
Chapter 812 - Before The Fall

Chapter 812 - Before The Fall

Hello loves! I must say that on all of my adventures and travels, I haven't quite come across anything like what I saw in Renewal. Monsters and people? Living together in harmony? You'd think me mad if I told you that, absolutely barking! Nonetheless, as hard as it is to believe, you can trust the word of old Tolly. You begged me to come here and report back to you, and that is what I have done! If you were to doubt me at this point, then you might just hurt my poor old heart, dear reader.

We continued our tour about town and our guide, Ms Emilia Cretherton, was a veritable font of information. I had only so much as to twitch a finger in any given direction and she would instantly start to describe the history behind anything and everything that lay in that direction. When we strolled to the wall around the town I was able to drag my old bones up to the top and listened raptly as she explained the intricate irrigation system that the ants had worked on in cooperation with the farmers.

Almost the entire thing was buried beneath the ground to prevent evaporation and was operated by a network of mana fuelled pumps. I had to say that the investment of such equipment and expensive cores in something like farming was certainly unusual.

You know what she said to me?

"The Colony did not think of it that way," she smiled as she explained it to me, her eyes filled with pride as she looked out over the fields that stretched beyond the city walls. "To them, they see farming as a fundamental necessity of our lives, so it was the first thing they sought to help us with, and the one area they put more effort into than any other. Farming is not a dirty, or simple profession in Renewal, Ms Tolly, it is the most important work anyone can do."

When you put it that way, it makes a lot of sense! Next time you're out in the market picking up sweet meats and treats, spare a thought (and possibly an extra coin or two!) for the farmers, dear readers!

After our visit to the walls, I was most keen to see the cathedral up close and personal. The largest building in town, a great stone edifice covered in the most wonderful carvings, this place of worship was something that many of us in the big city had already heard of. Indeed, such open heresy is more than a little uncommon in this day and age! I was most eager to witness it for myself!

The fact that this community, these people, had come to revere the ants who had saved them, was only natural in a way. A very real and physical presence that protected them in the face of very real and physical danger. What surprised me as we approached the cathedral itself, was the fervour in which the people were dedicated to their devotions.

Emelia's eyes were practically shining by the time we arrived outside the grand edifice itself, the girl all too happy to explain with great enthusiasm the manner in which the cathedral operated as the spiritual centre of the people's lives. I was somewhat surprised to learn that there were no daily devotions. No gatherings in the morning or dusk, or both, as I've seen at the church of the path. The reason being that the ants the people had gathered to revere did not consider such an activity as 'work', and therefore dismissed it as a waste of time! I had a hearty chuckle when I heard that! Instead, the cathedral operates all hours of the day and night, its doors open to allow people to visit whenever they are passing by, or might have the time, to offer a prayer or listen to a sermon.

Prominently placed on either side of the grand arch that marked the entrance were two tall speaking stones, shaped ever so cleverly to appear as anthills, I might add. Emelia assured me that no matter the time, two acolytes would be in position, espousing the wisdom of the Great One to the people as they passed by. Even as I watched, small crowds gathered at the feet of the two preachers, who spoke with clear voices and great conviction to their enraptured audience.

I had so many questions!

"Can you give me a sample? A taste, of the wisdom of the Great One?" I asked the dear girl beside me. "What is one thing that is taught here at the cathedral that would be easy for me to understand?"

She thought very seriously for a moment, her brows furrowed in concentration.

"It is very important," she began, "to sleep eight hours a day. No matter how busy you are, or how much work you need to get done, if you do not rest then you will be unable to give your best on the next day. This will weaken the community."

I couldn't help but laugh with delight. The look on her face was deathly serious! I have to confess reader, if I could turn up to a church and get told I needed to sleep more, I'd probably attend with greater regularity!

Excerpt from Chapter Five of 'Traveling Tolly in the lands of the Colony' published in the Monthly 'Pangera Gazette'

The speed I can spit out Gravity bolts is actually impressing the hell out of me. Like, I can remember how hard it was when I wanted to cast a single one of these suckers, now I can spit them out at a pace of more than one a second! The mind constructs display their power! Gwahahahaha!

Even more in my favour, the demons appear to have decided that since the purple bolts of mana don't appear to be doing them any harm, they aren't even bothering to dodge, focusing their attention on the more obviously lethal explosions and lightning being sent their way. Not that I mind.

The more shredded the disc becomes, the more engaged the pride demon in the lead gets, until his face is a twisted mask of pure disgust.

[You will DIE for your INSOLENCE! WORM!]

Oi. There's only one worm that needs to be destroyed due to its insolence, and it sure isn't me!

[Big talk from a little demon!] I taunt him. [How about you come over here and say that!?]

The five demons on the platform appear to take my invitation more literally than it was intended and launch themselves at us, leaping off the disc at blistering speeds as they b.a.r.e their claws against us. With a whoop of delight, Tiny smashes both hands into the ground, crushing a section of stone into dust as he launches himself forward, lightning crackling around his torso. In the blink of an eye, he crashes into the assaulting monsters, using his body to block their path and smacking two of them out of the air with two punches so fast I can't even see them.

The crew of demons are a mixed bunch, the pride demon in the lead is followed by two beefier looking models and two others who are clearly more of a caster variety, judging by the lack of skin on their bones. I mean, Invidia is very small, but he has extremely little in the way of bones and muscle mass, which are apparently not what you want to be stuffing into your pocket dimension. Brain matter? All good. Biceps? Not so much. By all accounts, this appears to be a balanced group of demons, on their way to take part in some sort of war? I'll have to ask Al what it's all about when we're done here.

As Tiny is set upon, the grinning ape being torn into by his five opponents, Crinis rises from the depths, her tentacles snaking out to grasp the demons around their limbs, the horrific buzzing of her barbs rising in the air. The pride demon in particular looks offended by this turn of events, hacking off the limb that grasped him and trying to leap into the air to create some distance.

Unfortunately, he's just too heavy.

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