Monster Integration

Chapter 2118: Plan

Chapter 2118: Plan

As we readied ourselves, the women began to open the door ever so slowly while hiding behind it. Even if the Grimm Monsters attacked, they would have to attack the door, and these doors are strong enough to bear the attacks of Grandmaster, so bearing the attacks of the Masters would not be any problem for it.

The door began to open slowly, and soon, it had opened enough that one person could walk through it, but the Grimm attack we had been expecting from it had not come.

Instead, we saw a red halo, and when we had craned our neck inside, we saw the glow is coming from the huge steles. There are tens of them in a huge hall that stretches about a mile.

All these steles are letting out a deep crimson light which seemed to create a suppression that I could not move my soul sense in it, and this scarlet glow has covered the whole hall in light, I could not any other color than the scarlet.

We have also stopped a Grimm Monster; finally, it is Bullman. I could not see from which tribe it was due to dense crimson light, but it is clear that it is a sentry which is not doing a very great job, as it is looking toward the center, completely transfixed by whatever it is looking.


The woman seemed to have activated a strange method as the mist covering her transformed into the light, and that light took a shade of dense crimson color and also copied its aura perfectly, seeing that I couldn’t help but become surprised.

She slowly went inside before calling us inside a couple of seconds later. She had brightened the crimson shine, and we moved through it.


As we had just walked inside when Bullman craned his neck toward us. We all stopped at once, readied our weapons to attack at any moment when Bullman moved its neck back, and looked at the direction it was looking with the same transfixed equation.

I couldn’t help but take a sigh of relief but also couldn’t but marvel at the women’s ability which had hidden us from its direct line of sight.

We moved behind the stele, obstructing from the view of any Grimm Monster before we sneakily looked inside the hall.

What I saw next would at least be shocking or even above it; no wonder the Grimm Monster is transfixed by seeing it, even I got a little hypnotized by it.

What I saw after a minute of my observation was that in this hall, there are seventy-two steles forming a three concentric circle. In the center of the concentric circle is a huge rectangular crystal sheet made of the same material as these steles and giving off a dense crimson glow.

On that huge rectangular sheet, forty-seven Grimm Monsters are sitting; all of them are Black Teeth Hyenamen, and from the women had said, they have a level of an unranked tyrant to Master class Tyrant who is a step away from becoming a Grandmaster.

Other than their tribe, the only thing that these Grimm Monsters have in common is that all of them have a bloodline which they are now burning.

They are surrounded by the huge formation of the Grimm runes, which is made of red crystalline material, and if I am not wrong. The formation is drawn using the concentrated life essence of thousands of clansmen they have killed.

In the center of the formation is over a hundred-meter long phantom of the regal looking Black Teeth Hyenamen, which is performing one hand seal after another. It is a magnificent, enthralling sight that one just wants to keep looking at reverently.

I was looking at it, observing the seals the phantom is performing, when I felt a light tap of me. I looked back and saw all three of my teammates looking at me.

The hands of the woman became visible, and she signed off a few gestures. She asked about the plan of dealing with Grimm Monsters while suggesting her own, which is sneakily destroying the formation before running like hell as there is no way we could be able to fight against Grimm Monsters here.

The Black Teeth Hyenaman are easy to deal with if the information provided by the women is reliable, but they are not the real challenge here.

The real challenge is twelve Grimm Monsters sent by the coven to protect these bastards. Most of them are around the rectangular sheet, while some are around the hall.

Dealing with them is a real challenge, and we might be the match of them; from the information the women have provided, these people are no weaklings; they are an equal match of us. Some might even give us a run for our money.

Before I could say anything, thirty-three rapidly signed the gestures. Completely rejecting the women’s plan while presenting his own, which is sneakily attacking the guards first before dealing with Black Teeth Hyenamen.

He even said he had the confidence to kill five of them, which is taken me by quite a surprise as the women did not hold back in describing their strength, and even I would not have confidence in killing five, even I would not be confident in killing five, even at my full strength.

Marla also signed off gesture saying she is fine with both of the plans, and now all three of them are looking at me for my input.

I thought for a second before quickly signing, ‘I have a plan,’ before explaining the plan with them; by the time I finished explaining, Marla was looking at me as if I were some kind of monster. I don’t know what others are thinking but seeing how they are frozen on their spot, they seemed to be quite shocked by it.

For a few seconds, everyone remained quiet before Marla signed the gesture saying she agreed with my plan.

A second after that, the women also agreed; it took more than ten seconds before thirteen nodded his head gently, giving his support for my plan.

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