Monster Integration

Chapter 1928 - Her Excellency

Chapter 1928 - Her Excellency

"I had expected the challenges I had placed would make any Emperor of our world crack their brains and break their muscle, but you have breezed through them like they are nothing," Said a bell-like feminine voice as I entered a room through the teleportation gate.

When I looked, I was shocked to see an extremely beautiful woman standing in the center of the room. She is not a piece of soul or golem but a real woman, and she is not anyone else but Her Excellency Catherin Roosevelt.

There is no aura coming from her body, but she became a center; she seemed to contain some invisible, mysterious charm that made one she is otherworldly despite her standing like a normal person.

"I shouldn't have listened to that dead brain and made the challenge harder, especially that puzzle; it took you just over nine hours to solve it, and I had made it such a way that it would stump people for days," Her Excellency said to herself while I remained stumped with thousands of thoughts running through my mind.

"Your Excellency, are you for real?" I asked before I could stop myself, and the woman finally stopped muttering to herself and looked at me with a smile that made me feel as if thousands of suns lighted up around me.

"Of course I am real, just not in the same way as you might think," She replied with a smile, clearly confusing the hell out of me. I wanted to ask her about it further but seeing she was not explaining despite confusion on my face, I let it go.

"I had left behind two challenges for my successor's and left the rewards according to their performance; you are the first person to try the challenge, and aced it completely, which made you eligible to choose any reward you want," She said and moved her hand gently, and she did, tens of things floated out in existence..

"Remember, you could only choose one," I did not listen to her; all my eyes focused on the

There are twelve things floated out in a transparent runic bubble, and seeing them, my eyes couldn't help but pop out; just a few things I noticed had shocked the hell of me, forget the others that I've noticed yet.

The first thing in the line was a divine crystal, and it was a big chunk, so big that I had not thought anyone in our world had such a big chunk of the divine crystal.

Normally divine crystals are the size of thumbnails, but the one in front of me is the size of the fist; just a quarter of it is more than enough to fulfill my need, and I could use the other three quarters to exchange for the things I have, and I am sure, with these three-quarters of divine crystal, I will get all the resources I need, there would be no need for me to scour the ruins.

The divine crystal is too valuable, and people could sacrifice any resources for them, and I wanted to immediately get it, but I had controlled myself seeing the other resources.

The next resource is a palm-size piece of wood that looked likely wet; it did not look special at first glance, and normal people considered it a withered piece of wood that had been water for too long and could not be used in anything other than burning when dried.

I did not believe it was a normal piece of wood and started to look at it very carefully and soon noticed abnormalities. I saw faint brown and blue marks on it, and seeing them, my eyes couldn't help but widen up.

"Are they law imprints?" I asked in a shocked voice, "Yes, they are water and wood elemental, though they are faded; they are still extremely valuable to any person of this world," she and I couldn't help nod in affirmation.

Things with law marks are extremely precious, especially those who practice those elements or possess a constitution or bloodline related to those elements. For those people, this thing is even more valuable than that chunk of the divine crystal.

The next is a small bottle that has a silver and red color solution; there is no tag on the bottle, and twin-colored solution inside it is not enough for me to identify what kind of potion it is, so I turned to her excellency.

"What are this twin-colored solution?" I asked, "This solution is called Meldon Solution; it is an alchemical solution; that will help in enhancing the body and soul during your Tyrant breakthrough," She said, and disappointed expressions couldn't help but appear on my face.

There is nothing special about it; there are many other solutions that could do such a thing; I could easily buy them, sparing some expense.

"The Madon solution is not common as you think it is; it is quite special," Her Excellency said suddenly, drawing my interest.

"If you use this solution during your breakthrough, it will take your soul and body to limit of the stage your breaking into, while the unused solution will be stored inside you."

"At every breakthrough, it will continue to take your body and soul to limit, till it completely expanded and let me tell you, even the most talented could only use 50% during Tyrant stage, means it would even be useful if you break above the Tyrant stage," She said, shocking the hell out of me.

'I want it, I want it!' My mind started to scream at me; it is a perfect resource for me; if I took this resource and kept the progress of my refinement tower uniform; then I would not have to worry about anything other than my Inheritance, as this potion would do a 70% of my work for me.

It took me a while before I moved to the other item, and this item is I know and something people like me Celestial Inheritance need it; even Her Excellency herself had used it during her breakthrough into Tyrant stage, she had stated it herself in the records she had left behind.

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