
Chapter 720 - Awakening

Chapter 720 - Awakening

The voices are back again. In fact, I'd say they're even stronger than before. There's so damn many of them! When hundreds of thousands of voices are whispering at you, it's no longer a quiet sound, it's a roar, powerful enough to drown out my own thoughts if I'm not careful. Each entity, each soul, is like a single drop of water, a coalesced portion of Will that slips through the ether and into the Vestibule in a way that I don't understand. From there they sink deep into my consciousness, running together and gathering momentum until a raging torrent is formed, a whirlpool of thoughts, feelings and desires that threatens to sweep me away.

But I'm not afraid. Even in this half-dream, half-awake state I understand a simple truth: my family will not harm me. In all of their wishes, hopes and ambitions, there are none that desire for me to come to harm. Their support surrounds me like a storm, but also a blanket. As I gradually return to wakefulness, I start to wonder what it was that caused this change.

Is this simply the clarity of the new Vestibule? Is it transmitting the Will of the Colony to me the same as it always did, but stronger? Or is the new addition, the Communal Spirit Nave, to blame? I thought all it would do is magnify the regeneration I received from the energy the Vestibule provides, but perhaps it also has the effect of magnifying the slivers of Will that come from the Colony to me? I'm not sure, and even if I were, there isn't much I could do to change the situation. This is something that I have become determined to grow used to, so that's what I'm going to do. No more running away.

The senses of my body come back to me piece by piece and with the return of these more mundane sensations, the whispers begin to fade to the background, receding until nothing remains but a dull roar that bleeds into my soul.


With my exclamation, I spring to life and the waiting pets around me react to my awakening in their own manner. Tiny sees that I've risen and falls back onto his backside, already preparing to settle into a seemingly long anticipated nap. Before I can even finish shaking the lethargy out of my legs, he's already snoring loudly in the corner. Lazy ape. For her part, Crinis is much happier to see me.

[Master! You've awoken!]

[I sure have. How've things been whilst I was gone?]

[Very quiet. None have disturbed your rest.]

[Any word from outside the nest? No problems with the wave?]

[I have not heard, Master, as far as I'm aware there have been no major developments, but if there were it's unlikely that we would be told. We wouldn't leave your side no matter what was occurring.]

I guess that makes sense. I did order them to watch over me after all. No longer restricted to keeping watch over me, Crinis all too happily detaches her dark shadowy form from the wall where she had been clinging and latches onto my carapace, blobbing around my abdomen like rubbery coating of pure shadow.

[Bit bigger than before? What do you think, Crinis?]

[I can sense that your power has greatly increased, Master. Surely there are no sc.u.m who would dare to still despoil your greatness now.]

I highly doubt that, but I don't need to rile her up.

[Hey Invidia, how're things?]

The floating eyeball has watched all the goings on with his lidless eye from near the entrance to the chamber. At my words he dips and bobbles in the air for a moment before his vast mind reaches back to mine.

[Thingsssss are good. Your transssformation is complete. I sennsssse your mind is no longer quite ssssso weak.]

For a second I see that great eyeball flash green before it fades once more.

[Still not able to keep up with your brainpower, but I'm getting better.]

It's true, but it doesn't hurt to try and deflect the covetous orb every now and again. I've never really discussed his envious nature with the demon, but it does seem to be a little inconvenient. He seems to be caught in a state of perpetual want for things he sees others have. Can't exactly be a very satisfying way to live… Maybe that's just part of being a demon from the third strata? I don't know. I just want the little dude to be happy.

Now fully awake, I try to skitter left and right a little, just getting used to my new body. This room sure does feel more cramped than it did before… Like, I know that I've grown larger, but I didn't think it was going to be by this much. I really did pour a ridiculous amount of energy into my stats in this evolution, both the mental and the physical. I can't wait to see how it feels to fight in this new body. There's no rushing the proper process though! Back to basics!

I hum a little song to myself as I rapidly shift my legs, dodging left and right as I avoid attacks from imagined enemies. Every now and again I snap my mandibles with a satisfying CRUNCH! I can really feel the added power from the increased musculature in my head. Which means my head is bigger than before, yet again. I really don't want to end up as one of those big headed ants. They just look… unbalanced. I can say from experience that it takes a little while to grow accustomed to a new body, and although the change isn't as ridiculous as going from human to ant, it still takes a bit of time to get my sense of balance back. The changes to my mental prowess is probably going to be the hardest to get used to, since the greatest change took place there. I can't wait to start throwing some spells around to see what I can do now with all of this firepower I'm packing. Going to have to get out into the nest and see what's going on, then make my way out into the Dungeon to smack some monsters around! I can't wait!

Feeling more in control of myself, I step out into the tunnel and pause when I see a little worker making her way past. She makes way for my bulk as she heads up the tunnel wall to squeeze through and I weave a quick message to her with my antennae.

Thank you nameless one. Rest well.

I almost don't notice when she freezes in place for a second before sprinting down the corridor and out of sight. Ignorant to her reaction, I make my way through the tunnels, clacking my mandibles in irritation when I find a few paths I can no longer use due to my increased size. Is this how irritating it is to be the Queen? What a pain! Eventually I find my way to where I'm going, it wasn't far away but getting onto the correct tunnels was more difficult than it should be. Soon enough, Crinis, Invidia and I find ourselves in one of the greatest places in Pangera: the brood chambers!

I can spot some grubs that need a tickle!

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