Monster Integration

Chapter 2201: Invigorating

Chapter 2201: Invigorating

'Should we attack them or let them go?' Rhea asked telepathically. 'There is no need to create a disturbance; I will handle them silently,' I replied.

While they are powerful, they are not videttes or at the caliber of someone like the Werewolf who has created the bloodline core. So, I would be able to deal with them without them being discovered.

The Ratman and Snakeman are very cautious as they travel, not reckless and drunk with power as they usually are.

They have some good artifacts with them, too; I want the one that is floating above the head of the Ratman, aside from the ratman itself. The Ratman has a bloodline, and there is no way that I would not harness it to grow the plants inside me.

A minute had passed when suddenly, to extreme shock of Ratman and Snakeman, they found themselves frozen in a spot before they levitated inches away from the ground and came floating toward us.

Soon they appeared in front of me, and shock appeared on their faces, "I ȧssume you won't tell me where the Grandmaster went, will you?" I asked, and both of them looked at me and struggled even harder.

"Well, I asked," I asked said with a sigh and waved my hand.

The light in their eyes begin disappearing and they desspeared as well. I did not kill them, not killed the Ratman while the Snakeman is dead. As for Ratman, it is inside my core, and in a few seconds, it will begin to get harvested.

'Let's go,' I said, and we continued with our travel.

A few hours passed by, and we covered miles of space, avoiding and sometimes breaking through the dangers that have the power to vaporize us in an instant.

Before we knew it, it had been two days since we had entered this ruin, and I have to say, this ruin is more dangerous than I had thought. It is due to our knowledge and powerful defensive abilities we are surviving here; inside the city, a regular peak master would not last even a second.

As we deeper and deeper into the west side of the city, the formations became denser than every hour; I had to break at least one to make the way.

There is also energy that is also getting denser; it is now at the level of what we have experienced in the mansion. Due to it, there are lots of precious resources that are lying around, which I would harvest on the way.

Some of the resources are a little harder to get as they have monsters guarding them, but it is not a problem for me, as long as they are not Grandmasters.

So, every hour the stockpile of precious plants and monster meat would increse in my storage, making Rhea glared at me. My strings are really useful; they are not something energy strings that Rhea tried to copy with could match.

'My strings are very special, and if you want something like it, then you will have to use the essence of diamond ability, not just its energy,' I said, seeing her frustrated face, as destroyed the resource she had been trying to harvest with her energy strings.

Rhea looked a little surprised hearing that and nodded gratefully. What I told her is the secret of my most powerful ability; though it is just the surface of it, it is still a great secret.

'Another door and this one is ours; unfortunately, we could not go through it,' She said with a sigh, looking at the yellow exit door which is in our control. If we had Jim with us, we would have been walked into that door, but we could not.

'Let's keep moving; we are just a day away from Jim,' I said, and we continued moving toward our direction.

A few more hours passed, and we came across another Grimm Monster, this one too quickly dealt like the Grimm Monster before.

While we have seen the Grimm Monsters, we have not seen the humans. Some humans have also entered this ruin, but their numbers are too low compared to the Grimm Monsters, and seeing how big this ruin is, it will be hard for us to come across each other.

"What is that?" I asked suddenly when I saw the green statue, which is heavily covered in the broken formation.

It is not the statue that surprised me but the feeling it is giving me. The energy released from it invigorated my body and soul that had never been done by anything, all the deep tiredness I had seemed to have vanished by this energy.

The statue is not complete, it is broken in several pieces, and they have littered all around, and from what I could tell, it is of a beast, as for what beast it is. It is quite hard to tell with it breaking down in so many pieces.

'Jim had said this statue is made of radaie jade; it have invigorating abilities and would be able to relieve one from their deepest tiredness with the effect of sleep,' Rhea said. I know what radaie jade is, and I couldn't help but hunger for it.

"Jim had tried to get a piece, and he nearly died before he even reached closed to it," Rhea said, and I could imagine.

Those broken formations are not easy to deal with; even with all the greed I am feeling for it, I will not attempt to get its pieces. Jim was very lucky that he was able to survive; with fluctuation, I am sensing from broken formations, they are very powerful.

They could easily vaporize Master and even have the power to kill Grandmaster, so I am not getting anywhere near those pieces.

We both stopped by a statue for a few minutes, as was beneficial to us before we started moving toward our destination with even more cautiousness. 

Rhea is not so many words have said that place we are going is very dangerous and I have to be in one piece and in perfect condition if I want to do any rescue.

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