
Chapter 737 - Resting up

Chapter 737 - Resting up

Getting back to the nest helped a lot with my physical exhaustion, washing the fatigue from my limbs and easing the pain in my muscles, but the mental fatigue is still there weighing me down and after five days of almost continuous fighting, even the impressive constitution of a tier six monster is barely enough to keep me going. Even Tiny has no fight left in him by the time we make it back inside the defensive wall of the nest, stumbling forward like a punch-drunk boxer, the lights almost entirely out in his eyes.

Crinis has been asleep for a while now, just latching onto my carapace and falling asleep the moment she can, whereas Invidia is having trouble keeping himself in the air, his small wings flapping with more energy than usual to correct his frequent dips and lurches as he zones in and out.

All in all, the trip to the third strata was a success, but it nearly killed us a couple of times, which was less than ideal. From what I gathered from the troops stationed at the walls, our intervention was very keenly felt across a wide area along the deepest edge of the Colony's territory, which is gratifying to hear. Including all the experience, Biomass and cores we accrued over the journey, as well as the intelligence we gathered regarding the third strata, I would have to qualify our adventure as a rousing success.

By the time we reach our chambers inside the inner part of the nest, all four of us have had it. Collapsing into a pile of carapace, fur, and a giant eye, we fall into slumber immediately, the relaxing grace of torpor falling over me and dragging my mind into the void to rest. Until…


I'm up!

Awareness rushes back to me and I spring up onto my legs, my mind refreshed and my body completely awash with energy. The thoughts, hopes and wishes of the thousands, tens of thousands of my kind in the nest pouring into me and bubbling up as a mass of spiritual power that, for a moment, threatens to overwhelm me completely. I grapple with it for a moment, my Will straining until I succeed in shoving it into the background, the roar of the Colony fading back to a dull murmur.

What the heck was that?!

It's never behaved like that before… Is it the acc.u.mulated desires of my siblings that piled up when I was resting? Are the members of the Colony just impressing more of their will onto me than usual? Are there just more ants around here than I was expecting as their numbers reacted with my new Vestibule? For a moment I'm tempted to ask for advice from Granin and co about the issue, but after thinking on it for a moment I decide not to. It isn't that I don't trust the golgari trio, but I feel the need to keep some of my cards close to the carapace. Also, there's just something odd about the Vestibule and Nave and the way they interact with the rest of my kind that makes me a little hesitant to spread the word around. They just seem so different from anything else I've seen from other monsters that I sometimes wonder if I'm the only monster in the Dungeon who would have an evolution like this.

Everyone I've ever spoken to says insect monsters tend to not reach tier five or six, so it might be entirely possible.

Ah well, something to worry about another day. I rouse Tiny, Crinis and Invidia, who wake with some reluctance, especially Tiny, before charging out of the chambers and into the nest in order to go about our day. So much to do, so much to see! As always, it's go, go, go in the nest, with ants rushing hither and thither on their innumerable tasks following the dozens of scent trails that lead to every destination in our territory. Such is the hubbub that it takes longer than expected to make our way to our destination, but eventually we find our way to the Core Shapers workshop to find Bella and Ellie busy arranging their caste in numerous teams.

There are thirty ants gathered into groups of three when we arrive, each lined up neatly and listening to Bella give a grand speech on their mission. She stumbles to a halt when I arrive and I suddenly find myself the centre of attention as each of them turns their attention to me.

"Uh… hi. Don't stop on account of me!" I wave an antenna awkwardly.

"Nonsense Eldest," Ellie rushes over to welcome me. "How nice of you to visit us when you are so busy. You haven't stumbled across any other revolutionary core shaping techniques on your latest outing by any chance?" she gushes, stars practically gleaming in her eyes.

"No," I crush her dreams immediately, "but I did bring you a couple of gifts."


From my back, Crinis extends a tentacle that arches back until it plunges into her own mass, fishing around for a few moments until emerging with a small cache of cores gripped in a curl of shadow flesh.

"A small selection of demon cores fresh from the third strata!" I proclaim as Crinis hands them over to a suddenly reverent Ellie, who grips the spheres in her mandibles as if they were precious diamonds. "We weren't able to grab many, things were a little hectic down there, but here is what we got."

"Thank you, Eldest!" Bella exclaims. "We've been given a few demon cores from the outer defences, but they've been trickling in. To have some directly from the source will be most useful to our research!"

"Glad to see they've gone to a good home. All the best you two!"

After waving goodbye to the two core shapers and their somewhat awestruck audience, we move on to another section of the nest for another visit that needs to be checked off the list. I find Granin and his group engaged in tea-time with Enid, surprisingly enough. The three oversized rock-people look a touch out of place in the neatly furnished rooms of the mayor, their cups of tea appearing comically small in their large hands.

[Anthony,] Granin rumbles in my mind, [nice to see you made it back in one piece.]

[Did you know that the third strata was like that?] I demand. [It's freakin' hot down there!]

He raises one stone carved eyebrow.

[People are more commonly disturbed by the idea of the entire surface of our world being supported by rocky pillars. But sure, yes, it's very hot]

[Also that! What the heck is going on there?! You cannot possibly tell me those rocks are strong enough to hold up the gojillions of tons above them!?]

[Nice to see you too Anthony,] Enid says as she takes a long sip of her tea.


[Sorry Enid, my manners have totally gone begging. How's things been with you? I trust Renewal is doing well?]

[Well enough,] she laughs, [don't mind me, I'm just getting old and fussy. Although, as we're speaking of it, is there a chance you could make an appearance on the surface? It would be wonderful to show you what we've achieved up there.]

Go to the surface? As tier six?

[Uh… I'm not sure - ]

Before I even finish the sentence, I can see the disappointment flicker in the old woman's eyes.

[There's a wave on, lad,] Granin reminds me.

[Oh right. Would that be enough though?]

He shrugs.

[If the three of us tag along and help channel mana for you, I think you'd be able to manage for a little bit. You'll need to wait until the wave reaches its peak.]

It seems like a bit of a pain, but sure. Enid has done a lot for me and the Colony, I don't mind humouring her.

[Alright then, Enid,] I say, [you heard the man. When the mana levels peak, I'll try to sneak up there for a tour. Sound good?]

She puts her tea down to clap her hands together, her smile wide and eyes shining.

[Wonderful,] she says, [the people will be so pleased. Now please, continue your conversation.]

[Why are you interrupting me anyway?] Granin demands gruffly. [I'm trying to have some tea. Where the heck did you even get tea anyway?]

[I think we stole most of it from the golgari… I'm actually in need of a consult. Got some time?]

[For you?]

[Obviously not,] I jerk my antennae back toward Tiny and Crinis behind me. [For those two.]

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