Monster Integration

Chapter 2260 - Soul Clash

Chapter 2260 – Soul Clash

“This girl is good,” Wynona said beside me, seeing Ida pushing back the Golden Rock Apeman.

This is just a small peek of Ida’s power; the attack just now is a simple attack where she has barely used any power. They would be really shocked when Ida finally shows her real power.

As the Bearman stabilized, two peak leader class Grimms appeared beside it. A werewolf and Cheetaman. All three of them burst out with great power and attacked Ida.

I did not order any leaders to support her, nor there are any Tyrants that could support her, seeing all of them have begun fighting against Grimms Monsters and which have nearly double numbers of Tyrants than us.

The battle has begun in earnest, and the ones that are facing the most pressure are the Emperors fighting below. Each human Emperor is facing against the three Grimm Emperors.

Within a few seconds, the battle has spread across hundreds of miles. Human Emperors covered in violet lightning fought against the Grimms covered in a black-thorn. 

These battle spirit energies have become a big part of the Emperor’s strength here, and if one party lost access to it, then the other part would crush them absolutely. It could be said that battle spirit energies are the biggest strength of both parties.

It is their greatest advantage and disadvantage. As if one part lost the battle spirit, then they would be absolutely crushed, and if they are able to increse it by a large amount, then they would crush the other army.

It is quite hard to increse the battle spirit increse hugely, but it could happen in the circumstances like our Tyrants getting killed, one after another, which would affect the morale of those fighting below and thus directly affect their battle spirit.

The human’s Emperors are fighting great, much better than what I had imagined them to be, seeing they are facing nearly three times numbers than them.

I have already disbursed the temporary seeds in a few hundred Emperor’s bodies of both sides. These seeds are transferring like data to me, which I am recording inside my core and will analyze later.

The performance of the Emperor’s army is great, but the Tyrants are doing even better. Two Grimm Elites and one Grimm leader had already died, and Ida also had been able to heavily injure one of the three Grimms she is fighting.

It had been barely a minute since the battle had begun, and we were already doing the great. I could feel the agitation in the soul sense of Grimm Grandmaster, against which my soul sense is wrestling.

My battle had begun even before the people saw the enemy. The soul sense of mine and Grimm Grandmaster has been wrestling for quite a while with no immediate winner, though it is also true that we are not using all our strength.

It could change at any moment, though. As there are a couple of talented Tyrants that we both are guarding, and once they fall in danger, we will save. It could be simple as using little energy to block the attack or revealing ourselves and beginning fighting.

Seconds passed, and they turned into minutes, and we have finally lost our first Tyrant, an elite, his body hacked into two by the sword of the Grimm Monster, and two pieces fell down on the ground.

The life in its began to disappear fast, and just when it was about to completely die down, the healing seeds inside him activated.

On the outside, he died. He looked completely dead with his vital energies losing the life with his soul stopped releasing fluctuation. Even Grandmaster would not be able to find anything wrong even when they stood next to the two halves of the body.

Only when they carefully sense would they see there is life in the body, hanging by a sliver of thread.

Though I could not help all Tyrants directly, as long as their skulls remained undamaged or their vital organs had not suffered irreversible damage, I will be able to save them.

Five more minutes passed by, and we have lost another Elite, but this one was beyond saving her while her body was crushed under the Warhammer. 

If I wanted to, I could have saved her, and that would have broken the balance of the battle and cost us even more casualties.

So, no matter how much it pains me, I could not save every person as the cost of it would be even greater.

The battle continued; every moment, someone would use a move they had never shown to anyone. These moves would be strong and weak, would land on the enemy or get defended.


A little more than ten minutes passed when suddenly, that moment had arrived. The important Tyrant is going to die, and it is Grimm leader class Tyrant, the Golden Rock Bearman, the leader of Grimm’s forces.

Ida had sent back Werewolf and Cheetaman and is now moving toward the Golden Rock Bearman and looking at the power behind her attack and the expressions on the Bearman’s face, it is clear that it is a death move.

As Ida’s sword, a few inches from piercing the skull of the Golden Rock Bearman, the soul sense of the Grimm Grandmaster strengthened rapidly and moved to stop Ida’s attack, but how could I let it happen.

My soul senses strengthened instantly and stopped the soul sense of Grimm Grandmaster from reading Ida.


I heard the faint snort through the air and felt the powerful push against my soul sense, but to the shock of Grimm Grandmaster, my soul sense did not even shake, much less got pushed back by it.

I could see the alarm of Grandmaster, and at that moment, I felt powerful fiery energy covering its soul sense and striking my soul sense, only to find equally powerful fiery energy covering my soul sense.


While that happened, the sword of Ida had finally pierced into the skull of Golden Rock Bearman, killing it instantly. 

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