Monster Integration

Chapter 2243 - Teasing

Chapter 2243 – Teasing

“The purification worked as I had expected but to be on the careful side, don’t train yourself for a few hours,” I said and made a pulling sign; five seeds came out of them.

I have already recorded the data and will be analyzing it to make the process even more optimum next time and use it on other things.

With that said, I walked toward the teleportation formation with Elina. I would have liked to stay and continue their training, but I did not have much time. An hour later, I have to go to the hall of sleep and continue with healing the Grandmasters there.

“You are improving too fast; it made me feel like I should also prepare for the breakthrough into the Grandmaster,” said Elina as we have sat in the private parlor.

If anyone had heard her say that, even some Grandmaster, they would be shocked, but it is not shocking for the people like Elina who have the Bloodline core of powerful bloodline. To these people, breaking into the Grandmaster class is not a big thing.

“It would be a grave mistake,” I said, shaking my head. “You have bloodline core of Phoenix bloodline, and unless you gain the strength of the Grandmaster or defeat it while still being a Master, breaking through would not be a wise choice,” I added.

“Mother had said the same words not long ago,” She said while looking at me accusingly. She is right; I am the one who put those words in the teacher’s mouth.

“Gaining such strength while being a Master would be very hard and will take a lot of time; it would be easy to just breakthrough into the Grandmaster class,” She said, and I smiled at that.

I had given her my advice; whether she wanted to follow it or not was her choice. I would not force her, at least not explicitly.

“Well, I have at least you count on,” She said, “You will always have me,” I said back to my friend.

We sat in comfortable silence for a few seconds when suddenly, a smile appeared on my face. “So, you have got a new boyfriend; mind telling me who he is?” I asked, and a great surprise couldn’t help but appear on her face hearing that.

“How do you know about that?” She asked immediately before understanding dawned on her face.

“You know, you and mother are the same.” She said and threw a cushion at me, which was blazing in her purple fire. 

I caught the cushion, and as I did, the purple fire attacked me, but I destroyed it. In our little skirmish, the cushion had remained unharmed.

“It is not my fault that I could clearly see it in you. You should learn to destroy all signs,” I said to which she glared at me. “Like I didn’t try,” she said and glared at me with her glowing violet eyes.

It is very hard to destroy those signs for those of us with knowledge of human anatomy. We could easily see the signs at the microscopic level.

“Well, at least tell me if it is someone I know?” I asked back, just to tease her. “You will know him when the time comes,” She said and looked directly into my eyes as if daring me to ask her more about her mysterious boyfriend, whom she looked quite serious about.

Seeing the look, I did not pursue it further. I know when to stop friendly teasing and instead turn to an important topic.

“How is the war?” I asked, and her expressions turned serious at the question. “Grave, very grave. Thousands of people are dying by hour that sometimes, it became unbearable to even close my eyes,” She said with a sigh. I could see the pain and helplessness clear in her eye.

“I had asked to join the front; I hope they accept my request,” I said. To that, she nodded. “An extra Grandmaster in front would make a significant difference,” She said, 

“But you would also be useful in background than fighting in the front,” She added after a second of silence. 

I understand what she is saying; with my healing talents, I could do much more than I could in front, but she did not understand that I needed to be at the front to get my prey which is what ultimately helped me get powerful, get more data to developed and furnish my Inheritance.

The Grandmaster level had made many things had been easier for me. Since I had woke up, I had created an avatar with the quarter of my conscious power, which had been creating crystal roses after crystal roses and other things like ruin rings.

I would always have my avatar working in my core when I am not healing or sleeping; within a few days, I have created a huge amount of crystal roses and petals.

A few days ago, I got a huge consignment of essence roses. They have created from Crystal Roses and crystal petals that used the battlefield. 

This is great because I only have to worry about Grandmaster class essence roses. The rest will be provided by others as long as there is a supply of crystal roses and petals, a circle of production and consumption.

“Well, I should be leaving; I have to leave for the front in a few hours,” she said after a few minutes and walked toward the teleportation formation.

A couple of seconds later, she left.

I did not move from my spot; instead, I closed my eyes and began working on the healing formations, modifying them according to the patients I had to heal.

It is a time-consuming project, and I would have not been able to do it if not for my core which gave me three times more time. 

I worked on the healing formations for the one and half hours outside before I ate the lunch that my father had made before I went to the hall of sleep to wake a few more Grandmasters from their century-long sleep.

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