
Chapter 833 - Diplomacy

Chapter 833 - Diplomacy

Seriously? Another demon city lord showing up now?! What did I do to deserve this? Seriously!

The new arrival looks down on us and the half-consumed remains of Grokus with an imperious gaze that does little to make me think this encounter is going to end peacefully. She appears to be a type of demon that I haven't seen before, a semi-humanoid torso that appears almost skeletal, with four long arms that end in scythe-like claws she looks a little reaper-ish.

On the disc with her are a number of other demons, several of whom may also be tier seven, judging from the strength of their cores. I set my feet and keep my antennae swirling in order to react to anything that happens. The air has become tense between the two sides as we wait for the new arrival to make an opening gambit, but it's not looking good for us.

We're just off the back of putting down two tier seven demons, and it sure as heck wasn't easy. Now this chump shows up with her posse. The timing sucks to say the least.

All of a sudden, I feel the weight of a powerful mind sweep through the remains of Grokus' plaza, pressing down on me with its sheer hunger for authority. This is a demon that wants to rule, not be ruled. Just as quickly as it came, the pressure is lifted and for a few confusing seconds I stand about, tense as a bowstring as nothing happens.

[Ah,] Al's mind brushes against mine. [There appears to have been a misunderstanding. This new arrival has ȧssumed that I am in command as I am the highest level of monster present on our side. I have attempted to correct this by informing her that she should communicate with you instead, but she refuses to believe it. I encourage you to reach out to her yourself and clarify what has happened here. As I understand it, she has arrived in the hopes of battling Grokus for the rights to control the city.]

She's a bit late for that! Irritated at being dismissed, I spin together the bridge necessary and throw it at the demoness above without much decorum. Once it snaps into place I can't help but allow some of my poor mood to slip into my tone.

[Hello there. Welcome to Roklu, city of demons which has very recently come under new management. What exactly can we do for you?]

The eyes within that gaunt head flash with internal fire as the demoness slowly turns her head toward me.

[Yes, hello. I'm an ant. The last city lord who looked down on me for it is currently indisposed,] I point down with one leg at the mound of Biomass beneath me. [My Colony has conquered this city fair and square. If you want to take it from us then you're going to have to fight us for it.]

Should I really be declaring that? These demons are scary! I don't want to be fighting them at all if I can help it! Dammit, Anthony! Shut your mandibles, you idiot! The demoness ponders my mental message for a brief moment before sending anything back my way.

[This is… disappointing,] her thoughts are like a sharp hiss, like nails being dragged down a chalkboard. It sets my carapace to crawling just hearing it. [I had hoped to engage in a battle of conquest to bring Roklu within my control today. As arranged between Grokus and myself, this was to be the day of our formal war.]

[Oi, Al. Help me out here. What's a battle of conquest when it comes to a formal war?]

The fiery eye flickers.

[It means that the city lords had agreed to cede control of one or both cities to the winner of the formal war. It is unusual, but some city lords dėsɨrė to shore up their power, wish to command greater territory or resources, or perhaps feel an innate need to conquer. In such cases they will usually find ways to pressure their neighbours to agree to a battle of conquest.]

[Why don't they just attack and take over? Why do they need their opponents to agree to it?]

[You guys are fussy about the strangest things.]

Fortunately, mental communication occurs at the speed of thought, but even so I can tell that the demoness above me is growing impatient. Better play it cool Anthony. You don't want to fight again today if you can avoid it.

[I apologise for being unaware of your schedule,] I say, [the Colony chose to invade today, ignorant of the customs and requirements of demon-kind. It's a little unfortunate, but what has been done cannot be undone. Since the demon with whom you secured your agreement is no longer the city lord, I presume your declaration of a battle of conquest is no longer valid?]

That's about as smooth as I can possibly be. Nice going, Anthony!

[I must agree,] she grates back at me. [Though I am now considering if an agreement is necessary to conquer this city now that there is no city lord in place.]

[What do you mean?]

[Who is the demon in charge?] she demands.

[There isn't one. The Colony is in charge.]

[Your Colony is not a demon.]

[So, who is the city lord?]

[The Colony?]

I flick my mind across to Al.

[I'm guessing that city lords have to be demons?]

He hesitates.

[Yes. Partnerships exist between demons and other races, but those are generally agreements between the city lord and the other party. Demons are not ruled over by others. As a group we struggle with … law.]

I bet. A group of maniacs, each obsessively dedicated to one aspect of living or the world around them can't possibly be an issue to herd or direct in any way.

[We are yet to formally decide on the identity of the new city lord… officially,] I turn my attention back to the demon.

[I see. So, the position is vacant?]

[Al. What the heck happens when a city doesn't have a city lord?]

[I don't know,] the eye flares with sudden interest.

[Don't get curious now! Dammit!]

[It is what I live for.]

Argh! I turn back to this new city lord.

[Perhaps we might be able to reschedule a formal war of conquest? That would give us a little time to have things sorted on this end. Wouldn't want things to be anything less than official now, would we?]

Her eyes narrow as she ponders.

[No, we wouldn't.]

[Any chance I could get your name, by the way?] It seems all tier six demons have names.

She gazes down at me imperiously.

So saying, she gestures with one sharp looking, emaciated arm and the disc spun in a one-eighty and they jetted off again before I could even think to get a word back in.

[I'm… Anthony, by the way?] I sent that thought out into the void the bridge between us had previously occupied.

Well, one week? That could have gone worse!

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