Monster Integration

Chapter 1977 - Dark Water Clover

Chapter 1977 - Dark Water Clover


I was wallowing in disappointment as I opened one storage compartment after another found nothing that I needed when I heard the gasp from Elina and immediately appeared beside her with my heart beating excitedly.

"What did you find?" I asked as I appeared beside her, "This," She said, pointing at the clover-leaf, which looked to be made of black water with stars twinkling on it.

"Dark Water Clover," I said slowly with wonder in my eyes.

The Dark water clover is an extremly rare resource that even old monsters will fight for; it is a resource at the same grade as the divine crystals and the resin I am searching for, but it is not the resource that I could use for my core formation.

"You don't have to feel sad, Micheal; while the dark water clover is not what you need, but it is the same level as the divine crystal, and we could exchange it for the resource we need, and we already have the person who had asked for the resource of this element and grade," Elina said consolingly.

Her words did lift my mood, especially the requirement of that old monsters.

It is not just the younger people who had posted out the requirements for the resources they need; the old monsters have done the same, though their list is available to the people like the teacher and councilmembers, we are able to get to look at the list, and dark water clover fits the criteria of the resources that old monsters were asking.

"We might not even have to exchange it; we might the divine crystals or resin in this lab or the other labs we will scour; we are not down on our luck yet," Elina said.

"Thanks," I said and went back to my side and again started checking the compartments with the greater hope, but all I got the disappointment, nor I or elina had found the divine crystal or resin I needed; we had not even found a second resource as the same quality as the black water clover.

With all the compartments searched, we moved to the artifacts and equipment. We started with the compartments themselves; they are the valuable storing artifacts that preserve the resources for thousands of years without any loss.

They are also not without drawbacks; operating them requires a huge amount of energy. Currently, they are connected to the power formation of this place; once taken, we will have to place them into different power formations.

It is quite an expense, but I am academy will bear it without any problem; seeing its power requirements, it will be easily able to connect to the power system of the academy.

After the compartments, I started on the other artifacts; some of them were easy; I just had to touch them, and they will be transported to my storage, but some others were a little complicated, there were some formations I had to break and pipes I had to destroy before I was able to move the machine.

While I am wasting time and effort on these artifacts and machines, they will be useful for the academy, and for it, I could afford to spend some time.

"Old man Harrison would be hopping excited to get these new toys," Elina said after we picked clean the whole lab, leaving nothing behind. If we could, we would take the tiles and the doors, but it would waste too much of my time; I do not want to do that.

"Legs go to the next lab," Elina said, and I nodded as we walked out of the lab.

There are a total of eleven labs in Lab 16; seven of them had already been picked clean by the others, while we will clean up the other four. We have already cleaned the first lab, and three more remained and, I hope I will find what I need in them.

Fifteen more hours passed by as we cleaned up the other three labs, and currently, I sitting on the floor of the eleventh lab with my back against the wall.

In the three labs we had just scourged, I had not found the resource I needed. Though, I had found the resource of the same quality, it is not something I need, nor it was requested by any old monsters.

Still, we could put it on the platform and demand divine crystal or similar type but resource, but there is a slim chance that I will get it.

"If we did not consider the thing you need, we have found a vast fortune before; even Master class Tyrant would kill for such fortune we have got," Elina said as she sat beside me.

"Yes, it is an enviable fortune we have got," I said.

Each resource we have found in the compartments was only a level lower than the resource like divine crystals. To be honest, this place is above our grade; even a leader could not come here with more than 80% chance of losing their life.

It is due to my unique talents and the help of Ashlyn we were able to scour the labs so thoroughly without losing our lives.

"This fortune would help me a lot if we were able to find the guzzler," Elina said, and I nodded. That artifact is very important to her, and I will try my all to obtain it for my friend.

We sat there for few minutes before we summoned an abode, where we freshened up quickly and ate a precooked food that I heated before going to the respective rooms to sleep. We have been awake for three days, and we need our sleep if we want to scour the ruin effectively and not step into any trap due to fatigue.


We slept for four hours before we woke up; we freshened up, ate again before opening the door of the lab.. We had finished with Lab sixteen, but there are many other places we have to scour in the Edna Charm laboratory and Myles Campus.

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