Monster Integration

Chapter 2240 - The Ball

Chapter 2240 – The Ball

“Give me more energy, Grandmaster,” I said and filled my string with even more energy before I morphed them into the rune.

I am creating a huge formation inside Grandmasters Clement’s body, absorbing the huge amount of blood element energy into my vines. 

This blood element internal energy of his is extremely powerful that even with their strength, my vines are barely able to contain them. Which is a good thing because we will need it to be strong if we want to deal which has nearly merged with Grandmaster Clement.

I am not using just the internal energy but also using the essence of resources and my own internal and inheritance energy, which had become even more powerful not long ago.

It is a good thing my vines are strong; otherwise, they would not have been able to assault the curse that brought them on. It is very vicious, and if not for the blocks I have placed on my strings, it would have attacked me too my strings.

I could have used the rule-bending power to hide my string, but I will need it very soon when I begin the final moment.

Another forty minutes passed, and finally, I had finished creating the formation, which covered every inch of Grandmaster Clement. 

From inside and outside, taking nearly 80% of my strings which is a lot considering, even to bind huge thunder hog, I had not used even 50% of it, so one can imagine how many strings I have used.

I have filled the Grandmaster Clement with them. Thank god he is unconscious; otherwise, he would not have been able to bear it; no sane person could have.

“Let’s begin the final phase,” I said and took a deep breath before I began.


The formation covering the Grandmaster Clement every part on the surface and inside buzz lighted up before his eyes flew wide open.


He let out a wailing scream, so painful that I couldn’t help but feel pity for him. He is really is pitiful as the pain he is feeling is beyond abnormal. We are tearing apart the curse that became nearly became part of him; it is akin to bifurcating his soul.

Thankfully we have made preparation for it, his movements are sealed, and even his power is not; he could not bring it outside his body. I am confident that even with such great strength, my runes will restrict him from harming us.

“Poor soul, even for us Grandmasters, bearing such pain is no easy matter,” Grandmaster Sakhar said as I activated mute formation in my coffin, which had immediately stopped his screams.

His screams are too loud; they are disturbing my concentration. So, I have to shut him up, even if it is his only outlet through which he could express the great pain he is feeling.

About nine minutes after the formation activated, the purple-black smoke began to come out of it, and that smoke formed a ball which had the smoky strings attached to the runic formation covering the Grandmaster Clements body.

Seeing the smoky ball, all three of us shuddered and became even more careful. This is the curse they have attached the Grandmaster Clement with, and if it distracted in any way, it would do great harm.

I am delicately managing it; the slightest mistake could make it destruct as it is programmed to do if things go awry for it, or worse, it could go back inside the body, which would increase the difficulty of healing the Grandmaster by ten times.

Minutes passed by, and each minute more and more smoke would come out and merge with the ball, which’s size had not increased even by a bit, but it had grown a lot thicker in this past hour.

Another hour had passed by, and now the ball of curse had become so thick that it felt like it had become a liquid.

In these past two hours, we have extracted nearly 80% of the curse, and the extraction is continuity while Grandmaster Charline is working on the grade in injuries that this tearing has left behind.

Aside from her powerful healing abilities, she had help from rare and precious resources, making the healing even more complete.

It is extremely important that we work side by side; I am fully focused on extracting the curse while Grandmaster Charline is healing. Without her aid, there are high chances of body and soul collapsing under the healing.

The healing would also help him quickly regain his power in a matter of days, so he would be ready to join the battlefield.

Another half an hour passed by, and now only 10% of extraction have remained. My expressions have become even more serious. I do not want to make mistakes, just when I am about to succeed.

Forty more minutes passed by, and I finished extracting every bit of the curse present in the body of Grandmaster Clement, and with it, his screams also lowered before they stopped altogether.

I checked his condition carefully for minutes before I began to extract my strings while at the same time, I carefully placed the small ball of purple-black, which is solid but turns fluid now and then as if it is alive.

It is a treasure containing a vast trove of knowledge within. I am going to have lots of fun researching it.

Soon, I finished extracting all my strings from the body of Grandmaster Clement, who had fallen unconscious and turned to my two companions, who looked just as tired as me but had a smile on their face.

“Grandmaster Charline, we will begin working on the second patient after two hours,” I said. My words have caught her by great surprise, as the original plan was to heal a single patient a day, and that was a great speed.

Healing of Grandmaster Clement had taken seven six hours; I think we could heal another one after taking some rest.

Grandmaster Charline looked at me for a few seconds before nodding, and we turned to Grandmaster Sakhar.. “This old man still has some energy to go for another round,” he said with a laugh.

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