
Chapter 762 - A horrific evolution

Chapter 762 - A horrific evolution

By the time her master returned, her perfect, wonderful master, Crinis was practically vibrating in excitement. What a wonderful day! What a precious opportunity! To have her dearest master devote his care and attention to her evolution on a personal level, it was far more than she, a mere servant, deserved! But she would happily accept, in fact, she wouldn't dream of saying no! Such a chance wasn't to be squandered.

Her master walked toward her, his carapace shining so beautifully as the darkness mana washed across that perfect form that she nearly didn't realise when he spoke to her.

[ -ready to go Crinis.]

[Ah! Yes, Master!] She squeaked.

[Great. I'm a lot less worried about your evolution than I am about Tiny's. I trust you to not make any dumb decisions.]

I trust you. I trust you. I trust you.

The words rattled around in Crinis' head, drowning out anything else that was said until she finally snapped back to reality a minute later and they were already inside the room. Crinis shook herself and tried to drive away any distractions. She had to focus and not let the master down in her evolution! She slapped herself on the side of her little ball form with two tentacles, the little impacts sending waves through her jelly-like shadow flesh. Her master looked at her curiously for a moment before turning back to the conversation and she herself began to listen more attentively.

[Shadow creatures can be a little tricky, particularly at this level of evolution,] the golgari shaper, Granin, was saying.

[You mentioned something like that with Tiny as well,] the master noted with perfect intuition, [what is it about shadow monsters?]

Granin frowned and Crinis huffed. How dare he show such a displeased expression when faced with perfection?! Did he need educating!? Her blades extended ever so slightly before she retracted them. Now wasn't the time.

[The trick is that shadow monsters are such different beasts compared to first or third strata monsters. Shadow Flesh is in a category of its own in terms of core body components. It can be hardened into an almost chitinous material, or be as spongy as your pet Crinis here has made it. When it comes time to reset, it's hard to get something that will perform remotely the same function.]

[Hmmm,] her master didn't sound pleased, so she released her claws again, [so… Crinis could reset her shadow flesh into … I don't know… demon flesh or some other third strata equivalent, but it wouldn't be able to serve the same function?]

[Right,] Granin nodded, [there's no reset available from the third strata that would allow Crinis to remain as malleable as she currently is. If she were to reset, she wouldn't be able to compact herself down to her current size,] the shaper gestured toward her current, cute ball sized shape, [or glomp onto your carapace the way she does.]

[Rejected!] Crinis declared before thinking.

[… uh… what was that Crinis?] the master asked.

[Um. I like my current shape, is all I meant… master,] she stammered out.

[Which is fine,] Granin said, [the issue is that the flesh is both the strength and the weakness of the shadow monsters. It's malleable and flexible, compressible and easily regenerated, but it is not very tough, no matter how many mutations you pile onto it. As you go deeper, it'll become harder and harder to avoid taking significant damage, or inflict damage, because everything you run into will be able to carve through your tentacles with ease.]

[Is there a solution?] master asked and Crinis felt a warm glow at the clear concern in their mind.

[There are plenty, just none that are guaranteed at this stage of evolution,] Granin appeared frustrated. [That's the issue with shadow creatures. Demon stuff from the third strata doesn't really suit, you really need stuff from the fourth, which are rare for tier six. Which is why I bring this up. If Crinis gets a choice to reforge her shadow flesh into something from that low in the Dungeon, she absolutely has to take it.]

[How exactly will she know?]

[It usually isn't hard to tell from the name. If it's not demonic or poisonous it's probably fourth strata. Just keep in mind that getting such an option would be exceptionally lucky. The system is fickle with things like this. In the much more likely event that she doesn't get an option like that, I recommend we focus on these areas…]

The discussion went on for some time after that and Crinis was diligent as she listened to every point that was made and every option that was discussed, asking a few questions herself when she needed clarification. She was determined to do her best and make her master proud! Later, when the talking was done and she had attached herself to the master's carapace once more, she received the best advice.

[When you evolve, just make sure it's something you'll be happy with,] the master said, [you don't need to worry about being useful, or looking after me or anything like that. As long as you're happy, that's all I want, alright?]

She felt warm and fuzzy at the care her master gave and pat him on the back with a few tentacles.

[Yes, Master] she said.

When they arrived in the evolution chamber, the ape was already there, fast asleep. She assumed his evolution had begun and he hadn't just gotten bored reading through the menus. Eager to begin, she parted from her master and made a comfortable home for herself in a dark corner, nestling her body half into the shadows and half out as she prepared to undergo the greatest change of her life to this point.

[Good luck, Crinis!] the master encouraged her.

She wouldn't let the master down! She engaged the menu, her attention riveted on the details.

[Would you like to use the evolution menu?]

[Congratulations on reaching the maximum level for your current species. Evolution will allow you to change your form and increase your stats as a monster.

Warning: evolving will make securing XP and Biomass more difficult as fewer rewards are given for preying on creatures less evolved than yourself.

Your evolution options are as follows:

Jelly of the Inbetween

Floating Orb of Madness

Shadeshifter (special)

Shadow Ghost of Darken Realm (special)

Immaterial Mind Breaker (rare)

Beholder of the Ineffable Truth (rare)

Endless Maw (rare)

Acting with extreme care, she read through each option, taking careful tally of the bonus stats, estimating the value of each of the included organs and resets in order to try and glean the best value. She also tried to read the intentions of the System by the choices given, what it was thinking for her future, something that Granin had discussed at length with the master, though it had appeared master was thinking about other, no doubt more important things and hadn't listened.

The two key foci of the System appeared to be her mobility, and her mind affecting abilities in this evolution. Her mastery over shadow magic had grown quickly in the second strata and her ability to move through darkness had likewise improved. All that time practicing with the order had done her some good. These Skills were rewarded with options like the Jelly of the Inbetween, the Shadeshifter and Shadow Ghost, each of which improved her ability to slip from one place to another through various means. The Orb of Madness and Mind Breaker evolutions were tips to her growing repertoire of ways to affect the mind of her foes, something she didn't mind admitting she delighted in. Those that slighted her master deserved nothing less than the most twisted torments, after all!

Finally, the Endless Maw evolution was more slanted toward consumption and biting, turning her into an amorphous blob filled with endless mouths. It was tempting, but not quite what she was after.

Naturally the rare evolutions provided the best value and so it was to these that she was drawn.

[Rare Evolution: Beholder of the Ineffable Truth (rare). +60 bonus to Cunning, +60 bonus to Will, +60 bonus to Might, +60 bonus to Toughness. The Beholder is a knower of things and a perceiver of that which others would like to remain hidden. Blinded to light, it sees through, and into the between. Shadow Eye will be reformed into a Dimension Eye (warning, this will refund all mutations), allowing the Beholder to pierce the Veil.]

This evolution would focus on her perception, pushing her general, all-rounder build further along and helping seek out that which would harm the master. She liked it, but was drawn to the other.

[Rare Evolution: Immaterial Mind Breaker (rare). + 70 bonus to Cunning, +70 bonus to Will, +50 bonus to Might, +50 bonus to Toughness. The Mind Breaker is a creature not satisfied with shattering only the flesh, but seeks to destroy also the mind. Opponents will be left reeling as they attempt to fend off attacks that will crush bones and sanity alike. Reforges Shadow Flesh into Immaterial Flesh (warning, this will refund all mutations) a substance that can move through solid matter at will, with an expenditure of mana. In addition, Soul Seeker Cilia will be placed on the ends of the limbs, allowing for strikes directly into the mind to occur.]

This one… she liked.

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