Monster Integration

Chapter 2008 - Alarmed

Chapter 2008 – Alarmed

In a very secret place.

"What happened? Did humans launch an attack?" Asked the Lionman who's projection appeared beside the old Werewolf.

Others who appeared also looked at the old Werewolf; while most of the time, they are aggressive, but humans have also been the first aggressors many times. It all depends on whether the humans think they will get an advantage in doing that.

"It is good they attacked; I could finally unleash the curses I had prepared for centuries," Said the Snakeman laughing weirdly that few people sitting around the table shuddered hearing it, despite the fact they are present in with their real bodies.

The snakeman is one of the dangerous people in the coven; its power could be counted in the top 3, but it is not what made them shudder but the methods he employed to kill his enemies. They hope that even humans have the sense to commit suicide when they see it than fight against it fruitlessly.

The old Werewolf remained silent to their questions before everyone noticed something different with the old Werewolf and quieted down, waiting for him to speak.

"About four minutes ago, TRIONA sensed this from the world's core," He said gravely, and projection of fluctuation appeared in front of them; it is very different from the fluctuation that world core releases now and them.

The TRIONA always keeps an eye on world core; it is important. The world core is conscious, and its will is made of all living things of the world, and it hates them fiercely.


A second later, a Snakeman sucked the sharp breath, and understanding flashed in the eyes of several other people, and their expressions have also turned grave.

"Yes, this fluctuation belongs to 'Blessing of World,' the same one that appeared three thousand and four hundred years ago," Said the old Werewolf gravely, and another graph had appeared which is nearly identical as other.

Hearing the Werewolf, the expressions of everyone sitting turned grade. They know the meaning of blessing and know what happened three thousand and four hundred years ago. They have nearly wiped out; if not for TRIONA, those two devils would have wiped them out from the face of the world.

"Do we have intelligence on who had received the blessing?" Ask a Crockman. To that, the old Werewolf shook his head.

"Humans have become very secretive about their members with great potential, but I am very sure it is one of these nine," Said old Werewolf, and a projection of seven people appeared.

If Micheal had been here, he would have been surprised to see an image in the projection along with many of his friends.

"These two have the highest of a chance of receiving the blessing," Old Werewolf added, singling out the projection Micheal and Jill.

"These two are successors of those two devils, and there is a 60% chance that one of them has received the blessing," Said Apeman at the end, and everyone nodded, including the old Werewolf. "We could not wait anymore; we have to act now without giving these vermins any chance to grow," Added Apeman and again received affirmation for its word from the whole council.

"We will begin the first phase of our central plan immediately; the first order of the business would be crushing the legacies of those two devils."

"This symbolic step, if successful, will crush the morals of humans forces, and we will get to weed out the future trouble," Said old Werewolf, and multiple projections appeared in front of them; in the projection, there are images of riverfield academy, wisdom tower and hawthorn sea in them.

The only difference between them is that Riverfield Academy is coated in green halo while the two supremes are in a red halo.

Thump Thump Thump

"It's time we finally show the humans their place, that they only belong to our dinner plates," Said the Tigerman, and everyone thumped their fist on the table in the affirmation.

In Pyramid!

"This!" Everyone got stumped by seeing the graph, which is a little fuzzier than what Grimm Monsters have, but it could still be seen clearly. It is not just members of the Pyramid Council present here but also the most important and powerful old monsters who are present physically and through the projection.

"Grand Commander, is what we are seeing the truth?" Lenora asked; her voice was shaking, which is very unlike for the leader of one of the Supreme, but the news is too shocking and important for her emotions not to be affected like it.

"The Pyramid had sensed it nine minutes ago, and I summoned you all immediately," She said and looked at everyone.

"I want the list of everyone who had leveled up from your organization and all the other organization, and this time, I will not tolerate any secrete; I want a complete and truthful list of all people who had leveled up in the past hour," She ordered.

The title of Grand Commander is not for the show; even if she is weaker than some old monsters, they will have to follow her order.

"Lord Chalise, dispatch the Sentinals to Riverfield Academy to check on Micheal Zaar; I want a complete report on him within an hour," She added. "It will be done, grand commander," He affirmed.

"Ready our forces; the Grimm Monsters would launch the attack on the central continent as soon as a day," She ordered. It is clear that since they have sensed it, the Grimm Monsters would have sensed it too, and they would waste no time in attacking, seeing the price they had paid three thousand years ago.

Now the question is, who had received the blessing. Not only Grimm Monsters but humans also did not know who had received the blessing last time. They only know it is either Ramona Hawthorn or Catherin Roosevelt but don't know exactly who.

Both of them had never answered this question in their life, and thus it had remained a mystery. Hera wished it hadn't been. If she had the information, she would have made a better decision.

"Lord Chalice, order the sentinels to bring the Micheal Zaar to Pyramid, it did not matter whether he had made the breakthrough or not, I want him in the Pyramid," Hera said.

Micheal is too precious to leave him behind the academy; he would be one of the people who would be targeted by the Grimm Monsters first.

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