Monster Integration

Chapter 2194: Monster Vs. Grimm

Chapter 2194: Monster Vs. Grimm

A Grandmaster

It is a roar from a Grandmaster class Monster without a doubt, and it seemed angry for some reason.

'Let's get out of here,' I said to Rhea telepathically, and we began to the other side of Grandmaster monster. I may be able to handle a weak Grandmaster for a minute or two, but I would not be able to handle even the weakest Monster grandmaster.

The raw physical power and energy they have are beyond what I could handle. They would shatter my defenses like paper and blast me pieces of flesh and bones.

So, I did not even look at what it is angry at, and I am not the only one who is thinking that. Rhea is also the same; she did not waste any time and began to lead me to a different way, that is the opposite of which Monster Grandmaster.


We had just walked a few steps and when we heard another roar, and it came with crackling aura and next moment we saw a black cloud appearing out of nowhere and enormous bolt of yellow lighting shot out of it with a speed that I could not comprehend.


The enormous bolt of lightning struck on the ground, and it shook the ground and filled the air with a powerful electric charge that would vaporize the elite instantly and seriously injured leader if they are standing at the place where we are right now, which is quite far from the Grandmaster monster.

"Fuck!" 'Yes, fuċk,'

The powerful attack of the monster instantly made things difficult for us. The formations around us went haywire; whether they belonged to buildings or streets, hell, even formations in the sky began to get haywire.

Whether intentional or unintentional, it has really fuċkėd up and made things difficult for us. We are surrounded by formations, nearly all of which, whether they are broken or unbroken, is activated.


We just thought about what to do next when we saw black clouds torn apart by a huge yellow bore monster tearing through the black clouds. Its tusks are filled with lightning, and now they have Grimm Monster, who had a big sword against the lightning tusks.

"Fucking Grimm bastards, they will never let us do what we want in peace, always interfere," Rhea cursed.

It makes things even difficult for us.

If it had been two monsters fighting, we would have been a little relieved, as they would fight for a while before going in their own way, but here, it seemed like the Grimm Monster was actively hunting it.

It would not stop till it killed the monster or the monster forced it to run away, and if it had spotted us. It would not hesitate to kill us itself or by the hands of Monster Grandmaster.

'We have to do something," Rhea said.

"Sooner or later, these formations are going to crash on us, or that two fightings will notice us, and getting noticed by either of these things are bad for us,' Rhea said. I understand that, but there are very few options in front of us.

"Let's break into the building and wait till things calmed down," I said to shock Rhea, and she opened her mouth angrily, but the next moment her anger disappeared. She understood my reasoning, and it was the only option we had.

"It would not be easy to break into the formation, especially the active ones," She said, "Leave that up to me," I said and looked around.

While most of the formations activated, some of them have not, and there are few complete ones that I could break quickly.

Soon, I spotted a complete formation which is not broken. It is on the gate of a dilapidated gated manor which is a few miles away from me, which is slightly collapsed, and looking at the sheer amount of cracks on it, it took like the while manor would collapse at any time.

I looked around for a better option, but I did not find any. It is the only thing I could that seemed to have many unactivated formations, and there seemed to be quite fewer broken formations on it too.

"We will be going into that manor," I said while pointing at the manor, she looked a little surprised, but she did not voice her opinion as we moved toward the manor while avoiding many active formations.

The travel, which should have taken us a few seconds, took us a few minutes, and on the way, we have nearly hit by the stray formation.

Soon, we reached in front of gates, and a formation appeared in my eyes which had scanned the formation on the gate. In a few seconds, it appeared in my core, and the avatar of mine inside my core scanned it with the calibrator.

Seeing how uncomfortable it is to scan the formation with a calibrator and then cover myself with energy to avoid suspicion, I created this little trick.

"Let's find a safe place where I could solve the formation," I said and moved toward the place which seemed a little safe.

To be honest, I had already begun solving the formation inside my core. I had given my avatar of mine 80% of conscious power and would give 10% when I hid in a safe place.

"Arent you going to scan it and use the calibrator?" Rhea asked, seeing we were walking away from the gate. "I already did," I did reply. She gave me a look and opened her mouth to speak but closed it with the shake of her.

Three minutes later, we were hiding under what seemed to be a broken part of some building, which over the year formed a hollow space.

It is far from an ideal place to hide, but it did not have any formations and seemed to be made of a material that blocks soul sense. 

As we hid, I closed my eyes and allocated another 15% of consciousness power to my avatar to solve formation while keeping 5% to myself. It is a dangerous place, and I need to be aware of my surroundings.

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