
Chapter 798 - Low Society

Chapter 798 - Low Society

My first impression of Renewal was somewhat mixed, I must say. Having flown from the glittering towers of Derinon, jewel of the Asla sea and metropolis of the age, the relatively humble city that lay before me was rather quaint, rustic and backward. I'm sure you, dear reader, would react likewise if you'd just travelled from the heart of civilisation into the wild frontier! But what one must remember, must keep at the forefront of your mind at all times, is just how little time this city has existed. Not even ten years ago this patch of dirt was naught but shrubs and trees, not a single stone stacked atop another. From that nothing, a wonderful city has sprung into life constructed atop the ruins of the former frontier kingdoms by refugees and… ants!

Landing outside the city limits we caused quite the fuss, a gaggle of curious onlookers poking their noses out of the gates to inspect the newcomers and their flying transport. I was later to learn we weren't the first skimmer to visit these lands, but we weren't far from it, such that the residents were yet to lose their fascination with the creatures. After unpacking our things, my strapping escorts and I made our way into the city, my guards alert to any sign of danger in this strange and mysterious place. Not that there was any need for it, the people were lovely! Such a warm welcome we received as I can hardly describe. Without so much as a ruffled feather we were escorted to a local establishment named 'The Hill of Rest', a fine Inn of good report owned and run by the ever so delightful Mr and Mrs Bellweather.

The two were former refugees from the capital city of Liria, some of the few to escape the tragedy that occurred. I chatted to the two of them gaily, listening as they shared with me the gripping story of their survival, flight and eventual rescue at the hands of the 'Great One'. Needless to say, I was quite keen to discover who this individual might be and eagerly enquired. My two hosts shared a slight smile before describing a large and mighty ant, one of exceeding intelligence, generosity and kindness, responsible for saving many during the wave and slaying the beast responsible for destroying their home.

Mrs Bellweather was quite keen to impart on me the high regard the Great One is held in amongst the folk of Renewal and that my text not disrespect this individual in the slightest! Far be it from me, dear reader, to disparage someone I am yet to meet, regardless if they are an ant monster or not! After a very pleasant meal and a bath to wash off the worst offenses of our journey, I retired much refreshed, ready to tour the city on the following day. And what a city it revealed itself to be! Remarkable, unique and quite possibly the most fascinating destination on the face of Pangera! Judge nothing yet reader, for the best is by far yet to come!

· Excerpt from Chapter Three of 'Traveling Tolly in the lands of the Colony' published in the Monthly 'Pangera Gazette'

Can I explain what it was that drove me forward? Not really. For whatever reason, the voice that would normally tell me 'hey, Anthony, this is probably a bad idea' is just too quiet to prevent me rushing headlong forward. Maybe this is how Tiny feels all the time? No doubt or hesitation in his mind no matter what odds he faces or how dangerous the path he is on. Unlike Tiny, I know I'm not invincible, I know that running headlong into this city of Demons is dangerous. But I'm going to do it anyway.

I can sense the twenty bodyguards going into hyper-alert mode, their thoughts transmitted to me through the Vestibule. They sense peril here, like a deadly spice in the air, and they want to make sure that they do what is necessary so that I would survive. In my mind, I'm more worried about them than I am about me. They've all been promoted to tier five, which is a step up, but there are a number of tier six monsters in the gathering below us. Even with their perfect evolutions, it might not be enough. No matter what happens, I'll make sure they get out and take word back to the Colony. That's my duty as the Eldest.

Step by aching step, down the pillar we go.

The demon city is a strange place, though 'city' may not be the right term for it. Real estate is at a real premium on the disk of stone that encircles the pillar and there can't be more than a few thousand monsters living there. The buildings themselves are a bizarre sight, given the huge variety in shapes and sizes that demons can come in, no two are alike. In one section, there may be many domiciles piled on top of each other, creating a buzz of activity as smaller demons move in and out, whereas in others there may be just one cavernous hangar in which a particularly large specimen makes their home. As we descend, more and more of the residents take notice of us, looking up and pointing.

It'll be interesting if we have to confront so many demons at once, but it's looking as if that isn't going to be the case. Around the base where the pillar meets the disk I can see a wall, even make out the guards standing at intervals around it. The pillar is guarded for some reason? Interesting…

Another ten minutes of climbing and I finally set claw on the disk itself, stretching my leg out to take my weight so that I can once again become horizontal.

"AHHHHH! Feels so good to be flat again! My poor legs feel like they're on fire! At least I managed to get a level out of it."

"In Grip?" Brilliant asks, shaking out her own legs, "mine levelled three times on that climb."

"Keep raising that Skill," I encourage her, "if you ever get to my size, you're gonna need it at a high level."

Suddenly I feel a bridge seek to attach to my mind and I instinctively rebuff it, shoving the magic away and cutting it to ribbons with my mind constructs. I can't see anyone around me, who the heck would be trying to speak with me?

[Keep an eye out, Invidia. Someone wants to chat.]

[They have already madesssss an attempt.]


[How'd that go?]

[I ripped their magic apartsss!]

[Nice work. Let's take a defensive position here whilst we rest from the climb.]

Whilst I rest from the climb. Looking around, we appear to be in some form of disturbing garden, judging by the somewhat tasteless décor. Not that there's a whole lot of plant life to be seen. Does someone actually live here? It isn't long before we get our answer, as a grinning demon whose skin erupts in numerous wicked looking blades approaches. Once again I feel a mind bridge being extended, more respectfully this time and I allow the contact.

[The Lord wishes to speak with you,] the demon says.

No greeting? How rude. Still, it appears as if this city is managed by whoever lives here, might as well check it out.

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