
Chapter 818 - Tunnel Of Love

Chapter 818 - Tunnel Of Love

Translucent spirit demons of vestigial obsession are thankfully less common than more mundane threats in the tunnels. That first 'ghost' was a bit of a pain to deal with, mostly because I was so hesitant to approach the ghastly thing in the first place. Tiny helped by growing bored of my slow creep forward and blasted the thing in the face with a bolt of lightning that caused the creature to shriek and writhe in pain before rushing towards us. It was almost more out of instinct than a conscious decision that I tore into the monster with a blast of ice magic that shredded what was left of the bundle of animosity and mana.

What was more surprising still was that I gained experience for it!​​

[Even this can count as a monster?!] I demanded of the all-informed one.

[Yes. Convenient. They can also level up and evolve, so it is best to be careful in the deeper tunnels, a tier six or seven ghast can be a nuisance to deal with.]

[I bet…]

After than initial encounter, we made good progress through the tunnels, reaping a decent harvest of experience and Biomass as more conventional tier four and five demons stumbled into our paths with regularity. Most of the battles were short and sharp, with Crinis, Tiny, Invidia and I taking turns to engage in the fighting, sharing out the rewards across the four of us. At one point Protectant and her group leapt into action when a second monster charged into a fight when I was already engaged with another target, their increased willingness to be active rearing its head again.

All in all, our trip through the stifling tunnels was quite profitable and I was more than a little pleased with the final outcome.

[Not bad, not bad at all,] I broadcast generally as I perused my status window.

A significant stockpile of Biomass to spend and a few levels tucked away under the belt as well. Can't say I'm sad about the haul overall! Certainly, a healthy return for the time invested. Since we've risen to tier six, this has definitely been the ric.h.e.s.t hunting ground that we've stumbled upon. I have to thank Al for showing us this place as we begin to make our way out.

[This has been a rather rewarding trip. Thanks for being our guide, Al.]

[It has been no trouble,] the eye gleams with p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, [the new knowledge that I have acquired has been ample compensation.]

I slump. This guy isn't happy to ask just one or two questions, he always tries to mine as deep as possible into a topic. On the flip side, I've been able to answer both Al's insatiable appetite for knowledge, whilst also educating the hatchling on a number of subjects at the same time. Brilliant may not be quite as detail oriented as the demon, but she is certainly curious about a broad range of ideas and listens with a keen mind as I try my best to satisfy Al.

[Well, hopefully whatever mess has blown up in the city has died down a little by now. I think we've been down here for about a day?]

[That is my hope as well. Irritated. I hope that the various factions have calmed themselves to the point that my return will not once again upset the balance.]

I'm a little more worried about my reception than I am about Al's, considering he can essentially vanish himself any time that he wants to. Seeing as how he's managed to live in Roklu for so long, despite being persona non grata, I suspect he can even hide from the prying eyes of Grokus himself.

[We're heading back to the city everyone,] I inform my team, [keep your eyes open for any trouble, especially as we get closer to the pillar. I don't want anyone dropping bricks on us, metaphorically speaking.]

Using the Tunnel Map, it isn't hard to navigate the winding warren of narrow tunnels that make up this section of Dungeon and before long we loop back to where we first entered.


Crinis' warning comes roughly at the same time as I see them myself, rounding a corner roughly a hundred meters of tunnel in front of us. There's immediately something about the situation that feels vaguely familiar.

[You INSECT! How dare you DEFILE my presence in this way!] the pride demon in the lead bellows at me via a mind bridge that rudely intrudes into my mind.

[Are you serious?] I demand. [You can't be serious right now!]

[A group of SNIVELLING cowards scurrying the cracks around Roklu as the grand war draws near? Don't even DARE to try and convince me you are unrelated!]

I turn to the rest of my group.

[He's not serious, right? What are the odds that something like this could possibly happen again? Hey Al! Can you - aaaand he's gone.]

Stupid eyeball!

[Prepare to feel the weight of my disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, CRETINS!]

Pride demons really are in a league of their own when it comes to speaking in a way that really grates against the mind. It's like they have their nose in the air as they speak to you, but it's not a nose, but rather their entire consciousness. Filled with a sense of exasperation, I watch as the pride demon leads its small team in a valiant charge towards us, spells already forming in the air between the two groups.

I sigh.

[Invidia, can you snatch up Brilliant? She's trying to escape again. Everyone else, let's pile in.]

I'm coming to learn that a fight between groups of tier six monsters tends to be quite short and sharp, especially since most of the demons we encounter aren't built to endure. Upfront, sharp attacks that front load the damage and bodies that aren't really designed to take a hit and keep coming. At least, not the sort of hits that Tiny can deliver. As the two groups close in on each other, Tiny bounds forward, weathering a barrage of spells that puncture his flesh and sear him, not that it strips the wild grin from his face. It does however fuel the burning rage in his eyes.

Body alight with electricity, the big ape leaps forward, wings unfurled and delivers a deafening screech, freezing the demon offensive in its tracks for a fraction of a second. Which is naturally all he needs to wind back one massive arm and unleash a straight right that knocks the pride demon directly into the next stratum. Not quite, of course, the demon is still alive, but after flying dozens of meters backwards and slamming into the stone wall of the tunnel, anyone would be worse for wear.

As is natural, Tiny has left himself completely open in order to achieve this opening gambit, and had Crinis not anticipated such, he would have been shredded in the following few seconds, especially since Invidia is busy stuffing the hatchling into his inter-dimensional maw and can't shield him right now. Into the breach, Crinis steps, or slithers, or whatever. Tentacles erupt from the unnatural shadows that have formed in the tunnel, threatening to encircle any demon caught unwary and commit their dark works.

With the demons occupied warding away the encroaching limbs, Tiny has the space he needs to regain his posture and bring his hands up, ready to fight. Which is when I burst into the scene.


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