Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Chapter 694

Bear-san, in a Discussion

We gathered at the Adventurers’ Guild to discuss the plan to get Ronne back.

“That man is not worthy of my sister. I’m going to wake her up even if I have to beat her.” (Primme)

Primme said so in a firm tone.

If Ronne were part of something heinous, she must be stopped.

“I hope you do.” (Guild Master)

“But what’s so good about a man like that?” (Primme)

“I agree. You’d like a man like me.” (Guild Master)

The Guild Master said to everyone as if asking for their agreement.

But no one said a word of agreement.

“No, it should be a man like Blitz.” (Carla)

At Carla-san’s words, everyone turned their attention to Blitz.

Blitz and the others have returned and joined in the talk about Ronne’s retrieval.

“I’m just an adventurer you can find anywhere. As a man, I’m no match for Guild Master.” (Blitz)

“I guess only Blitz knows what a good man I am.” (Guild Master)

If there were adventurers like Blitz who unknowingly hung out with women everywhere, it would cause huge problems everywhere.

Well, it wouldn’t affect me if adventurers behaved like Blitz, but many women who prefer a man like Blitz would be in a predicament.

However, if I heard news that Blitz somehow ended up being stabbed by a woman, I would think, “As expected” or “I knew such a thing would happen one day”.

There might also be some female-on-female conflict, so it would be best not to get involved with him.

“What is it, Yuna?” (Blitz)

Blitz asked when he noticed that I was glancing at him.

“Nothing, I was thinking that if Blitz ends up dying, it will not be because of monsters, but because of women.” (Yuna)

Blitz looked at me with a visible “?” look on his face, but Rosa-san and the others nodded their heads. There may have been various problems with women caused by him that I was unaware of.

“So the real question is, what are we going to do now?” (Guild Master)

“I’m going to have to convince Ronne.” (Primme)

“I don’t think it will be easy to persuade her or to meet with her.” (Guild Master)

“I’m thinking of going to that house by myself.” (Primme)

“No, you can’t. That man probably knows about Primme.” (Yuna)

I rejected Primme’s suggestion.

“Maybe it’s just my imagination at that time.” (Primme)

Primme mentioned that the man who seemed to be the Lord was acting as if he were looking for Primme when she looked around and ended up in that room with Ronne’s picture. From what we knew so far, the Lord could see Ronne. Since Primme and Ronne were sisters, there might be a possibility that Primme would also be on the same wavelength as that man. Making it dangerous if that man found her.

“So what are we going to do then?” (Guild Master)

“Hmmm… I guess we’ll just have to go into the mansion through the front door and ask something like, [Give us Ronne back!]” (Yuna)

That would be the quickest way.

Then we would just grab Ronne and run away, even if we had to force her.

But everyone looked at me with dismay at my idea.

“I’m just kidding, okay.” (Yuna)

I said to cover it up.

“Of course you are…” (Guild Master)

“Of course.” (Yuna)

“Oh, you’re kidding. I thought Yuna-san would actually do it.” (Noa)

Only Noa seemed to think differently.

In fact, I was half-serious, so there was no mistake in her words.

“After all, Yuna-san, I heard about what you did when Misa was kidnapped – You entered the nobleman’s house head-on and defeated the soldiers. In the end, you even beat up the noble involved.” (Noa)

“…” (Yuna)

“…You’re joking about beating up a noble in their house… right?” (Guild Master)

“Yeah, it’s a joke… Noa likes to joke like that. Isn’t she funny? Hahahaha.” (Yuna)

I said, looking away.

I think Noa was referring to the event during Misa’s birthday party.

Noa and Fina were attacked, and Misa was kidnapped, so I lost my temper and went on a rampage.

Normally, it would be unthinkable for someone to raid a nobleman’s mansion.

[Noa, don’t tell them anything too strange.] (Yuna)

I whispered to Noa, who was sitting next to me.

[Sorry. I was thinking that Yuna-san might do it since we are not dealing with monsters this time.] (Noa)

Did Noa think of me as someone who would just attack anyone?

I’m a pacifist. I don’t like conflict. That’s the truth.

I would never try to solve anything with violence.

I will resort to using force if I feel that is needed as a last resort

“But I think we have to go to the mansion to see Ronne, regardless of whether we enter through the front gate or not.” (Yuna)

Unless Ronne came to see us on her own accord, we could not meet her. Moreover, she disappeared after saying goodbye to us, so I doubt she’d ever come to see us.

“So, if we can’t enter directly, maybe we can sneak in?” (Yuna)

I suggested my second idea.

“Hmmm, is that the only way?” (Blitz)

“Well, I know you’re strong, missy, but I don’t think you should go in head-on because of the knights.” (Guild Master)

The Knights, huh? They didn’t look that strong, so a frontal attack should be more than possible.

But that captain was different from the other knights.

I wonder if he noticed my magic simply because he had good detection skills.

“Speaking of knights, they were angry at us, Adventurer’ Guild, because they haven’t been able to defeat any monsters thanks to Blitz and the others.” (Carla)

Carla-san laughed as she remembered.

Hearing that, Guild Master’s expression changed as if he had thought of something.

“I have an idea. How about making the knights go somewhere far away, then? So far, the knights were basically fulfilling subjugation requests in nearby places. But now, thanks to Blitz and the others, the requests from nearby places should have been cleared up. So, the only choice for them to find monsters is to go a little further away, and I don’t think they will be able to return quickly if I intentionally assign a request for them to a faraway place.” (Guild Master)

They would have to head to a distant location.

“Well, if that happens, we would have some window of time to move before they come back, right?” (Carla)

“Yeah. I think quite a few of the knights will have to leave the town, so it should be easier to break in.” (Guild Master)

“In that time, do you want us to go into the mansion to see Ronne-san?” (Noa)

Noa confirmed Carla-san and the Guild Master’s intention.

“You wanted to meet Ronne-chan, right?” (Guild Master)

Instead of looking at Noa, they looked at me. I was planning to go, even if everyone stopped me.

Whether it was through the front door or by sneaking in.

“Then it would be better if the knights were not there for a bit.” (Carla)

Fifty people rather than a hundred, ten people rather than fifty. The fewer people remained, the less likely it was for them to find me.

“Well then, Carla-san, can you help us? Primme and I will go there to meet Ronne.” (Yuna)

“Wait a minute. Wait, I’ll go with you.” (Noa)

Noa shouted.

“No, Noa, you can’t.” (Yuna)

I wouldn’t expect a knight to hurt a child like Noa, but some adults in this world would mess with children without any remorse.

But Noa did not back down.

“What if Ronne-san is hiding and won’t come out? I would know where Ronne-san is hiding.” (Noa)

When she said that, I couldn’t refute her.

The fairies were tiny. They could be hiding in a wardrobe, in a small box, or in a tree in the garden. The Lord’s mansion was huge as well. If she hid somewhere, it would be almost impossible for me to find her.

But if Noa was with us, we would be able to tell the general direction of Ronne’s location, which would make it easier for us to find her.

“Besides, maybe you might not be able to see Ronne-san, right?” (Noa)

Originally, I should have not been able to see Ronne. However, I did not know if it was because Ronne was using the Lord’s magic, but when she came to see Primme, I could see and speak with her.

So, if she cut that connection off, I might not be able to see her.

In that situation, only Primme would be able to see Ronne, making it more difficult to find her.

This time, I lost to Noa in the argument.

“All right,” I said, “but if I think it’s dangerous, be sure to follow my instructions. Be sure to keep that promise.” (Yuna)

That would be to escape in the Bear Transfer Gate.

“Yes, I will keep my promise.” (Noa)

If that was the case, I would not say anything more.

Besides, I would also protect Noa no matter what.

“Then it would be better to reduce the risk as much as possible. I’ll make a move on my part as well.” (Guild Master)

The Guild Master said so.

“What are you planning to do?” (Yuna)

“It’s something I’ve been preparing for a long time. I’m going to execute it.” (Guild Master)

He said that he was planning to destroy the places that might be connected to the cause of the magic power drain.

“I see, so that’s why we encountered you when we were following that knight.” (Yuna)

The Guild Master was examining the watchtower.

“Yeah, thanks to Primme, we now know the structure inside the watchtowers and where the magic stones are placed. If we can destroy those watchtowers, the knights’ magic power should be reduced.” (Guild Master)

“So if you succeed, the knights’ magic power will probably reduce, adding to that will be their fatigue from fighting monsters, then they won’t have any power left to fight, right?” (Yuna)

“Yeah, if you ladies manage to snag the fairy at that time and destroy whatever device connected to the magic draining mechanism, there should be nothing the Lord or the knights can do to stop you.” (Guild Master)

But wouldn’t they try to hold us off with brute force?

“But if we take Ronne-san back with us, I don’t think the remaining knights will be enough to help the town after we are gone.” (Noa)

(T/N: Noa was worried that there would not be enough knights left to protect the town after Yuna’s rampage if all the knights got involved in the fight and tried to hold them off with brute force. She knew that Yuna would certainly incapacitate the knights.)

Noa was right; our goal was simply to take Ronne away from this town.

There was no need for me to destroy the knight order forcefully if we could avoid it.

“It is more important that you guys escape immediately with Ronne. However, if Ronne decides not to go with you and gives the knights even more power to stop you, things will become really troublesome.” (Guild Master)

If Ronne wanted to stay with the Lord, she might decide to give more power to the knights to get rid of us. If that happened, it would certainly be troublesome.

“Besides, if the knights end up weakening, then it will be our responsibility to deal with the aftermath.” (Guild Master)

They weren’t that strong before, huh.

“Then should I be the one to break all the watchtowers?” (Yuna)

I could easily break them with bear magic, I think.

“Wait, I don’t know the limit of your power, but I don’t want you to mistakenly break the walls. It will take time to repair them. It will also be disastrous if monsters attack during that time as the knights will be weakened and there are so few adventurers around.” (Guild Master)

I thought I should be able to fix any damage I caused with magic, but I guess, there was also the chance of me not being able to return after we took Ronne back, making it impossible for me to fix the damages.

“So, please leave this to us.” (Guild Master)

When he said that, I just had to leave it to him.

After some discussion, it was decided that Noa, Primme, and I would break into the mansion and take back Ronne.

The Guild Master, Blitz and the others were to destroy the devices that were stealing the magic power from the town’s inhabitants.

“But there are five watchtowers that have devices to steal magic power, and I don’t think the Guild Master and the others will be enough to destroy them all.” (Yuna)

If they destroyed even one of those watchtowers, the knights would be alerted and make a move, but the Guild Master did mention that they were planning to destroy all the towers in one coordinated raid.

That made me think that maybe some of the residents of the town would be involved. However, that would ultimately defeat the purpose of their plan to help the residents by leading them into danger.

“What are you talking about? There are adventurers left in this town as well, you know?” (Guild Master)

I remember. There were indeed adventurers who were in the corner of the guild before, some of them drinking from noon onwards.

“Those are the ones who stayed behind, hoping to one day rebuild the Adventurers’ Guild in this town. Of course, some have nowhere to go, but most of them stayed for this day.” (Guild Master)

“They’ve stayed until now, with very little money on hand left.” (Clara)

“So, Primme, please. I’m not going to hold a grudge against your sister or do anything to her. Nor do I want to punish you for it. I just want you and your sister to get out of this town.” (Guild Master)

“Yes, I’ll convince my sister and bring her back.” (Primme)

“Thank you.” (Guild Master)

I would also do everything I could to help.

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