Witcher: I Can Extract Everything

Chapter 147 - Theocracy

Chapter 147: Theocracy

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Yes, the ideology that was ultimately chosen by Heath was the feudal system that combined theocracy and monarchical power.

First of all, of course, it was because it was easy.

Most of the ordinary people of this era believed that there were gods in this world, and even in their eyes, wizards were a kind of god. Even some Wizards themselves also believed in strange gods, such as Red Devil’s Blood and Bloodsource.

In short, the god system had a broad base of people in this world. It did not take much effort to promote and make people believe in it.

After confirming the specific ideas, Heath began to draw up a framework for his first sermon.

“…I came with the will of God. My purpose is to spread the gospel to the world, spread the good news, and relieve the suffering of people…”

“…Those who believe in the pious will enter the Kingdom of God after death. There, sweet fruit wine will flow in the river, and sweet bread will grow on the trees. There will be no need to worry about food or clothing. They will live forever and be happy forever…”

“…Those who do not believe in the pious will fall into hell after death and be tortured for eternity…”

Do not think that Heath was simply making things up.

There was indeed heaven and hell in this world. They were just like the abyss, and they really existed.

And the heaven and hell theory had many similar legends in the secular world. Heath just combined them and added in some of the things he needed to finally put them together into a complete system.

Even if you want to bluff, you have to combine it with reality, don’t you? If you made up some ridiculous story about god being called Brother X and being able to stand on a man’s arm and walk on a horse… Who would believe that?

“…This is the situation. Then, do any of you have any questions?”

Soon, Heath finished his first sermon. There was no need to complicate the core teachings. The important thing was to let people understand and believe it.

Hearing Heath’s question, the crowd burst into an uproar.

“I see! I see! Sir came from heaven. He exists to spread the gospel of the Lord. I will go and repay the Lord…”

“No wonder people have to be buried in the ground after they die…”

“Why? Why didn’t anyone tell me this before? I wasted so many years. Oh God, can I still enter the Kingdom of Heaven…”

Before this, the people of this world were actually very confused. They didn’t know where they came from, where they would go, what the meaning of life was, and so on. Very few people would think about it.

And just now, Heath told them that he came from the sky. In order to spread the gospel of the Lord and bring love to this world, they would return to the embrace of the Lord after they died… And so on and so forth.

What kind of concept was this?

It was not an exaggeration to say that for ordinary people, it was really the same as teaching them to put on clothes, teach them to eat cooked food, and teach them to be different from wild beasts.

It was simply an existence that raised their life dimension!

At this moment, a doubtful voice sounded. “Your Excellency, I have a question to ask you.”

It was a noble from below.

Nobles were not like ordinary civilians. After all, they were educated and knowledgeable. It was not easy to fool them. Most importantly…

What Heath said just now clearly made them feel threatened…

Heath said, “Ask.”

The noble asked, “You just said that God will not have a king. What… What does this mean? You said that God is not a Wizard. What does this mean?”

The legitimacy of power in this world was like this.

The power of the nobleman came from the king, and the power of the king came from the Wizards. The Wizards had great power and defeated the ancient gods, so it was reasonable to rule the world. The Wizards were the god of the ordinary people, and different Wizards were different gods.

But Heath just told them that the Wizards were Wizards and God was God. Only God could grant power, but the Wizard could not.

He was even vague on the king’s side, and he was not going to establish a new king.

Force could not solve all problems, and the farmers had to work hard and give birth to children. These depended more on a legal, perfect ideology that the people believed and accepted.

If Heath’s idea was true, then the legitimacy of their power would be questioned…

Heath glanced at the noble.

He must have considered this question. According to the other Wizards’ plans, they would definitely combine the gods and Wizards into one, allowing them to be both a Wizard and a god, thus obtaining the legitimacy to rule.

However, the premise was that those were all normal power exchanges, and they would be recognized by all the Wizard organizations in the entire Underdark Treesea.

Heath did not even have anyone’s permission to establish his territory. In the future, he might have to fight with other Wizard organizations. Moreover, now was a good time for everyone to fight for territory. Was he not tempted at all?

In short, for the sake of the future war, he had to first establish a set of ideas.

A set of ideas that would make his organization more powerful than other Wizard organizations…

Heath nodded and gave a definite answer. “Yes, Wizards are Wizards, and Gods are Gods. In front of a true God, Wizards are not worth mentioning.”

As long as his God did not exist and was higher in dimensions than Wizards, he could not fail. Even if he lost in the process of fighting for territory with Wizards, people would still believe that Light would come back.

As for whether denying the legitimacy of the rule of the Wizards would be an enemy of the entire Wizard class, thus attracting the hostility of the entire Wizard class to deal with him… This did not matter.

Wizards were all pragmatists. As long as they were given enough benefits, they did not care about what ideology they used. Many Wizard organizations themselves claimed that divine power was supreme.

If they were given enough benefits, they could even spread the word that ants ruled the world. It would not be like what the nobles thought, that if he denied the legitimacy of the rule of Wizards, he would be betraying the entire Wizard class.

Heath only wanted to fight for territory and resources with some of the Wizards. He was not arrogant enough to overturn the entire Wizard World, overturn the rule of Wizards, and become enemies with all the Wizards.

After a pause, he continued to explain, “As for the king’s problem, you have misunderstood.”

“Of course God will establish a king.”

“But God’s choice of a king needs to be carefully selected. After all, everyone has seen that there have been too many kings during this period of time. What have they brought to the people? War, slaughter, and disaster!”

Heath asked, “Do you want such a king?”

The people’s expressions were complicated. There were anger, sadness, sorrow, and sighs… Most of the people were very disgusted by the actions of the kings during this period of time.

But at the same time, the people were also whispering:

“But… We can’t live without a king…”


“How can we live without a king…”

This was a feudal society, and the idea of a king was deeply rooted. In the eyes of ordinary people, this world needed a king, and only with a king would it be able to maintain stability, not be bullied by enemy countries, and live a good life.

Heath said, “God will choose a king, but this king may not necessarily be a member of the Kingdom of Navi. He may be a Helan, a Jed, or even a Villan.”

The goal was to take a long-term view.

The Kingdom of Navi was too small. Including the capital, there were only five cities and towns in total. The total population was only a little over 100,000, and this was before the war.

If a king was appointed now, it would obviously be disadvantageous to expand territory and conquer other lands in the future. After all, what right did a small country like yours have to have other countries submit to you?

After a pause, Heath said to the nobles, “And he will be the only king in this world. He will create unprecedented prosperity and glory for the world!”

His words were very straightforward. The simple explanation was: if you follow me and accept this system, there will be benefits for you in the future. Your power will only increase, not decrease.

Most of the nobles frowned slightly and did not immediately express their opinions.

Although it sounded good, it was still brand new and had never been done before. Who knew if this would work or not?

Heath did not say much.

In any case, the power of his thought and system had been tested in Blue Star. Heath knew better than anyone how powerful it was. They would naturally make a choice after the snowball rolled.

Then, Heath answered some random questions, and his first sermon ended.

The seeds of Light had been planted, and the framework of power had basically been set up. The next step was to wait for it to take root naturally and germinate, allowing it to develop slowly on its own.

As for what this organization would be like? What would the organization’s structure be like? What would the top brass wear? What etiquette would they use? What titles would they use? How would they spread the word? These people would create according to their own wishes and their own expectations. At most, they would control the key direction. There was no need for him to do everything himself.

Meddling in everything would only backfire.

So after the sermon ended the next day, Heath went back to what he really should do, the path of magic….

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