Monster Integration

Chapter 2085 - Assessing I

Chapter 2085 – Assessing I

"Dexter, Marth, you take a rest; we will meet in the command center in the morning," General said, giving other Master and me.

Unlike my previous assignments, I would not have as much as free time I used to have. I am a Master class powerhouse here, one of the four here and most powerful after the General. More than half of my time would be spent in the command center or doing the assignment that the General would hand me down.

"Let me show you your quarters Dexter," Martha said, "Thank You," I said and followed her out of the command center.

"Our quarters are right below the command center and direct connection to its feed and Pyramid, so we could see the information that our access could provide us," Martha informed. My access would be similar to the general, might be even slightly higher since I had got the title of Grandmaster of Healing, and it is not the simple title.

"Thank you, Martha," I said as we reached my quarters; I could tell she wanted to come inside, but I am in no mood, not to mention, I have many important things to do tonight, and sleeping would be the last thing I would do.

"Take a good rest Dexter, we might have to fight soon," She said and walked toward the opposite door. "You too, Martha," I said and opened the door and entered inside my quarters.

My quarters are big but not that big, there are three bedrooms, one living room and a couple of bathrooms including the kitchen. There is also a teleportation room which is much secure than the ones in the other Master's rooms.

I looked at my quarters before I went to the bathroom to shower, and a few seconds later, a relaxing icy cold water began to cascade around my body.

Many people go for days without a shower; at my current level, no germs could touch me, and I could easily vaporize any grime or blood that appeared on my body, but still, I like to take the showers. It is not only relaxing but also made me feel clean, despite there being no change in my cleanliness even after taking a shower.

I remained in the shower for ten minutes before I walked out and looked at myself in a mirror. Currently, I am wearing the face of a man who is twice my age, with light brown skin and dark green hair with piercing blue eyes.

The face that is looking from the mirror is very handsome, the most handsome face I had ever created. I took the inspiration from Rai creating the appearance of this persona I am wearing; I wanted to create a persona that is equal to him in handsomeness but still paled slightly in comparison.

After a few seconds of looking, I wore new clothes and took out a badge that Grand Commander of given me before leaving. Its gold and the blue color round thing with a symbol of the Pyramid; through it, I could appear as a projection in the Pyramid.

It could only be provided to the Grandmaster, and I got it since I am a Grandmaster.

I activated the badge, and for the next forty minutes, I was back in the Pyramid. Most of my time was spent with my family, with my sister thinking I had come back. I had also spent a few minutes talking to Grandmaster Charline of hall of sleep; I had asked her to do some tests on some of the patients.

Grandmasters are important, and there are huge forces sleeping in that hall. I want to wake them up as soon as possible, so they can join the war; every single of them is a huge asset of war that should be utilized to its fullest extent.

After I finished with my call, I turned off the badge and put it in my core before walking out of the bedroom.

When I went to the living room, I found there were two people sitting there silently. I was not surprised seeing them since I had been the one who called them before going to the shower, "Have you guys had the dinner?" I asked.

"No," They said in unison. "Have it with me," I said and walked into the kitchen. The two people are Danielle and Leonard, my mentees, Neela, would have also been present, but she is busy in the hospital; I don't think she is going to have any time tonight.

I removed the ingredients and began cooking with the practiced ease of a Master chef; I do not believe in the world, anyone of my age has as much cooking experience as I have, the sheer amount of time I had spent it the tome practicing the amazing recipes are immense.

It is due to that, I am still being able to cook the dishes perfectly despite being there is looseness in my physical control. The energy control, though, remained affected by my increase in strength.

"Lord Dexter, the battle you had fought is amazing; everybody is talking about it, especially to taking down of that Snakeman," Danielle said.

"It is not amazing as you are thinking; I have fought with a huge weakness; if the enemies I had fought had the skills or power to take advantage of that weakness, you would have been talking to my dead body," I replied, and that seemed to genuinely shocked both of them and could tell they are extremely curious about it.

They are dying to know about it, but of course, they would not ask; it is the last thing anyone could ask to any powerhouse. Their weakness is a question of their life and death; they could be killed easily if the enemy had knowledge of it.

"Control is one of the most important things for a powerhouse; with enough control over their abilities, one could easily defeat an enemy who is more powerful than them," I said while gently stirring the soul with faint strings of energies.

"Soon, I will be testing your powers and assessing your strength and weaknesses; the mentoring that you will receive will depend on that," I said gently while focusing on the five dishes cooking in front of me.

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