed this many Grandmasters. Lady may herself had said that.

The command center has a lot fewer people than one expected, aside from council members and Grand Lord present in their physical and projections form. These thirty-four assistants of Tyrant class of all levels.

There are also eight people selected in leadership programs, nine including me. I already got the list of their names a few days ago, and I had been familiar with a few of them, including the daughter of Danielle, who is also a Master class Tyrant.

Though the difference between the strength of a mother and daughter is immense despite being at the same level.

Aside from these people, projections of people would appear and disappear every few minutes, providing intel and other things for the ears of councilmembers only.

Each and every person here is trusted to immense degrees; their loyalties are guaranteed. The Grand Lords have also inspected their bodies and soul, so detailed that even a very hidden operative wouldn’t be able to hide.

Such measures are very necessary; there have been incidents where Grimms have breached this place and now are adamant to not let that happen again.

Thankfully, I have been spared by many of these inspections, but Grand Lord had scanned my soul and body a few days ago when I was injured and in a coma. Even though their method was extremly sneaky, my defenses were able to catch it and stop it, or rather they stop themselves.

Grand Lord could easily be able to crush every defense I have, but they did not; they left it be.

”Grandmaster Zaar, you have come right on time,” said the booming voice, “As I was ordered to Lord Singh,” I replied with a sigh bow.

This is Shri Singh, the leader of Blazing Sphere; the old leader took retirement the day war began. As the old leader was recognized by the prime artifact and thus had to assume the position of the protector.

From what I had heard, there was quite a drama in Blazing Sphere due to it. Their council chose him, but he did not want to take the position; he wanted to remain in command of Fort Trojan; one of the five most strategic locations.

I don’t know whether its true or not, but Grand Lord had to forcefully bring him to the pyramid as he was very unwilling, even after the official order.

He is a tall man with huge muscles; he could literally crush me with those huge hands. His very tall physique and steel muscles are due to his bloodline, which is extremly powerful and provide him with crushing physical strength.

”You don’t have to be glum about it, Grandmaster Zaar; I promise it would be a huge learning experience for you,” He said, but even he looked like he did not believe it.

”So, what do I have to do, Lord Singh?” I asked, and a smile appeared on his face, which had some sadistic tint. 

”You go stand with those eight and observe how we operate; we will call your name if we need your view on something,” He said and strode toward the high table with a sadistic smile on his face while remaining on my spot dumfounded.

Even though I did not like this leadership program, I thought it would be interesting, but it looked like it would be not be. Well, it is good too; this way, I would be able to majority of focus on my avatar in the core.

Schooling my expressions, I walked toward the other eight people of the Leadership program; all of them looked toward me as I appeared beside them.

All eight of them were powerful and had made a name for themselves in war, or even before; some were even with me in the competition like Danielle’s Daughter. All of them are powerful, the lowest of them is Peak Master, and there is even a Grandmaster, an initial one.

”Grandmaster Zaar,” They said in unison as if they had practiced before. “Please call me Micheal; it feels a little weird called Grandmaster Zaar from people of my own age,” I said with a laugh while also sneakily seeping my seeds inside them.

”It would be too disrespectful,” some of them said immediately, “How about Grandmaster Micheal,” I offered, and they nodded.

Within a few seconds, all their metaphysical scans appeared in front of me, and I have to say, their data is one of the best Ive ever found in humans, which is not surprising considering they are the best of best within their organization.

After the initial introduction, awkward silence clouded the group, and I am the reason for it. Despite sealing all my aura and acting as normal as possible, my presence is seemed to be making them uncomfortable to talk openly.

Though, they are talking already. If I am reading the data correctly, they have formed a soul network among themselves and talking animatedly. The ones who are not connected to this soul network of theirs, me and Simon Norton, the other Grandmaster in the group.

’It seemed like my days were going to be quite long.’ I thought and focused on the screens and conversations of the council members. Since I have been forced here, it would be too bad if I didn’t learn anything.

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