Monster Integration

Chapter 1962 - Conclave

Chapter 1962 - Conclave

"Grand tower mistress, are we really offering these terms to him? It is like throwing doors of our vast library without asking anything in return?" Ask women who looked to be in the early fifties nervously to the frail-looking woman sitting at a head table.

"It is exactly like throwing the doors of our library for him without asking anything in return." Said the middle-aged man sitting beside the old woman.

The square conference table had twelve people, some sitting in their real bodies while others were just a projection.

If Micheal had been here, he would be shocked to see these people; it was a conclave, the highest governing body of the wisdom tower.

Sitting on the head chair is a frail-looking woman who looked to be in her eighties; looking at this old woman, one would think even a ten-year-old child could beat this woman; these thoughts will vaporize the moment they see the old woman's grey eyes, and they would shudder incomparably.

The frail-looking old woman is no other than the Grand Tower Mistress of Wizdom Tower Angela Leon, equal in power to prestige to Matron Mavis of Hawthorns Sea and Patriarch Bradford of Bloodsun.

"Grandmother, think about it again, the contract the conclave have prepared is very good, much better than what any supreme had offered him and ten-time relaxed than what we had offered to the Catherine Roosevelt three and half thousand years ago," Said the middle-aged who is present in projection.


The middle-aged man is none other than Raymond Leon, the current Tower Master of the Wisdom Tower.

For a few seconds, the grand tower mistress did not say anything before she craned her at Raymond, who visibly shuddered, feeling her gaze.

"Tell me, what we had gained binding the Catherine Roosevelt in such strick contract?" She asked while putting on a sugary smile that a regular grandma will have when asking a sweet question, but this is no sweet question, and despite being thousands of kilometers away, Raymond couldn't sweat from his whole body.

It took a few seconds for Raymond to control his emotions and gather enough courage to speak to his ancestor.

"We have got the glory of having a powerhouse equal to the Ramona Hawthorn; if not for her, we would not have been able to win the last epoch war," He replied as he gulped down the mouthful of saliva.

"Glory, you say?" Angela asked sarcastically.

"Catherine Roosevelt had nothing but contempt for Wisdom Tower and Leonard Jameson who made her sign such strict contract, made use of her unfortunate circumstances," she spat and looked at each of the people that are sitting on the table, and nobody dared to say anything.

"Catherine Roosevelt only did what the contract asked her to do, nothing more and nothing less," she said, "She had deep contempt; it is the reason why she had only acted shadows during the epoch war.

"If not for necessity, she would not have shown her real power in that incident and let the world understand that she was no weaker than her lover, even more, harder to kill than hawthorn herself," she added, and again nobody refuted her words.

"It is due to the contempt she held; she had helped Hawthorn destroy the Star Palace and did not too even a single crystal from their treasury, it is due to it she never had taught and nor she took any student,"

"While she led the Wisdom Tower in war and left her Inheritance, she did that due to that contract which she hated but still followed, despite not needing to with her power," She said; the last sentence was softer than clear words of before.

Nobody spoke for a whole minute; they understood why she was doing that, but they still thought that the terms they were going to offer were too free, with them barely getting anything in return.

"Still, we got huge benefits; we received glory, and our organization had thrived for thousand years, and we are still getting benefits of that glory," Raymond countered, and to his great surprise, the tower mistress smiled, and her laugh was genuine.

"True, and if circumstances were the same, I would have done the same what Leonard Jameson did that time, even if I hated myself doing that," she said with a smile before the genuine-looking smile disappeared from her face, and sarcastic one returned.

"My dear, do you think the circumstances are the same as that time? That Micheal Zaar now has no choice but to agree with us as only we have the knowledge he needs and not do without it? That Riverfield Academy had done nothing past three thousand years to fill the deficiency that forced their beloved gem to leave them?" old Angela asked multiple questions sarcastically.

Hearing her questions, Raymond smiled as if he had been expecting this question and already had an answer ready.

"While Academy had prepared, the knowledge required to create Tyrant upgrade is vast, and they do not have it, and according to our intelligence, he had only able to finish 40% of the upgrade and is in need of vast knowledge that supremes could provide,"

"He will have to accept our offer; it is much better than what any Supreme have offered to him," Raymond said with a smile.

He had expected Grand Tower Mistress to be surprised, even shocked, but all he saw was her smile getting widened.

"You are grossly wrong little Raymond; he had completed nearly 80% of his Inheritance and will create another 20% in coming months; not only that, but he had also collected more than half of the resources he needs." Old angela replied, shocking nearly all the people.

"No, it can't be. It is too fast. Forgive me, Grandmother, but the intelligence you have received is wrong," Raymond said.

"It is not an intelligent little Raymond but just a heads up from whom I had done few favors in the past," she said with a bright smile. Hearing that, everybody became serious.

They would never doubt grand tower mistresses words, who has been leading them for nearly four centuries.

If she dared to say it means it is true, Raymond wanted to refute these words, but he did not dare to; he had already crossed the line, and if he crossed it again, then not he will lose his respect but also his position as Tower Master, he had earned after putting so much hard work.

While he may be tower master but the real decision-maker is Angela Leon. If she wants, she could change him within seconds.

"Don't be glum you all, how about it. We will offer him two choices, one that I had just said and the other what you guys have proposed; there is some chance he might accept the second offer," Old angel said, which immediately perked up Raymond and other conclave members mood.

"Really?" Raymond asked back excitedly.

"While he may have gone far in his Inheritance, there are still quite a few things we can provide, and if he did not find them anywhere, he would have to choose us, as little Raymond said, our terms are much better than other supremes, he will no choice but to accept us," old women said bringing smile and hope on conclave members faces with her words.

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