Monster Integration

Chapter 2169: Vidette Again

Chapter 2169: Vidette Again

The small tree kept releasing energies for thirty-nine seconds, and in these thirty-three seconds, a huge change has occurred in my core.

It looked like thirty-three days had passed inside my core, and in these thirty-three days, I have provided them all with special fertilizer and nutrition according to their needs utmostly.

So, what the mysterious tree did was little more than just hasten their growth, and it would help me beyond what I could imagine.

The mysterious tree has grown longer, from a finger size; it had grown to palm-size. As for the trees, it had provided the energies with had even bigger and shocking change than it. 

The most are of the essence tree, a sign of first fruit budding had appeared. A stage, I thought, would need a month or more to reach, but it had happened in a couple of seconds. Other than the essence tree, other trees have also gone through a big change.

More than half of them have produced the resources that will be extremely useful to leaders, three plants have produced resources that would be useful to leaders, and one plant called fluttering lite flower tree, had one flower that had reached a Master class.

I have no need for these resources, and earlier I had planned to only pluck them after they reached the Grandmaster level, but now, I think I will use them when I leveled up, and if I have some extras, I will spare few for my mentees.

Some of the resources here could speed up things for them which will great thing for them but also my research.

I have reached the limit, but I have hit a little block on my Inheritance which I am extremely close to completing and would just need that small thing sorted out, and I would be able to level up to Leader class, which will give me the strength of the Grandmaster.

But the path is not easy; the block I hit was small but extremely complicated. If I am lucky, I will be able to solve it within a week, but if my luck is bad, it might take longer than that; I hope that did not happen.

The power of Grandmaster would help me greatly, not only strength-wise but also in my other profession; those Grandmasters sleeping in a hall of sleep needed to be awake.

After checking everything in my core, I swept up the three essence roses and continued with my direction while looking hopefully to coming across a few more Grimm Monsters, especially those with bloodlines.

I want to test this ability of the mysterious tree further and also clear the doubt in my heart, this being a one-off thing.

For the next five minutes, I had not come across any Grimm Monsters before I had sensed the spatial disturbance and saw Grimm Monster coming out of the spatial tear. It is a Ratman with malachite armor covering its full body.

This one is different from the others I have encountered in this ruin. This Ratman is above peak Master; it had taken a half step outside of Master class and step away from becoming a Grandmaster.


It opened its mouth to say something but stopped in alarm as I appared in front of it in the next instant. I do not plan to waste any time; I want to kill it as soon as possible, so the next Grimm Monster that would come would be even more powerful and hopefully with a Bloodline.


It got over its shock and was about to say something when it looked down, and deep shock appeared on its face when it saw my greatsword poking into the chest; it had happened so fast that it had not noticed how it had happened.

Three minutes later, I have finished harvesting it and am also quite happy with the essence rose I have gotten from it; it will make a quite powerful crystal rose.

With its crystal rose in my storage, I again continued with my journey with the hope to find a Grimm Monster with a bloodline. I hope they come soon; with them, I will be able to mature the plants I have in my storage.

Ten minutes passed by, and I did not come across any Grimm Monster, and soon another ten minutes passed, and still did not see any Grimm Monster.

It is a little strange, by this time, the Grimms should be alarmed and would have sent the force, but they did not send anyone. It is the same on Ashlyn’s and Nero’s end; after they have killed four and five Grimm Monsters each, they did not come across any Grimm Monsters either.

It is strange, but there is nothing that could be done unless we find the place where all the Grimm Monsters are.


A few more minutes had passed without any Grimm Monsters when suddenly, I noticed something in the distance, and it made me slightly alarmed that I immediately activated the first boost and took out my sword.


A second later, my sword clashed against a fine scimitar of the Grimm Moster and not a normal Grimm Monster either but a vidette from a very rare Grimm Tribe, which is looking at me with great surprise.

“I’ll be dammed; I had not throught the human I would be killing is Micheal Zaar itself,” The Grimm Monster said as it looked me from up to down with its shining violet eyes.

“I would have thoughts you would be hiding somewhere with the performance you put a few months ago,” It added. 

“You got things wrong a little. I had never hidden, just used the different faces to kill you, bastards,” I said, and my words did not seem to make it angry.

“I can see that. You would not have improved such tremendously by hiding,” It said and flapped its giant wings and disappeared in front of my eyes, and a moment later, I felt a sharp tingling in my neck.

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