
Chapter 888 - Big Brain

Tiny looked down at the little one cradled in the crook of his arm and felt a smile creep up on his face. It was good to protect the little one, and make sure that she survived as she slept. Keeping her safe when she was awake was much harder. Tiny preferred time like this. It made him feel good, feel strong, when he cared for the little ones. They took care of Tiny, brought him food, were family with the master, so, he would care for them in turn.

The other thing that made him feel strong was the curve of his arm as he held the little one against his chest. This angle, this position, allowed him to flex his big bump of an arm muscle to an impressive degree, something that he was sure to slowly emphasise as he moved, so that all could appreciate the wonderful sight.

In truth, it absorbed his attention perhaps too much.

On several occasions the little one had tricked him by asking him to pose and then escaping when his back was turned! Trickery! One time she had asked him which arm was thicker, his right or left and Tiny had become so absorbed in the question he had remained as still as a statue for six hours. Only when the master had realised that both he and the once-hatchling had gone missing did he return to find Tiny looking down at both arms, flexing and straightening them one after the other with a thoughtful frown on his face.

Luckily the master wasn't too mad, though he did check Tiny's core just to make sure his Cunning stat hadn't changed.

Tiny found that a little insulting. No he hadn't changed his stats! He just devoted most of his brain to hitting things and muscles, which were a key part of hitting things. Now that he had more brain than before, he could think even more about hitting things and muscles! He didn't mind it so much, though sometimes he wished his shoulders were a little larger and his brain a little smaller.

(It should be noted that Tiny has truly, ridiculously, absurdly large shoulders.)

[Tiny. I believe that Brilliant may be stirring,] the voice of his sister breaks into his thoughts of shoulders large enough to hoist a mountain on top of and his gaze flashes down to the small form that he holds in his arm.

The shadow has spoken truly, the young has begun to twitch and wriggle, much as the grubs do, in small increments as she returns to the world of the waking. Moving gently, he places her down on the stone floor with one massive palm before he steps back and peers carefully at the waking ant.

He doesn't want to make a mistake and have her run off on him again. The master would get annoyed and then for his next evolution his brain would have to be even bigger… which would mean less energy for more important things! His fists curl in determination which does interesting things to his forearms but before he can become distracted he snaps his eyes back to the little one.

That was close…

[I have informed the master, he will be with us soon,] his sister informs him and Tiny gives her a quick nod of gratitude.

That means he won't have to focus for too long, which is a good thing. With the imminent arrival of their creator, they settle in to wait. Little brother decides he doesn't want to float any longer and settles himself on top of Tiny's head, his two stick-thin arms supporting him. It's a shame that the little brother has such a weak body, he'll never know the true joy of smashing things with his fists, which makes Tiny a bit sad. On the other hand, the little brother is very good at smashing things with his brain, which Tiny can't do.

Perhaps smashing things with the brain is just as fun?

He considers for a second before he shakes his head in denial. No. There is no chance that is true, but the little brother enjoys it, so that is good. At the movement of the head beneath him Invidia stirs as he is forced to adjust his position and Tiny quickly feels a connection snap into being between the two of them.

On the other side of the bridge the giant ape can feel his little brother's mind, not so little right now, the weight of that ponderous brain looms like something that Tiny doesn't think he could lift.

[Be stillsssssss,] the little brother chides, before his eye flitters down to his resting place's massive frame. [Your sssstrength will be mine one day!] he declares.

Tiny shakes his head again, causing the little demon to hiss with irritation. He knew the little brother would yearn for his great power, a pity he will never be as huge as Tiny.

Then the hatchling springs awake, leaping up onto her six legs and pointing an antenna fervently behind them.

[Look out!] she cries over a hastily crafted connection.

Both Tiny and Invidia immediately turn only to see nothing behind them at all, only a wall. Perhaps she wanted them to see the wall? Before the pair can lean in closer to more thoroughly inspect said wall there is skittering noise followed by a thump behind them and they turn back to see the hatchling splayed out on the ground, each of her legs bound by a coil of shadow.

[W-when?] the newly evolved ant groaned.

[Since before you woke up,] the sister said. [Stay still until the master arrives and I won't mention your attempt.]


She tried to escape! Tiny realises this and thumps one massive fist into his palm before he turns to his sister and gives her an energetic thumbs up. The patch of darkness that has bonded itself to the wall wibbles a little and sighs, before a tentacle extends and moulds itself into a matching gesture that Tiny happily bumps his own fist against before he settles back.

Teamwork. It feels nice to have others he can rely on. It took him a long time to understand that.

Shortly after, the master arrives, rushing up in a blur before stopping suddenly and looming over the little one in a cloud of dust. At the last moment, the shadowy restraints slip into the stone and vanish allowing the hatchling to stand once more.

[Thanks guys,] the master tells them, his honest gratitude shining over the connection, warming each of them like a gentle flame, [I really appreciate it.]

Then he pokes and prods the little one a few times.

[Now let's see what you've done.]

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