Monster Integration

Chapter 2318 - Tiny Glass Bowl

Chapter 2318 – Tiny Glass Bowl

“We will begin the extraction, so ready yourself.” The Horseman said and took out a bloody jagged crystal that had dense runes carved on it.

Inside the cave, my eyes couldn’t help but widen up seeing the blood crystal. It is a very powerful blood crystal, the most powerful I have ever seen, and the runic formation have been carved on it for a special purpose.

The Horseman covered his right hand with the powerful defensive skill which pieced out of wooden cover and placed the blood crystal on the wooden stand where the lantern is before bringing his hand back.

When it did, its hand was badly burned, so it had to drink a couple of solutions and apply a few ointments over it before its skin began to heal slowly.

If it had been a regular burned mark, it would have taken it an instant to heal it, but here, it would take half an hour or more before the wound disappeared, but it seemed like Horseman did not seem to be in the mood to wait that long.

“It is the most important phase of the plan, and I want everyone to bear the pressure; without a perfect synchronization between us, we would not be able to achieve our goal,” It said before turning back toward the crystal.


A second later, the Horseman had activated the formation as it did, the blood crystal melted. 

At first, it covered the wooden stand on which it was placed before it started to cover the wooden chain before the wooden cover surrounding the Grimm Monsters, and then the chains covering them and finally wooden armor of the Grimm Monsters themselves.

In less than a minute, all of them are covered in bloody crystalline surface, and new runes were added above the formation already covering them.


“Let’s begin!” The Grimm said and activated another formation; just as that happened, thousands of bloody crystal-covered needled pierce through the thick carapace of Grimm Monster before spreading the blood-red energy inside it.

It took little more than a minute for it to spread inside its body, and the process was not painful at all.


The moment the bloody energy spread inside it, the immense pressure descended on its body while at the same time the bronze lamp began to light.

As the bronze lamp brightened up, the pressure on the Grimm increased. In just a few seconds, the pressure had become so immense that it had tightened up all the muscles and hard carapace of the Antman.

I immediately understood what was happening; the bronze artifact seemed too powerful enough that it required blood energy to use.

In this place, they could not use their own blood energy, and not their blood energy is enough to power up the artifact. So, they are using a very sophisticated method to use the artificial blood energy to power up the artifact.

Though this method is not perfect and has quite a lot of side effects, some of them could turn fatal if not handled properly.

With time, the lamp will get very powerful would pressure the Grimms extremely. Not only that, this blood energy which is quite pure, is very harmful to Grimms; the longer it stays in their body as it will contaminate their own blood energy.

I am not letting it suffer this advantage, my seed is sucking the harmful blood energy which is trying to infiltrate it, and I am not even doing it secretly. Instead, I am making my seed to project the aura that the body will have when they are close to awakening their bloodline.

I could see the Grimm Monster getting surprised before an ecstatic smile appeared on its face, and I could understand why it was so happy, even though awakening a bloodline would create a little trouble with its Inheritance.

It had already reached the limit of the progress it could make with its Inheritance, and unless it could find a resource that could change that, the only thing that could help with its potential was the bloodline, which is much better than a resource.


Suddenly a loud clicking sound rang out from the bronze lamp, and one of its smaller doors had opened. 

Ahhhhhh Ahhhhh Ahhhhh

The door of the bronze lamp opened, and all the Grimm Monsters, except for the leading Horseman, let out a loud scream, and terrifying pressure engulfed their bodies.

Crack Crack Crack

The flesh begins to saturate, and cracks begin to appear on the carapace of the Antman. It began to injure it, but it did not seem to care about that, as its eyes are now being completely focused on the tiny lamp door.

As the lamp’s door opened, a tiny glass bowl flew out. It flew toward the globe of fire with only a thin bronze string connected to the lamp.

I could hear the sounds of bone-breaking from the Grimm Monsters around me, which are vomiting the blood continuously as the pressure is too much for them, but they are bearing it.

All of them understood the consequence of breaking the connection or even faining under this pressure. The Horseman would not let them. If they are lucky, the Grimm Monster will let them burn in the heat; if they are unlucky, the Horseman will torture them to death.

The tiny glass bowl continued moving toward the globe without stopping, and its speed was quite good; it was crossing miles by the minute.

In just a few minutes, it had crossed twenty-some miles, leaving only a hundred miles between it and the globe, and continued moving.

Some time later, its speed had slowed down a little, but it still continued moving forward and reached so close to the globe that even grand lords might not be able to survive this close but still, the bowl did not stop.

While it moved, it brought immense pressure on the Grimm Monsters, who are bearing the load that even Antman had reached the limit, as more and more cracks began to form on its carapace while it started to vomit the blood.

Finally, after three hours, it stopped, and now there is barely fifty miles of distance between it and the globe of fire.

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