Monster Integration

Chapter 1501: Battle of Giants I

Chapter 1501: Battle of Giants I

My sword moved toward the real Sarah while my sword moved toward the seven real phantoms her method had conjured.

I am going to destroy those phantoms in a single attack, it may seem hard seeing the power they are projecting, but it is not; I have fought her for quite a while and quite confident with the battle experience I had.


My sword clashed against Sarah; her sword had the sponge she had been using against my sword for quite a while. I could tear through this energy sponge if I want to, but I will not; my targets are the seven phantoms, and I will deal with them first.


As my sword clashed against Sarah's sword, my seven vines have also reached the inch distance to Phantom's swords and clashed against them, producing seven shockwaves at the same time that rattled the whole arena but did not deal any damage.


These phantom swords also have a sponge in them, which stopped my sword, and before the sponges could launch an attack on my vines, my vines had sucked the thick energy sponges before they slid on the phantom swords toward the phantom Sarah's.

As they moved toward the phantoms, the vines' speed increased, the swords tried to catch up, but they are too slow.

The phantoms tried to activate the defensive methods, which quite surprised me since I had not expected they will be able to activate them at this stage, but it did not matter my vines are too fast and too sharp; these defensive methods to do anything.

Khutch Khutch Khutch

My sword tore through, defensive methods that hadn't fully formed before they cut through the phantoms from head to two; the phantoms produced surprising resistance, and sound similar to cutting through ice rang out as my vines divided them into two.

The seven phantoms turned into fourteen pieces before they disappeared, and when I looked t Sarah, I found her looking at me fury like never before, and this time not only her aura begin to climb rapidly, but the change also begins to appear on her form.

It became even more elaborate and beautiful, and looking at it; one would feel like one is being cut by the thousand blades; if I am not wrong, then she had advanced her form in mid-battle, getting a huge increase.


She said, and when she said 'Anger Incarnation,' her voice seemed layer and contained some otherworldly feeling. I would have liked to contemplate on the otherworldly feeling I had felt from her, but I did not have time for it

A phantom of an angel appeared behind, and this Phantom is huge, around fifty meters tall huge, making a huge arean tiny in front of it.

I had thought this move is similar to the move she had used in the previous battle, but it is not when I saw Sarah merging with the Phantom.

As she merged with it, the Phantom got real; it looked like a real angel had appeared, and the face of the Angel, which had been obscured when it was a phantom, now the face and it was of the Sarah.

"Now, Micheal, What Will You Do?" Sarah asked a loud voice which did not seem out of place with the giant Phantom.

Her voice was stilled tinged with fury, but she had enough control over it that she could think otherwise; how could she have developed the energy sponge to stop my sword.

"There are many things I could do, Sarah, but this will suffice," I said with a smile, and my seven vines wrapped around me before they exploded with growing as a cocoon formed around me.

The cocoon started to get bigger and bigger, and in just a few seconds, the cacoon reached the same height as the Angel as the wide eyes crowd watched with bated breath.

The cocoon did not react for a few seconds; it stayed the same before it began to unfurl, and soon a fifty-meter long diamond vine humanoid revealed in front of the crowd.

My humanoid looked very ugly; the only saving grace about it is being made of diamond.

I had never done anything like it in the Ruin, it teacher who told me to do this. She said I am underutilizing my vines and I should do more with my vines, and one of the examples she gives is this.

In my Inheritance Space, I had to practice about it a lot, and I made little change in the coming upgrade of my Inheritance so that I could make big humanoid changes very fast.

In this huge humanoid, I am in the middle of the humanoid's temple, completely wrapped in my vines so that I could control it better.


Seeing the huge Angel and Dimond Vine humanoid, the crowd had gone bat shit crazy and began to chant 'Fight' madly.

We looked at each other before moved toward each other at the same time, and I found the humanoid is moving with surprising grace, despite using it for the first time in a real battle.

All that practice of control is helping me right now, but this move is also taking a huge amount of my energies; I am constantly refining energies at a very fast speed, never letting my energy storage go below 70%.

I had learned a very hard lesson in the Ruin about energy, and during any battle, I did not let go down 70%, especially when it is a real battle; I can never know when I will have to use all my energies in a single attack to finish off my enemy.

It barely took a moment for us to reach next to each other; as we did, we swung our swords at each other.

Her sword is the same as her totem artifact; mine is a sword made of red and green vines; in the center of the vines sword is my real sword where I am pouring a huge amount of energies for both enchantments to activate.

While there is no enchantment to make my sword increase its size, there are huge changes that occurred in two enchantments when I reached the King Stage.

I can now spread the aura of two enchantments of my sword around it, so this Green Sword is just like my sword with the power of its two enchantments; the only difference it had with my sword is that it is made of the vines.

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