Monster Integration

Chapter 2191: Dark Ice Field II

Chapter 2191: Dark Ice Field II

"Dark Ice Field?" I asked, looking at the rapidly climbing dark ice. The dark ice seemed quite powerful, and it was getting power as it climbed over my body.

"Don't underestimate this corrosive ice; it will get stronger the more it will cover you. Your friend had nearly died by it last time when we were here," She said and while activating her diamond skin ability which began to shine faintly in golden color.

As it did it, the dark ice began to slide off her. I could see it trying to climb back but repelling force seemed quite powerful and able to keep it at bay.

"Any way to deal with it?" I asked. "Everything is fine, repel it, burn it, just don't let it accumulate on you, or it will be very dangerous," Rhea said without even looking at me. She did not seem to care for rapidly climbing ice on me as she was more focused on the map and looking around.

Crackle Crackle Crackle

I shook my head with a smile, and the next moment couple of formations activated, and my armor lit up. The faint shine from my armor begins to burn the black ice.

The faint shine might not look much, but it is extremely hot and contain properties that are best at dealing with corrosive things, but the resistance of this corrosive ice is more powerful than I had anticipated and has increased the power of the formations by a little bit.

"You are really something; here I am trying my all to repel this ice, and with, it was not even able to touch your armor before it being burned away to nothingness," She said as she finally looked at me from her map.

"Did you find where we are?" I asked, ignoring the note in her voice. "Yes, I did, and there is good news and bad news," She said with a sigh.

"The good news is we have appeared quite close to your friend; it would not take us more than three days to reach him, but the bad news is dark ice field is very dangerous that last time we have bȧrėly survived through it," she explained and began walking.

I thought about her words for a while before shaking my head; there is nothing we could do since we have transported here directly. The only thing we could do was get out of here as soon as possible before any danger fell on us.

It was night, and the place seemed to be barren; all I could see was the small hills around me and crunchy soil under my feet.

This place looks normal; even the concentration of energy here is lower than the central continent. The only strange thing about this place is the dark, which seemed to materialize out of nowhere. I am trying to probe where it is coming from but was unsuccessful in finding anything.

"This place is more dangerous than you think, sometimes the quantity and power of ice reach ten times or even greater,"

"I fear this dark ice could become dangerous enough that it could even threaten a Grandmaster," She said as we walked. It did not surprise me; the dark ice is too strange. 

It had been quite consistent since it began ȧssaulting us; there was no change in its power since it had begun ȧssaulting us. Still, hearing her words, I became even more careful, ready to deal with a sudden burst of dark ice coming at me.

Minutes passed, and we walked at a speed that a regular person could run. We could easily move at a hundred times greater speed, but moving at that speed will make the ȧssault of this dark ice a hundred times powerful.

The ȧssault of the dark ice depends on the speed of one; we could not move fast, and due to it, it would take anywhere between five to eight hours to get out of this place.

I am a little disappointed, not at the danger but being transported to this place. From what Ive heard, this place contains many good things, and if not, there has been a raging war outside our Grandmasters would have thronged this place.

"Keep an eye on exits; we have fallen into the trap because we were searching for the exit," Rhea said, and that is another strange thing about this ruin.

While the entrances are unmoving, the same is not true for the exits. They appear and disappear, and we have to find those exits, and we could not get out of this ruin through any exit as each exit is connected to entrances outside.

We have walkout of these ruins from the exit that is connected to the entrances that we humans have in control, a wrong exit, and we would directly fall into the hands of the Grimm Monsters.


A more than an hour passed by when suddenly, I felt a change in the dark ice, and fear couldn't help but appear on my face.

The power and quantity of dar ice had increased suddenly. The dark ice, which had been melting to nothingness before it even touched my armor, is now beginning to cover it thickly, climbing rapidly from my feet.

I reacted immediately, and the silvery shine of armor began to brighten up rapidly, but this dark ice was resisting it.

The power of dark ice is more than ten times greater than Rhea had said; it is twenty-six times greater, according to my calculations. It is becoming very dangerous, that did not hold back at all and released the full power of corrosion melting radiance.


Even then, I was not able to stop it completely; I was only able to deal with 90% of it while 10% was still climbing up. If it continued to spread and thicken, I would be in real danger. 

Crackle Crackle Crackle

Seeing that, I released the faint stream of internal energy in the radiance, and I did; the radiance thickened up, and its power rose explosively that within a second, all the ice had melted into nothingness. 

It had even formed a field of radiance around me, and any dark ice that enters twenty inches of that radiance, it will meld to nothingness.

I had just dealt with dark ice attacking me when my gaze fell on Rhea, and I couldn't help but be shocked seeing her thickly covered dark ice.. Her diamond power shining brightly, but it did seem enough to repel the dark ice which is covering her more and more thickly every second.

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