Monster Integration

Chapter 2237 - Two Golden Bands

Chapter 2237 – Two Golden Bands

“Now that you have become Grandmaster, its time for you to heal the Grandmasters at the hall of sleep. The whole Pyramid would be grateful if you could begin immediately,” He asked.

“I would have liked to begin immediately to Lord Whitmore, but I am feeling very tired. I’ve slept for ten days and fought many battles,”

“I like to begin healing with rested body and soul, lest I make any mistake,” I said. Though I am not as tired as I said due to the jade, I still couldn’t begin work immediately. I miss my family and would like to see their faces at least before I begin.

  “Rest them, but I hope you will begin by evening,” He said, hearing that a small mirthless smile couldn’t help but appear on my face.

There are barely six hours to evening; he wants me to start in six hours. “I will try,” I said before my eyes turned a little serious.

“Lord Whitmore, I have a small request; I hope you will be able to fulfill it,” I asked. “As long as it is within my power, I will try,” he said, not promising me directly.

“I hope Pyramid will add my sister and father a golden band,” I said; a surprise couldn’t help but appear on his face, and he opened his mouth to say something before closing it and looking at me for a couple of seconds.

He shuts his eyes and opens them a couple of seconds later. “The council agreed to give your sister and father a golden band for a year,” He said. “Thank you, Lord Whitmore, it had lifted a huge worry off my chest,” I said, and the words are completely true.

The golden bands are yet another of pyramids ability. Once one has it, they are near impossible to kill under a Pyramid; only the power of Grand Lord would be a danger to them.

If I had asked for this before my breakthrough, the request would have gotten rejected without a doubt. Even the powerful Grandmaster would not be able to request a golden band for their family, much less two.

In their eyes, I am simple Grandmasters; my value surpasses those even of powerful Grandmasters as I am the only person who could awaken the Grandmasters sleeping in the hall of sleep, which made indispensable.

“I also have another request, Lord Whitmore,” I said, and this time, he just looked at me. “I hope to join the war directly after I am done with the business of hall of sleep,” I said. 

I have been in the background for too long now that I have gotten the strength. I have to join the frontlines. “We will talk about it after you are done waking up the Grandmasters in the hall of sleep,” he said.

I stayed in the lord Whitmores office for a few more minutes before I walked out, and a minute later, I appeared in my home through the teleportation formation.


My sister came running toward me; I took her in my arms and kissed her cheeks. Soon, she will have a golden band, and with it, she will have very few things to be worried about as long as she is in the Pyramid.

“Father, lady Hazel,” I said to the woman who is with her children. On the outside, she looked fine, but her hazel eyes and aura seemed very tired. It seemed like she had overexerted herself, which is not surprising given the state of war; an alchemist like her would be in high demand.

I am quite surprised, she got free time at all, and she is decided to use that precious time with her children.

“Lord Micheal, your father, had been very worried about you,” Hazel said. She only uses ‘lord,’ addressing me when I address her with ‘lady.’

“It is was an easy mission, hazel, nothing compared to drastic change that had occurred since I had left,” I said, and her tired eyes became even sadder.

“I assume your mother is fine?” I asked; I did not the name of Grandmaster Veronica’s name in the name of fallen Grandmasters, so she should be alive.

“Mother is alive, but she had suffered grave injuries in her last battle,” She replied while looking at me with hope.

“I will take a look at her tomorrow and see if I could do anything about it, though I doubt my help would be needed,” I said, and I could see small relief appearing in her eyes hearing that.

“I would really appreciate it; mother had spoken highly about you,” She said, and I just smiled at that.

“Hazel, you seemed quite tired; eat this; it will help you little with your overexertion,” I said, and black-blue berries flew toward her. Seeing the group of five black-blue berries, her eyes couldn’t help but widen up in surprise.

“Raytalon berries, I couldn’t eat them; they are too precious to be eaten directly,” she said as she caught the berries in her hand.

These berries are just Master’s grades; I wonder how would she have reacted if I threw her Grandmaster class. I think she would have fainted directly, which would accomplish the purpose.

These berries are not normal resources; I am sure she would have many Master class resources, even Grandmaster class seeing she is an alchemist. Most importantly, her mother is Grandmaster, but these berries are quite rare that Grandmasters would desire them.

“Eat them,” I said before I turned to my father. He had many things to talk about, and I listened patiently while playing with my sister, as Nero and Ashlyn were still sleeping.

Hazel looked at those berries for a whole minute before she ate one, and a few minutes later, she was down on the couch sleeping deeply.

The berry would deal with overexertion and even give her soul would get a small boost.

I talked about my father for half an hour before I went to my room while thinking about my mother, who still hasn’t returned from her mission even after months.

I had asked Lord Whitmore about it, but I got the same answer that I usually get, that she is alive and it would take her a while to come back.. Seeing the answer he is giving, I don’t think even he has an idea about my mother’s mission despite being responsible for it.

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