Monster Integration

Chapter 1684 - Healing I

Chapter 1684 - Healing I

The Blade of the Black Mambaman arrived back of her c.h.e.s.t as if it is teleported; it was so fast that it did not take even a fraction of a second for it to cross the meters to distance.

Seeing her end, I nearly closed my eyes, imagining the huge sword of Black Mambaman piercing through her before it pierced her.


But nothing of that sort had happened, as the sword is about to pierce through her. A bright yellow forcefield came out and repelled the sword, and Black Mambaman held it before flickering out of existence.

I opened my mouth to curse, seeing the protection talisman had lasted for less than a second when I noticed that not only the yellow forcefield had disappeared, with it the Black Moon lady had also disappeared.

Realizing that smile of relief couldn't help but appeared on my face, but that lasted only for a moment before worry appeared again.

Her condition is not good; it could be said extremely serious. If injured by the normal Grimm Monsters, I had been worried, but it is a powerful poison master that had injured her.

There are very few options that could work against the Poison of Tyrant Poisonmater as each poison master is different, and their Poison not only poisons the body but also energy and soul.

My mother herself got inflicted with the curse, and even with all the resources of Supreme Mistson, they were not able to cure her of it. Even now, she suffers from the curse, which had suppressed her strength to the pitiful Knight from the powerful Tyrant.


I was just watching the three Grimm Monsters cursing and searching for the lady madly when I heard the loud boom, which vibration felt around the ground I am standing.

My eyes flew open, and I hid further into bushes and activated a couple of formations, which help me.

The sound I heard was too loud and too close, seeing the tendency of this place which suppresses everything, including the sound which comes from within the range of a kilometer of mine.

And it is likely Tyrant is its source; emperors could not make such heavy sound no matter what they do in such powerful suppression.

I have seen the Tyrants casually kill the Emperors, and even though I have a pretty good protection talisman that might activate even under such suppression, I still did not want to take the risk.

A minute passed by, and no sound came out from that direction; seeing those different thoughts begin to rise in my mind, and one of the thoughts wanted me to go and check it.

For a few seconds, I resisted such thoughts, but when I thought of one possibility, I slowly got up from my spot and walked toward the direction of the sound.

I did not hurry up as my heart wanted me to; instead, I am extremely careful. If it is not what I think it is, then hurrying up would be extremely dangerous, so I slowly moved.


A few minutes later, I couldn't help but curse when I saw a huge crater which is about fifty meters in diameter, and at the center of it lies bloody women who had scary green mist burning around it.

Seeing the possibility of being help true, I couldn't curse in my mind. It is more than I could handle, and not to forget, the Grimm Monsters are crazily searching for her as they also know under such suppression, the talisman could not have taken her far.

"F.u.c.k f.u.c.k f.u.c.k…" I cursed loudly. If I had some sense of self-preservation, I should just run away; the Grimm Monsters will need some come, and if they find me with her, then they will waste no time in killing me.


I did not immediately went toward the lady; I still have some sense of preservation. Instead, I activated the healing more of my armor, and vibrant green runes spread around my armor.

Since I had come here, I had made many improvements in my healing arts but never got a chance to use them.

The runes that came around on my armor would protect me from the poisonous green mist that is burning around her body. I hope this protection would be enough; it should be, considering I have powerful immunity against special Grimm energies.

As my armor got ready, I took seven silver plates out of my storage; in those places, dense runic formation is carved.

It is something I had made before leaving the Academy and took me four whole months to recharge them with the Runes bending power. If my luck is good, they will be able to fool the senses of Tyrants.

The plates contain enough rule-bending power that will conceal me against the sense of normal Tyrant even if I am standing behind it. As for whether they will able to conceal me from the soul senses of Elite Tyrant, I don't know.

If I did not get caught means, they would work, and if I get caught means they will not work, and I will not have a chance to improve them as I could be dead.

Taking a deep breath, I begin to place the plates around the creator; once they activated the plates. They will meld with the area around them and hide the crater and everything inside it for nearly three hours, which I hope would be enough for me to stabilize her condition.

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