Monster Integration

Chapter 2060 - Forge Mountain Art

Chapter 2060 – Forge Mountain Art

One by one, I checked the body and soul arts, and each of them is extremely mind-blowing, with very hard requirements.

The first two arts I have checked could be said to have barely any requirements; the arts later have many of them. From the requiring specific types of constitutions to only be practiced by a specific race, thankfully, other than one, all of the arts I have come across could be practiced by the humans.

I have checked twelve arts till now and shelved three in my mind, two soul arts, and one body arts. I could practice them with some rule-bending.

Now, only three arts have remained, I am quite excited about them. Each of the art I had read was quite interesting, filled me with inspiration, and gave me new ideas; even if I was not able to practice them, I am sure I will be able to get something out of them.

I took the thirteenth tome in my hand and flipped the cover; the art is called Duel Rings of Amon. It is different from the other arts I have read in this hall; it is a hybrid one; it is both soul art and body art.

It is an art that could be practiced by the Grandmasters and is powerful as other arts. It requires one to have a dual elemental constitution, and it would become especially powerful if the two elements were of opposite nature.

Through it, it would create two rings that could be able to refine the body and soul that is strong as strongest metal but also give them huge defensive power. Not to mention, their soul and body would be further elementalised, and it would not advance their constitution but will employ their energy attacks if they are of two elements they are using in the arts.

I read its requirements further and was sure that I could practice it, there would be some difficulty, but I will be able to do it.

I shelved the art in my mind and picked up the fourteenth art, which is also a hybrid art called Cycle of Gensor. This art not only strengthens soul and body to an immense degree but also creates a cycle of hybrid force that could be used in myriad ways, from offense to defense to entrapment of enemies.

A truly fantastic art that I could not practice with the limited strength I have; it needs one to be a Grand Lord, even them a normal Grand Lord would not be able to practice, it had the potential to destabilize the cells and particles of soul and body and make it collapse.

I need to have the power of Grandmaster at the least before I could dare to attempt it, and even then, I would think about it ten times before doing it.

I placed the tome down with great regret and picked up the last one, the last art called the Forge Mountain Art.

I want to say it is a hybrid art, but I find struggling to say it because as it is not completely fallen into the design of hybrid but compared to individual body and soul art, it is definitely a hybrid art, and strangely, the art does not have any requirements.

There is no mention of the requirements; it does not have a requirement of level, constitution, or race. It is like anyone could practice it.

Feeling strange, I started to read it into further details, and soon my eyes couldn't help but widen, and the more I read, the more shocked I became. This art really could be practiced by anyone, and the resources it requires are not specific compared to other arts, though like them, it will require a huge amount of resources.

I read it for a few more minutes before I closed the tome and put it back on the tile stool with a content smile on my face.

"Now that your curiosity had been satiated; let's go," Lady May said, and she turned toward the door. "Lady May, wait," I said, and she stopped.

"Do you want to choose art? You are aware that only Grandmasters can choose the art, and all the arts here could be practiced by Grandmaster and above, so there is no need for choosing the art this early," She said, guessing my intentions.

"Forge Mountain does not have any restrictions," I said, and to that, a smile appeared on her face, which was completely different from the reaction I had expected she would have.

"Do you know that Forge Mountain Art had been selected by over a thousand people since we got these arts, and not a single person was able to practice, even people above the level of Grand Art was not able to practice this art," Said Lady May, shocking me greatly.

"The Forge Force this art call got repelled as soon as it touched our bodies, even her excellency Catherine is not able to identify the reason behind it, though she had made several conjectures, you can read them from secret records," she replied, and about to turn when she stopped again when she saw, I hadn't followed behind her.

"I still want to try it; I have some confidence that I will be able to practice it," I said with the confidence that I do not have inside, but I have hope in the form of the rule-bending power.

"You should know, this place is an artifact found by the two excellencies, and tomes are part of it. It only lets you choose a single every decade, so if you choose this art and are not able to practice it, you will not be able to select it for a whole decade," she said slowly.

"I understand, but I still want to choose it," The reason I am so adamant is that Forge Mountain Art is too suitable for me. Reading it, I know its applications are not be limited to forging body and soul to an extreme but will also help me immensely in other aspects.

Getting it would increase my strength tremendously; as for whether I will be able to practice it or not, I will know in a few days.

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