Monster Integration

Chapter 2094: Metal Essence Tree II

Chapter 2094: Metal Essence Tree II

The tree is standing on the mine or iron ore; its runes are sucking off its essence and transforming it into the essence fruits.

The description seemed nothing special; many alchemists could refine the essence, but one could not eat that essence. Their essence does not help give you a constitution of that element or advance it if you have it or help in advancing the bloodline of that element.

As I had said, these fruits could give one a constitution of the iron element if they ate it. If one already has a metallic constitution or the iron constitution, then they will strengthen it; it is the same with having a metallic bloodline or iron bloodline.

The tree is not special to an iron metal; it could take the essence of any fruit and convert it into the essence fruit in enough time.

“Fine, but you can only take one,” I said to Ashlyn, who is continuously nagging me about the fruit, and if I did not give in to her wishes, she would nag me till I give in, so it better I give it to her, there are six iron fruits, even if I give one to her, I will have five for myself.

Chirp Chirp!

Ashlyn chirped happily and flew toward the metal essence tree; she landed on the tree gently before plucking the iron essence fruit with her little beak before flying toward me with the fruit of her size in her beak.

She had entered inside me to eat the fruit at leisure which is a good thing; I need some quiet to think about the essence tree.

“Father, I also want the iron fruit that you have just given to Ashlyn,” Said a ball of fluffs with horns as he came out of me.

‘I am such an idiot!’ I cursed to myself. Why I had let Ashlyn take the fruit inside? If she has something, then Nero is also going to want it. He may be fawning at her, calling her big sister, but all of it is an act of this little demon; he working hard to gain the strength, so he can beat her one day.

“Fine, but take only one,” I said with a tired sigh. Nero’s eyes lit up hearing that, and he hopped toward the tree before jumping on its branch. He smoothly plucked the fruit off it before coming back to me and entering inside.

“Only four remained,” I said; these fruits are extremely precious and expensive than any Grandmaster with metal constitution or bloodline will fight to the death for it. Hell, it had uses beyond that, and for it, people would be willing to pay any price.

Now the important question is what to do with the tree after plucking the fruits. Keep it here and let it produce more fruits, or take it and enjoys its fruits forever in my core.

If I kept it here, then I would not be the only one enjoying its fruits, the Grimm Monster, probably a grandmaster who had sent those werewolves would also enjoy its fruits, might even place a trap for me next time when I come here.

As for taking it, doing that is quite hard, near impossible even.

As I had said before, these essence trees are children of a plane, capable of doing no regular tree would do, but they are also extremely fragile and could only grow in a place they are born.

From books I had read in the broken tower about it, it is near impossible to change the position of the tree without destroying it.

This is why, when people find the essence trees. The knowledgeable ones did not take them; instead, they dumped various things around the essence trees to produce the essence fruits from the essence tree.

The thing is, I am going a very idiotic thing; despite there being a 99% chance that I might destroy the tree, I will try to take it. If I did not have the core of rule-bending power with spatial dimension, I would not dare to do something like it, but I have it, and I will try to take this tree.

It is better that let Grimm Monsters enjoy its fruits or get them destroyed in the conflict of two races; that is what happened to the first essence tree, which was discovered in our world.

Before I even begin thinking of taking the essence tree, I should first pluck those fruits. If I end up destroying the tree, I did not want to destroy the fruits, too; these iron essence fruits are quite precious.

The tree is harmless, and once upon a time, there might be some monster protector here protecting the tree and eating its fruits, but its not here any longer. A monster is no match for a powerhouse, even if it same level as the powerhouse.

I plucked the fruits and placed them in special containers before storing them into my core. I warned those two of not touching these fruits, and they better not, or they will regret it.

Now that I am done with plucking the fruits, it is time to pluck the tree. I could not directly pluck it and throw it into my core; it would destroy the tree immediately. I will have to use the more delicate and sophisticated way for it.

I thought for a minute, and formation appeared in my mind; this formation is especially for plucking the special trees.

It is not for the essence trees, which is why I am tweaking it, so it could become suitable for plucking out this essence tree.

It took me a few minutes to tweak the formation to the needs of the essence tree. I think it will work, but there is more than 95% that it will turn into a failure, but I have to take the risk. It is better for the tree to get destroyed by me rather than let my enemies benefit from it.

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