Monster Integration

Chapter 1998 - Unstable

Chapter 1998 – Unstable


A loud buzz rang out as all the runes on my body lit up; there was not a single ruin had had not had been lighted up.

As they did, hundreds of runes began to come inside me; these runes are golden-silver in color, and all of them are moving toward the tiny gaseous sphere, and as they do, the dust of runes got attached to them.

I have destroyed my runes earlier; it is necessary. Not only because I needed no interference when I was creating a core but also because of the immense energy my runes needed for the formation of the core, the energy these rune dust have hundreds of times greater, not to mention the grade of rune dust.

I had harnessed hundreds of bloodlines; 90% of runes are made from the purified bloodline essence. It is the greatest resource one could hope to have; only the creation material I have is greater than it.

The golden-silver runes, sprinkled with the runic dust, moved toward a tiny sphere before they touched it and seeped inside despite being twenty times greater in size. After the first ruin, the second ruin went inside it, then third, fourth, and so on.

Every second, tens of runes would go inside the tiny pink gaseous sphere; at first, there was no change, but as more and more runes merged inside it, its size began to change; it started to become bigger and bigger clearer.

It is not the only change happening; the golden-silver layer covering me started thinning out as the runes made out of it began to merge with a tiny pink sphere.

A minute had passed, and a little pink sphere had become the side of the pea, and it is much denser than before but still at a gaseous state. It is growing by the second, getting bigger and bigger without stopping as more runes merge.

Seven minutes passed, and all the golden silver that was covering me before had disappeared, and now only runes containing the true essence of nine elements have remained in my body.

Absorbing all the golden-silver runes and runic dust that was attached to it had increased the size sphere tens of times. It is now at the size of the adult thumbnail and now looks so dense that for a moment, one would think, it is in the liquid state instead of the gaseous state.

The process is half-finished; there are still nine elemental runes on my body before they merge with it fully; I could not take a sigh of relief.

As I had just thought that, all nine elemental runes seeped inside me, and soon, I found them inside me, and they are not formed of runes but in the form of gems of a different color.

The cursed gem is beautiful purple-black in color, the healing gem in vibrant green, while the killing gem is vibrant, all sorts of beautiful colors are radiating from these wonderful gems.

As the gems appeared, the runic dust inside me riled up and moved toward the gems like the tsunami. The rune dust that had attached to the golden-silver runes was barely 20% and of the lowest quality, while a tsunami of dust that is going toward the nine gems are the highest quality with great synchronization towards these nine elements.


As the tsunami of runic dust was about to reach the nine elemental gems, they hummed together. The next moment swirls appeared around them, and they began to suck the tsunami of dust at great speed.

At every second, I could feel the aura of those gems rising as they suck more and more runic dust.

It barely took three minutes for the nine elemental gems to suck away all the runic dust, and now they are shining even brighter and vibrating with such energies that could vaporize hundreds of masters in an instant without giving them the slightest chance to run away.

Their size on the hands of the other has been reduced; they have now turned into tiny gems like the ones used on the rings; it did not matter; what matters is the energy they held.

Sup Sup Sup

The gems remained on their spots only for a second before they moved toward the pink sphere; they looked like a group of meteorites that were about to crash into the world. The scene looked quite beautiful, seeing how they were leaving behind the streak of energy.

Dhub Dhub Dhub…

A few seconds later, the tiny glowing gems crashed into a pink sphere with muffled sounds; as they did, a colorful aura spread into the pink sphere.

Till now, no matter what had happened, the color of the pink sphere had not changed, but now it had a change, and it is not the only change. The sphere again began to spin, and its spin began to affect the energies around me as they started to come at me.

Thick and powerful energies like never before started to seep inside me; the energy is so thick that I begin to feel sort of breathless due to it, and that is just beginning as within seconds, the energy had thickened considerably that I started to focus on breaking, which is a most unconscious function of the body.

All this thick energy coming inside me and pouring into the multicolored sphere, which is sucking it all up without any problem.

My core is forming, and it needs energy, not only to develop but also to completely synchronize with the nine powerful gems it had absorbed. My core Rule-Bending core will require an enormous amount of energy if it wants to take control of nine elements and merge them into it.


A few more seconds passed by and energy thickened further, making me even more breathless when a change occurred. The sphere began to shake; first, it was minute, but soon, it had become noticeable with an unstable aura coming out from it

It is becoming unstable, which is not an entirely unexpected scenario. I had expected something like that might occur.

My level is too low to create a core; even with all preparation, everything could not go according to the plan; fortunately, I have a plan to deal with it; I just hope they are enough.

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