
Chapter 708 - That magnificent beard

Chapter 708 - That magnificent beard

I look over my options one last time before I confirm everything. I have to say, the ol’ status sheet is looking pretty darn good. A massive boost in stats, my brains becoming mutable, a heck of a lot more physical power and the benefits of expanding my Vestibule setup to become even more of an enduring powerhouse. I can hardly wait! Not to mention the slow process of reforging my body into something better than what I started with is quite exciting. It may only be the antennae and Vestibule so far, but eventually the whole body will be remade! We can make it better! Faster! Stronger! We have the technology!

Satisfied with what I see, I confirm the options and once more feel my consciousness falling into the now-familiar sinkhole of nothingness. The sensation of having your awareness circling the drain filled with a black void is a little disconcerting, I have to say. But as the saying goes, you can adapt to anything, so it's more of a detached fascination that I feel as I fall endlessly until I come into the presence of the great bearded one once more.

[I don't actually have a beard, you know.]

The voice echoes out into my mind, sounding mildly amused.

Look, Gandalf has a beard. Gandalf without a beard just isn't a thing. I don't think my mind could even comprehend it. Like… fire without heat or water without wet. If Gandalf didn't have a beard, would he even be Gandalf? Actually, this is getting deep…

[I am not this Gandalf that you keep calling me. You do realise that, don't you?]

Are you going to tell me your name this time?


Gandalf you remain.

[… I suppose that's fair enough. In terms of the level of delusion those in your position usually possess, this is quite minor, all things considered.]

Yeah, that's a question I have actually. How many of my kind are actually kicking around down here?! Since the last time we spoke, I've met three. Three! It's not like I've covered a wide range of territory either, only a tiny sliver of the world! Are you snatching souls from Earth constantly? What's your deal, man?!

[The collection and injection of souls into the world is not something I handle directly. It is mere happenstance that your world aligns closely with this one. When a suitable soul is detected, it is drawn here and reborn into the Dungeon. It is simply a thing that is.]

Huh. You've mentioned this before, but 'suitable' tends to mean 'a bit nuts' from what I understand.

[Most minds are not capable of surviving the transition to a monstrous form. The following challenge of having to endure within the Dungeon breaks the rest.]

It sounds like you have experience with this…

[Oh, yes. It was quite some time before the filter could determine who had the better chance of survival. The first generations of transplanted souls were… disappointing, to say the least.]

Sounds like a relatively mild way of describing people suffering breakdowns and getting eaten in by monsters…

[As I said, it isn't something I control directly, it is merely part of the working.]

Uh-huh. Well thank goodness the Dungeon is filled with crazies, eh? So much more stable and easy to deal with. You weren't lying about Garralosh, by the way, she was completely gone. Fully nuts. To be honest, if it weren't for that, I probably wouldn't have survived fighting her.

[It's true that she had suffered long. She showed much early promise, but her savagery was not tempered by cunning. She grew too fast, and did not hide her strength from those who would do her harm. Any monster that shows such rapid growth is marked with a target, something she failed to grasp until it was far too late.]

Do I have that same target painted on my back now, seeing as I was the one who killed her?

[To some extent, perhaps. You have already drawn to your side those that would see you grow to your full potential.]

Do you mean Granin and the triad? You know about the cult? Or should I say, cults?

[Of course. There is nothing that happens on this world that is outside of my purview should I wish it to be so.]

Then I suppose you would know all about the ancients and the stuff that they have going on?

[Of course. Everything the System touches is within my scope,] the voice sounds rather smug at this, [regardless of what they might wish, they are bound by it still.]

You make it sound as if they want to break out of the System. Is something like that even possible?

[Should I fill in all the blanks for you? What reason would I have to answer such a question?]

… Because you're super nice?

Well that got a laugh out of him.

[You are an interesting specimen, I must admit. Your species has become quite a force, and you yourself continue to rise from strength to strength. Your current path of evolution has you on a powerful trajectory. I am curious, however, if you are so comfortable tying so much of strength into the survival of your species. Without them, you will only possess a fraction of the strength.]

I mean, it's fine I guess? If they all die, it's not like I'm going to be alive anyway, right?



What do you mean why?! It's obvious I'd die attempting to save them! As if it were even possible that the Queen would be killed before me!

[I find it so curious that someone with your own history of families would be so attached to what could only loosely be described as a family in this world.]

Loosely described? Don't be absurd! We're all related! Heck, most of us are straight-up siblings! And my previous experience might not have been perfect…

[You were abandoned and left to starve to death…]

You bring up the starving thing every time. It might not have been perfect, but I couldn't have asked for a better family this time around. I get so much trust and support from them. It would be weird if I didn't try to give it back. Which brings up something else I really wanted to say to you, now that I have the chance.

[Oh? Something you want to say to me?]

Yes. I've been thinking about this for a while, and I thought I should say in case I don't get another chance. I uh, suppose I, uh, just wanted to say thanks… I guess. Thanks for letting me be born here, as an ant. I feel like I fit in here, probably better than I ever did on Earth… and it's been… good. So… thanks.

There's a moment of silence between us.

[You know, I don't think anyone has ever thanked me for being born here, not in the entire history of the System,] the voice muses, [I have to say the experience is a little… odd. You're welcome? Is that what people say at moments like this?]

I suppose so. Just how out of touch with manners are you?

[Very,] the voice chuckles. [Our time has come to an end, I sense. Good luck until I see you again. Try not to die.]

Well, that's cheery …. Thought to… end…. On……

The darkness takes me. Once more, I feel my soul return to my body and then all sensation disappears as I begin to change. My last thought is that I hope I'm not asleep for too long…

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