Monster Integration

Chapter 1359 - Saving

Chapter 1359 - Saving

One hour more passed, and now beacon would shine at any moment call me back to the academy.

In this past hour, I have picked multiple desolate spots and sat waiting. Whenever a Ghoul come here, I would change my place.

The Ghouls disrupt the extraction, and I don't want to be close to them when the beacon on my wrist shine.


Minutes passed by, and I was hiding under the rock when my soul sense picked up a familiar aura.

Feeling it, my expressions couldn't help but change, and I immediately moved away from my spot and flew toward the feeling. I am quite familiar with this aura and the person it is coming from.


A minute after I got out, I begin to hear the roars of Ghouls and saw them moving toward the same direction as me, and the thing is, when I flew close to them, these Ghouls did not even look at me.

I first thought there is something wrong with the first Ghoul and intentionally flew close to the second one, but to my shock, the second Ghoul also did not look at me, and the same thing had happened with another Ghoul.

These three Ghouls are seemed to be moving toward aura with a single-minded focus that when I reached five meters close to them, they did not even look at me.

It gave me a very bad and increased my speed and flew toward the source of aura at my greatest speed. On the way, I saw many ghouls that are moving toward the aura with concentrated focus.

Seeing that, the bad feeling in my heart couldn't help but increase further, and I begin to wish nothing bad had happened to her.


A few minutes later, I saw the source of the aura, and as I saw it, I couldn't help but shiver from my core and curse loudly.

There I saw Elina covered in beautiful purple fire fighting against the nearly hundred Ghouls who are throwing themselves at her crazily without caring about the purple blade that is cutting one Ghoul after another.

The current Elina is more powerful than I had imagined, but she is still not able to contend against nearly a hundred Ghouls who are crazily throwing themselves at her from every direction, including up and below.

Her whole body is bloodied; there is no single space on her body that has not been bloodied, but despite that, she is fighting, and every second, her attacks are getting more and more powerful as the purple fire covering her getting denser and denser.

Even though she somehow is getting stronger every second, she will not be able to hold out for long as more and more Ghouls are joining in, attacking her as the intensity of purple energy increases, which is attracting more and more Ghouls.

Conforming it is Elina, I did not stop to think and flew straight toward her. If it had been anyone else, I would have stopped to think about it but seeing it is Elina; there is no need to do that.

Pachac Pachac Pachac…

Second, later, I reached above her, and sixteen vines were released from my body and moved toward the Ghouls attacking her above and beginning harvesting their lives like it is cutting grass.

My vines are moving, and so is my sword; seeing my friend in danger, I did not hold back on using all my strength.

In just a second, I cleaned away all the Ghouls that are attacking her from above, and that is when I noticed a strange thing. As I killed the Ghouls, their necrotic cores melted away and flew toward Elina.

I had known she had bloodline but did not know what King of Bloodline it is. This purple fire that is covering her whole body is even more surprising as to my knowledge; she did not have a fire ability; many times I had fought her, she had never revealed this purple fire of her.


"Micheal!" Elina said in surprise as I landed beside her; her face clearly shows she does not expect anyone to come to her rescue.

"What is happening?" I asked, directly getting to the main point, "Its my bloodline; it reacted when I had killed the first Ghoul and begin to attract the Ghouls like crazy."

"I had been hiding in my space abode most of my time here, but when I got out an hour later, the bloodline had acted again and begin to attract ghouls at even crazier rate." She said with deep frustration.

One could understand what she is feeling, there are too many Ghouls to kill, and new ones are coming every second. In just a few seconds, I begin to feel the Ghouls' pressure, and one time had got nearly clawed by the Ghoul that came from the underground.

"Are you fine?" I asked her, "Totally. These scratches and bites may look gruesome, but they are not affecting me." she said, motioning toward the injuries on her body; these injuries are healing at a visible rate, but as they heal, new ones appeared on their places.

Unlike me, who had sixteen vines which I could control as my limbs, she only has two hands, which makes it quite harder for her to defend against numerous attacks that came at every second.

If not for the purple fire covering her seemed to burn brighter every second, which seemed to increase her power, she would have died a hundred times by now, but even brightening fire is her bane too as the number of Ghouls is increasing every second.

I am killing tens of Ghouls every second, but it is not enough to deal with these Ghouls. Their numbers seemed to be increasing faster rate than we can kill them.

"Can you do anything about your fire?" I asked, to which she shook my head, "It is out of my control." She replied. My mood couldn't help but worsen hearing that.

The beacon could shine at any moment, and once it did, the extraction process will start, but under the presence of such huge numbers of Ghouls, the extraction of us from this ruin will be near impossible.

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