Monster Integration

Chapter 2248 - D'Tabas Roasting Technique I

Chapter 2248 – D’Tabas Roasting Technique I

I begin with the bang; powerful fire and raw lightning begin to dance across my palms before covering the pan.

Ingredients inside the pan are high level but very delicate that the slightest loss of control and I will burn it all. I couldn’t let that happen; it would destroy the dish and might anger the being enough that he would ban me from tome for a year or two as it had threatened.

I am controlling everything to the best of my abilities; I am not only working my energy control at the highest but also my soul and body control.

This recipe is best is what I could create and cook with my current abilities, and if I want to make something better than it, then I would need time lot of time, as I am currently stuck in quite a bottleneck.

Time passed by as I cooked with my complete focus, so much that the only thoughts in my mind remained were that of the cooking and of nothing else. Such a state of complete focus is really hard to come by, even for someone like me, who never had any problem focusing.

Soon forty minutes passed by, and all the lightning and fire had disappeared from the large pan.

I wanted for a minute before serving it on the plate and styled it with a few ingredients motioning the plate toward the being.

“You have passed, albeit barely,” The being said, shocking the hell out of me. “You didn’t even taste it?” I asked. Usually, the being tasted the food before giving his opinion; he never voiced it before even tasting it.

“The test is not about the recipe but about the skill you have about, and now you have shown you really have the skills to learn what’s ahead,” He said before he walked toward the recipe and took the bite from the plate.

“Its good, but there are obvious flaws in it which you could work on,” he said and began stating the flaws one after another.

“Now that you have passed the test, it is time for you to get a glimpse of real culinary art,” He said grandly, and the scenery around me had changed. 

I found myself on the hill, within a small clearing. The scenery in front of me is breathtaking, with hills stretching for miles and miles, with lakes and rivers flowing through them.

“Nice scenery, isn’t it?” The being asked as it had appeared beside me. “Yes, its beautiful,” I said, looking ahead.

“A hundred things you are going to learn next are not recipes but culinary techniques,” he said, shocking me greatly. As I had really thought, I would be learning new recipes as usual, but no, I am going to be learning culinary techniques, which are even better.

“There are millions of culinary techniques, developed across the myriad worlds, but I am going to teach you a few basic ones which will fortify your culinary base and help you learn harder culinary techniques and methods in the future.” He said and waved his hand.

A table appeared in front of us, and it was huge, big as the size of the cabin behind me, and on it several things. Just looking at the things on the table, I know which technique I am going to learn.

Half of the table is covered by a giant skinned rabbit, while the other half is covered by things such as gyros stick, handles, and five basic ingredients such as oil, salt, pepper, and other things.

“The first technique would be D’Tabas Roasting Technique; it is a very method which incorporates all the basics of roasting,” It said and walked toward the table.

He picked up instruments and fitted them on the ground before taking a gyros tube and inserting it into the skin a bit; while doing that, it had explained everything, from the condition of rabbit to the correct way of inserting the gyros stick.

“The core of every roasting method is fire control. database roasting method also needs great fire control, along with great familiarity with the basic ingredients that are being used.”

“Including the main ingredient of the roast,” It said and placed gyros stick with a skinned rabbit on the handle.

With that done, it begins to apply the oil, first starting with the oil. It used simple but precise movements to apply the oil and other ingredients on top of it.

“Now that we are done with the first coat, let’s bring in the fire,” It said a few minutes later and twitched its finger.

Blue fire streamed out of its finers and covered the huge rabbit whole while gyros stick began to spin slowly, spinning the skinned rabbit with it.


A gasp couldn’t help but come out of my mouth, seeing the way it is manipulating the fire. I have never seen anyone doing that, and when I looked at it, my mind couldn’t help but explode with ideas.

The being is not hiding anything; aside from showing me, it is stating everything clearly and even answering the questions I have.

The flue flame is a regular flame, but it is quite hot. It would not be a problem for me to take my fire to this temperature.

The thing I am extremly interested in that the way it created three hundred and forty-two layers of fire; each layer is at a different temperature and creates a different effect when it strikes the rabbit.

The most amazing thing about these fiery layers is the manipulation of the temperature of layers. The being changes the temperature of multiple layers according to need; there is no fixed temperature for each layer.

Creating the hundreds of layers of flames of different temperatures and manipulating it in such a way is extremly hard; even with current control, it is not something I could do, but I will be able to do it if I work hard enough.

The being is not holding back in his teaching; it is showing me, telling me what he is doing with his words.

Though I could tell he is not telling me some things in between, I know better than to ask it.. It is leaving them for me to figure out; it does such things; they are his forms of tests within tests.

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