Monster Factory

Chapter 573: The highest level of "broken arrow".

Chapter 573: The highest level of “broken arrow”.

Combustible ice is an ice-like crystalline substance formed from natural gas and water under conditions of high pressure and low temperature over a long period of time, and since the cubic centimeter contains a lot of combustible gas in the solid-state than in the natural state, the volume of a cubic centimeter of combustible ice has one hundred and six times more combustion energy than natural gas. Under normal temperature and pressure, combustible ice will volatilize on its own and burn after ignition and is naturally residue-free and cleaner than natural gas. It is simply the South Bowan of clean energy, and the reserves of this thing are also very rich, once it is used on a large scale, it can completely replace the energy of coal and natural gas.

However, extremely severe mining and storage conditions limit the development of combustible ice. It is buried in the depths of the Yongdong soil layer, on the seabed thousands of meters deep, and in Antarctica 6. In addition, combustible ice is strong and as tough as coal and it is impossible to drilling a deep well and channeling it as if to extract oil.

Taking advantage of the low temperature in the laboratory, Professor Cai Chenning opened the three samples of combustible ice and took a little from each bottle with a tool. Samples from the Siberian Yeongdong soil layer are mixed gray, samples from the Yellow Sea are light blue, and samples from Antarctica side 6 are completely transparent, like crystals.

The three kinds of samples, in contact with air, slowly overflowed with visible gas. Professor Cai Chenning quickly placed each sample in a smaller metal container, marked the place of origin, and placed it in the incubator. Combustible ice is not too rare, but it rippled when it encountered air.

Originally, Shanghai University had a few hundred grams of stock, which could be repeatedly tested. The combustible ice that was taken was only the size of a fingernail.

After thanking Professor Cai Chenning, Ye Qing did not leave immediately, after all, he had just received a gift from someone else, and this gift will introduce him to Professor Cai Chenning on a plate of gold.

Sitting in the lab, Ye Qing talked about the energetic subject of combustible ice, and while talking of one subject to another, he talked about the subject of the most technologically advanced nuclear energy, and to half-joking, he said with a smile that the factory’s electricity bill cost tens of millions of Yuan per month and for that reason, he really wanted to build a nuclear power plant to power the factory.

“Nuclear power plant technology is not difficult, but management and security are difficult,” Professor Cai Chenning joked: “You want to build a nuclear power plant. It is estimated that at least half of Shanghai’s residents will take to the streets to protest.”

“I sigh, even if it does. This technology cannot be used to enrich military-grade plutonium, and the government can approve it. Also, military-grade plutonium is uneasy to find! “

“Military-grade plutonium can be obtained. There are a lot of nuclear bombs in the ocean,” Professor Cai Chenning said with a laugh: “During the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States were at strategic war, nuclear bombers and submarines on both sides have carried out high-intensity combat readiness cruises, and there have been numerous accidents with these planes and submarines and sunk in the sea.”

“I remember well the first nuclear bomb belonging to the United States was lost in 1950, called Mark 4, it was carried by a B-36 bomber, and the bomber collapsed before reaching China and that the nuclear bomb fell into the sea.”

“Ah!” Ye Qing was stunned and looked at Professor Cai Chenning in disbelief: “Is there also this kind of bomb?”

This thing caught Ye Qing’s surprise, and Professor Cai Chenning was very happy to give this alumnus, now well-known President Ye, another history lesson that was impressive for his time.

“Haha ~ Yes, more than once.”

“I was unborn in 1950, but when I was born we had not built nuclear weapons in China. The Yankees and old Soviet people built them and due to various bomber accidents, they lost several nuclear bombs at sea. The people of China, who suffered from nuclear blackmail at the time, saw in the newspapers that the two great powers of the United States and the Soviet Union had announced all kinds of news about the loss of nuclear weapons from their countries.”

“Alas, at that time, the gap between us and European and American countries was so big that everyone was in despair,” Professor Cai Chenning sighed: “Take, the most impressive time for me was in 1968 when our country and it was only a few years after the first nuclear bomb was tested. The nuclear submarine of the old beauty sailed in the Pacific Ocean. As a result, a serious failure sank the nuclear submarine carrying a nuclear bomb in the depths of the sea.”

“At that time, dozens of US and Soviet Union nuclear submarines were on the cruise before we had our own nuclear submarine in China.”


Not having experienced the Cold War years of the two great powers of the Soviet Union and the United States, Ye Qing really didn’t expect so many bizarre and absurd things to happen.

The nuclear bomb is the greatest light in human history, and it is also the most terrifying light in human history. Even if you lose it, you can lose it for good and can lose dozens.

But thinking of the tens of thousands of nuclear weapons in both countries during the Cold War, Ye Qing felt that everything was reasonable.

Even today, in the 21st century, when plane crashes are planted in the sea, there are still examples that cannot be found anyway. Also, what can we think about what happened during the Cold War when the electronic level was extremely low.

Professor Cai Chenning continued to speak on this topic, and giving Ye Qing popular science, the United States divided the nuclear arsenal accident situation into several levels. These are “Broken Arrow”, “Broken Spear”, “Dull Blade” and “Empty Arrow Barrel”.

There have been hundreds of “broken arrow” accidents, but most nuclear warheads have been successfully recovered, but dozens of them have been unfound so far. The most recent has been going on for decades, and the United States has long since stopped looking for it. Among them, there are a few cases where the approximate sea area is known, but because the seawater is too deep, it is impossible to find them and save the situation, which has led to the abundance.

Even the Soviet Union has more such cases than the United States.

There really is no way to get them out of the mountains and deep rivers, since there is another world in the dark of the sea.

After talking for a while, Ye Qing stood up and took the combustible ice samples to leave.

In this way, Ye Qing was not the same as when he came. Walking along the path strewn with plum blossoms, he quietly left school. After taking the first corner, the Lagonda roared and drove fast towards Longxitan Factory. Holding the wheel, he had a slightly excited expression.

Indeed ~ Monster Factory will not give away impossible tech projects. After a trip to his alma mater, he not only solved the combustible ice problem, but he also knew the way forward to obtaining military-grade plutonium.

To get combustible ice, you have to go directly to Antarctica for mining. Professor Cai Chenning told him that the combustible ice in Sample C was brought from extremely cold Antarctica by the research vessel Xuelong. Antarctica preserves the purest enormous resources of combustible ice due to its unique climatic conditions and combustible ice is directly sealed by the ice sheet on the surface, and it can be found by breaking the ice sheet. Unlike sea mining, it can only be carried very little by a drill bit at present.

As for nuclear weapons ~ Yes, Ye Qing decided to dive into the vast deep sea to recover the nuclear weapons that were lost by the United States and the Soviet Union, because there was military-grade plutonium there. A nuclear bomb contains at least five kilograms of military-grade plutonium, and its purity also meets the requirements for building energy towers. The United States and the Soviet Union do not have the technology to find and recover them, but he does.

The Lord’s Battleship is simply a tailor-made product for this plan. Even for mining combustible ice in Antarctica, it is considered the most suitable.

So the energy tower can be erected in the Longxitan factory and many more!

Ye Qing suddenly thought that the Monster Factory had been upgraded to the sixth level and of course the Lord’s Battleship had been upgraded to a new level as well.

Busy Ye Qing actually forgot watching the upgraded Lord’s Battleship.

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