Monster Integration

Chapter 2129: Mutated Roses

Chapter 2129: Mutated Roses

“These essence roses are something else!” Marla’s voice brought me to my senses, and I followed her gaze to the forty-nine essence roses in front of me.

These essence roses are different from the regular essence roses; they did not look stable at all; it looks like they could collapse into the big boom of energy any second. 

It is not the case; these roses are quite stable, though not as stable as regular essence roses, and that is a good thing. I wanted these essence roses from mutated Grimm Monsters; they will help me a lot with my research.

“Don’t touch them; their mutation might affect you,” I warned Marla, who was walking toward them. Even though these roses are not as unstable as they looked, they are dangerous, and touching them or even coming into contact with their aura could have severe consequences.

I quickly collected the mutated essence roses and storage them in crystal boxes with the stability formations. It is a good thing I have prepared them beforehand to handle something like these; otherwise, I would have had to spend some time to carve the formation on them.

These mutated essence roses should be handled with care; storing them in normal boxes would increase their instability, and their structure would collapse.

I stored the essence roses and the stuff of Grimm Monsters, including the key they have before I turned to my teammates who are observing the steles, are rectangular sheet. Thirty-three and Marla attacked them, but there was no scratch even after using the powerful attacks.

“These ritual conductors are too powerful; we have to destroy them lest Grimm Monsters try again,” The women said, and all of us couldn’t help but nod.

This time we were lucky in solving the ritual but next time, we won’t be, and if Grimm Monsters come to find out powerful these ritual conductors are, they will fight to the death for this ruin, and that time, we might not be even able to enter this ruin, much less disrupt another ritual.

“These steles are too strong; I don’t think even Grandmasters would be able to break them with the raw power,” Marla said, and she took back her weapon and looked at me.

“I’ll see what I could do,” I said and began to walk around the steles. The mission is not over till we have dealt with the steles in whatever way possible.

Unlike the doors and passages of this section, these scarlet steles did not have any formation visible on them, which makes things quite difficult. Bringing out the runes would be quite difficult, seeing how big this space is.


I walked around, and each minute my expressions would become worse and worse, and I had decided to create a superwide formation to bring out the runes, no matter the cost when suddenly I noticed something.

It is on the wall directly in front of my eyes, but there is deep obscurity around it that even when one passed by it, people would not notice, even Grandmaster would not notice; that’s how obscure it is. Only the people who know about it would find it; thankfully, I had kept my abilities active and even used rule-bending power, and it looks like my using a rule-bending had paid off.

I took out the key which I had taken from the storage of the Black Teeth Hyenaman and placed it on the obscured part.


As I did, I felt a key vibrate, and the next second, a control panel appeared in front of me; seeing that smile couldn’t help but appear on my face.

“So, the control panel was here; I had looked at this place several times but had not notice it,” Marla said as she appeared beside me with my other teammates.

The first thing I did was read the information about the steles, there is quite detailed information about them. As I had read it, I couldn’t help but get shocked seeing their grade and the material they are made of; these things are an absolute treasure, even when they have lost most of their power.

From the info here, these collections of ritual conductors are at their last stages. It did not matter because the ritual they were for was above Grand Lord level. So, even if we use these things for hundreds of years, we will not be able to expand all their powers. 

“Fuck, it requires a signature!” I cursed out loud a few moments later. It requires an aura signature of the palace head to remove the steles or their key.

I would have been able to copy it with some effort if I had the example, but I did not. The key I have belonged to the section head who does not have enough access to take these steles.

Seeing that, I began to explore other options, and soon I found it. A couple of seconds later, a vast formation appeared in the huge hall, I immediately flew up and saw the formation, and my mind couldn’t help but blow away by it.

It is the biggest and one of the most complex formations I have ever seen in my life. It stretched for over a mile and is extremely complex, filled with layers upon layers which one will have to solve to break this formation.

I hope the formation would be divided into a different section, not layers upon each other, which are interconnected. If that had been, I would have solved at least one section of it and taken out the steles it contained; that way, it would have lessened the power of the whole ritual conductor considerably.

This complicated things as I could not solve this formation in a day or even a week, even I don’t know how long it would take me to solve the formation.

After collecting all the facts, I stated them to my teammates, whose expressions became quite somber and marla cursed hearing them. This is not an ideal condition, but there is nothing I or anyone here could do anything about.

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