
Chapter 882 - A Whole New World

Hello dear readers! Tolly here, once again reporting on my ongoing adventures in the lands of the Colony! The town of Renewal and the surrounding farmlands were a picturesque and inspiring sight that told a tale of the strength of the living spirit. People who had risen up and rebuilt their lives after a devastating disaster at the hands of monsters with the help of, of all things, monsters. Getting to know these people and listen to their stories was a powerful experience that went a long way to diminishing my fear of the ants, which was likely why I felt compelled to make my request when I was already deep within the grand nest known as Anthome.

"You want to meet the Queen?" Emelia blinked.

"If at all possible," I smiled politely as my two guards emitted and intense 'oh no, not again' aura.

A look of amused confusion flickered across my guide's face as she considered my request.

"I'm… not sure that you'll be allowed, I don't think anyone has asked to do that… ever. You understand that we need to go deeper into the Dungeon to do as you ask? The Queens don't live this high up."

"I assure you I am no stranger to the Dungeon," I gave the poor girl a pat on the shoulder, "and if I might be pardoned for a moment, did you say Queens? There is more than one?"

"Oh, yes. There are hundreds of Queens, possibly in the thousands, the Colony is very protective of them and don't like to talk about them extensively. You'll need to give me a moment and I'll find someone we can ask."

Emelia walked off a short distance to communicate with a few ants whilst I waited with a wonderful feeling of excitement and trepidation coiling in my belly. There really is no better way than plunging head first into danger to help one feel young. I recommend it to all my readers! In moderation, obviously!

A few minutes later Emilia returned with a rather large ant, nearly as tall as I was by her side. I felt the creature reach out to my mind and I allowed the contact. A chance to speak with the ants directly?! How invigorating!

[You wish to see a Queen?] the touch of the monster's mind was alien, almost cold in the lack of strong emotion.

On the other hand, I could feel how calm and efficient she was, a creature of logic and reason. It was reassuring to say the least!

[Yes please,] I asked, (never forget your manners, readers!), [I would consider it a great honour to lay eyes on the Queen.]

[The Queen?] she repeated back to me and I realised that there was a distinct difference in the way we used those words. [It will not be possible to see The Queen, she is very deep right now, but I believe we can facilitate a visit to the Queens who are staying below us. I will warn you that you will be guarded very closely during this visit. Are you still willing to go?]

What a thrill!

[I am,] I nodded, [and I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity.]

Emilia smiled widely when we concluded our discussion and clapped her hands together in excitement.

"I haven't seen a Queen in over a year," she beamed, "what a wonderful day!"

My two guards looked positively ill.

Excerpt from volume eight of 'Traveling Tolly in the lands of the Colony' published in the Monthly 'Pangera Gazette'

Well I be darned. There really is a whole 'nother level just like the first in the stratum. I mean, I didn't really have any reason to doubt it, I was given the information from reliable sources after all, but I just couldn't help but refuse to believe until I'd seen for myself. Perhaps it's still the Earthling in me. One giant open chasm inside the planet is unbelievable enough, but two? One right on top of the other? It makes no sense! How can this possibly be real?!

And yet, there it is.

[That's a long drop down,] Sarah observes and I can't help but agree.

[Sure is.]

We both poke our noses off the edge of the pillar and stare downward at the plate city below and the plains that stretch endlessly through the smoke and ash which swirls even thicker here than above. The mana down here is noticeably more dense than in the area above, not nearly as large as the difference between stratum, but enough that I was able to sense it. Once we decided to head down, it only took a few hours for us to reach the bottom of the tunnels. From there it was a matter of finding a path that led to an opening into the space below, which we eventually found and now are staring down a whole new pillar, with an unsuspecting and vulnerable demon city awaiting conquest.

There sure as heck was a lot of lava in those tunnels though, particularly at the bottom. It felt like I was digging for diamonds the rate at which lava kept flowing from each and every direction. I can still see it now, pouring out of the stone tunnels above and falling the vast distance into the plains below. In fact, there are hundreds of such lavafalls I can see from here. Is the third stratum equivalent of rain?!

[Should we go down, do you think?] I ask.

[Oh no. What if they were hostile? I couldn't possibly escape. In fact, how would I even get down?]

Good point. Bears might be good climbers, but they weren't designed for a kilometre vertical climb on stone. Not even close.

[I wonder who's in charge down there, you have any idea Al?]

The giant eye flares at my question.

[I do not. I am most curious to know.]

[Well why don't you head down and take a look about? You can scratch your itch and then come up and tell us. I'll even trade some information without being a pain about it.]

I thought the demon would leap at the chance to pick my brain a bit more but to my surprise he doesn't, wavering in indecision.

[Something wrong?] I ask him.

[It may be dangerous for me in this city. I have passed through it before and my reception was… unpleasant. I am reluctant to return.]


I stare down at the city below for a little longer before I shrug.

[Ah well, if we can't find out now, it isn't a big deal. It's not as if they're going to launch an assault on the layer above or anything. We can go back into the tunnels and keep hunting until the hatchling… I mean, Brilliant, is done evolving. I've been getting some decent levels and I'm keen to keep that wagon rolling!]

The big bear nods.

[Me too! To think I might actually reach tier seven, I never thought it would be possible in the past.]

[Hopefully we can still last in the second stratum once we manage it,] I sigh.. [To be honest I almost prefer the cold to this incessant heat.]

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