
Chapter 765 - A brand new pain in the neck

Chapter 765 - A brand new pain in the neck

The first time I met Anthony, I honestly didn't think much of them. Insect type monsters were weak, such was common knowledge. In fact, that knowledge was so common, that it was some time before I realised I didn't actually know much about that branch of monsters, I had simply dismissed them out of hand based on the collective poor disposition toward them. After working with him and sensing his potential, I spent a considerable amount of time digging through the archives and studying the material we had on the subject, which was pathetically little. There were many records of ants, but mainly of the historical sort, detailing this outbreak or that, the types of individuals encountered and how they had been exterminated. Extraordinarily little work had been done exploring the branching evolution trees, common mutation types, or any of the rigorous research that the Cult of the Worm was renowned for.

Why? Why was this branch of monster, more than any other, disregarded in such a total manner? It was baffling to me, but I had little choice but to admit that I myself had done the same. Despite garnering a reputation for delving deep into monster archetypes that were typically looked down upon by my contemporaries, I had never considered looking into ants in any sort of depth. I suppose I can understand the bias, ants are a despised monster archetype. General Dungeon dwellers hate them for the damage they cause and the rather terrifying manner they attack, tunnelling through walls and bursting into vulnerable areas with a flood of chitinous bodies, whereas my fellow scholars had little use for such individually weak monsters when trying to craft the apex predator that is an Ancient.

So I set out to gather together all of the knowledge I could to rectify this mistake. By pulling together and cross-referencing studies on every hive-type insect monster I could find, I began to build a profile of what may be possible, not only at the lower tiers, but also at the higher. What emerged was a picture quite unlike what I had expected. High tier insect monsters are very rarely seen, but without exception, they are powerful. High tier ants, other than Queens, are never seen, but it stood to reason that they too would be just as strong.

My expectations in this regard were borne out, though not in the manner I had foreseen.

- Excerpt from 'Reflections on the Insectoid evolutionary chain in the New World' by Granin Lazus

Champion monsters aren't exactly unknown to me, seeing as Vibrant is one. I spoke to Granin about it, as a passing topic and given that he knows just about everything on the topic of monsters, he had plenty to say. Generally rare, but especially so amongst communal monsters, champions are a distinct threat when encountered by delvers. Smarter, stronger and capable of rallying other monsters around them, these creatures have apparently always been a known quantity in the Dungeon that were better left alone and avoided than confronted head on. I have already experienced the joy of taking care of one ant champion and I'm not particularly enamoured of the idea of taking care of a second.

[Whatever you do, make sure you don't eat her, Invidia. Just, be careful, you know?]

[I sssshall. The young isss sssafe with me.]

[Good to know.]

The absolute mess that this larva caused was beyond the pale. Not even Vibrant was that much of a pain in the neck before hatching. To think that this potential champion is already capable of this level of disaster causing… only my finest and strictest training will be able to mitigate the catastrophes to come. Still, she hasn't even gone into the pupal state yet… what exactly are we going to do with her when we're supposed to be out fighting the wave?

Invidia will do his absolute best, I'm sure, but I don't really expect him to fight whilst cradling a grub in his mouth. We need a more permanent solution…

As I ponder what to do with the little thing, I drift my thoughts down to the Vestibule and the flow of Will that is contained therein. The grub is there also, its barely conscious mind is providing energy to me, just as any other member of the Colony would. I can feel her thoughts, ever so softly, and only when I concentrate. There is immense curiosity there, as well as a burning impatience. I can tell she's in a hurry to grow up and hatch, to join the workforce and take her place amongst her siblings.

It's not time yet, little grub! You've got a bit of growing to do before you're ready to do that! Having said that, may as well go and secure some food for her. The three of us wander off and find a creature spawning in the tunnels which I put down with a quick chomp before asking Invidia to release the little one so she can get fed.

The grub emerges almost tentatively from the nightmare zone that is the demon's pocket dimension, wiggling out onto the ground with obvious relief. They have little in the way of senses, the larvae, blind and with very little by way of smell, but I'm sure it wasn't all that pleasant in there, which is nothing less than what she deserved after the panic she caused. Smelling the food, she wiggles her way toward it with that strength and energy which reminds me so much of Vibrant as a larva.

Soon the sound of chomping and chewing rings throughout the tunnel and I watch the little grub go at it, eating far more than one would think possible for a creature of her size. Even then, she tries to crawl away, nipping behind a rock and attempting to roll away from my clutches whilst I'm not paying attention. Sadly for her I was well aware of her intentions the moment they formed in her little head. Back into the mouth with you! You'll learn eventually.

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