
Chapter 651 - Under the sea

Chapter 651 - Under the sea

When the order came to pull back to the nest, I honestly couldn't say if I was unhappy or relieved. We'd battled these stupid Legion punks for every inch of ground. Thousands of Colony members had died in the defence. Now we were just supposed to hand over the last five kilometres of tunnel for free? As a gift? Were we rolling out the red carpet for these killers?

Of course I know that's not the intention, but it still rankles me. On the other hand, I'm freakin' tired. Exhausted even. I haven't enjoyed proper torpor in so long I swear I've sensed Protectant and her gang grouping up to try and drag me away. My body might feel young and sprightly, filled to bursting with the energy of the Colony supplied, but my mind is spongy and bruised. I need sleep! I need release from this endless war of attrition.

So it's with these mixed feelings that I finally make my return to the main nest. Each of the three nests are expected to be hit in the upcoming siege, but this is still the centre of the Colony's strength and despite not being asked to, I want to position myself here where the fighting is going to be hottest. As the massive trail of tens of thousands of ants winds toward home, it's hard not to take notice of how freaking cold it is. Ants aren't the best when it comes to dealing with low temperatures and I can see the soldiers around me are struggling somewhat to deal with it. The sea of shadows has grown thicker over the last few days, the oppressive darkness and freezing cold are pressing down on us ever more viciously.

It's obvious another wave is coming. Possibly worse than the first. This deep down we're sure to run into significant numbers of third strata monsters as they rise, possibly even the fourth. Where the last wave turned into an opportunity for us, this one may be a great trial for the Colony. If we survive our current predicament, we'll be thrust right into a fresh onslaught. Even so, I find it hard to believe the Colony will falter. My new family has never let me down yet.

Plenty of time to worry about the future when it happens, right now I need to take a comprehensive look at my situation. Fighting against the Legion is certainly good for Skills, I can't complain about that much. I've experienced growth in a lot of areas, particularly in those I've been using repeatedly. My mental Skills along with my targeting have grown by leaps and bounds along with solid improvements in my magic. My stockpile of Biomass hasn't grown by as much as I would like, opportunities for hunting have been nil for a long time, after all. The Colony did keep us well fed over the course of the battles, but not enough to significantly increase what I'd stashed away before the Legion arrived. Still, there'll be room for a few final mutations before the last battle heats up.

As I busy myself pouring through my Skill list and wondering which of my organs and body parts I should mutate next, the convoy rolls ever forward until finally we reach the gates of the nest.

If I thought things were ostentatious and overdone before, the carvers have taken things to an entirely new level now. The entire tunnel bristles like a porcupine on a bad hair day with reinforced steel spikes. I can see ambush and firing tunnels every few metres, peppering the roof of the tunnel. Even the slope moving toward the gate has been changed to a steep downward grade, forcing the enemy to march uphill to reach the gates. The massive steel doors themselves are now packed so full of enchantments and cores that I can practically feel them vibrate in place. This is just the outer gate! The inner one is surely even more ridiculous.

It was.

The carvers have not been slacking whilst the other castes have been fighting. I'm impressed as hell. The vats full of acid ready to tip on the enemy are the cherry on top of a spectacularly deadly cake. If the Legion tries to approach through the front door, they're in for a very bad time. Hopefully the Colony has considered what to do in the event that the enemy decides to try and tunnel around our defences. Magically condensed stone is wonderful and all that, but it can be beaten. We've done it ourselves after all.

Just as I make my way into the nest proper I spy a few unexpected faces before I can slither away to work on my mutations.

[Enid,] I say, [imagine seeing you here. And in such good company…]

I pointedly try to avoid looking at the thirty robed figures who crashed down to their knees the moment I appeared. The mayor rolls her eyes discreetly and replies.

[I think you're going to be more than a little surprised when you realise just what's happened up there. I don't think even you could have predicted this.]

[Predicted what?] I ask.

Rather than answer me, Enid just smiles and gestures towards the foremost robed figure, one conspicuously missing an arm. Dammit. Somehow I know this is going to be annoying.

[Beyn, if you yell at me I swear I will banish you from the Colony for all time. Try to keep it down and tell me what is going on here.]

The threat works a treat and I see the n.a.k.e.d fear take root in the priest's eyes. For once, he actually hesitates before blasting my mind with his thoughts.

[Great One. A new miracle has occurred. My fellow faithful have been blessed with a unique Class by the System that will allow the people of the surface to fight alongside their saviours. So we have come -]

[Hell no.]

He stares at me. I stare unblinking back at him.

[Do you have any idea what the Legion would do to you people? It'll be a massacre. No way.]

I turn to Enid.

[Tell him how stupid this is Enid. Unless this new Class of theirs allows them to shoot beams of pure destruction from their butts or something, there's no chance they'll be able to stand against the Legion.]

Enid blinks rapidly.

[Why the butt?] she wonders.

[I was born shooting acid from back there, alright? Don't judge me. Now explain to this moronic priest why he's such a moron.]

The elderly woman sighs.

[It's not that simple. It's a buff Class that works on sapients and ants so long as you are together. You could use a buff, could you not?]

As much as I want to say no, we are heavily outmatched by our opponents this time. Sensing my hesitation, Enid breaks into my thoughts.

[We've already spoken to Sloan and Victor and they've approved our involvement provided you agree. A lot of people from Renewal have come to help defend the nests. We feel that we have a chance to repay our debt.]

I scoff.

[Come on Enid. How many people would be dumb enough to run into the Dungeon to try and defend a colony of monstrous ants? They'd have to be completey and irrevocably insane.]

Before I even finish my rant, they have begun to arrive in the chamber. People. Hundreds of them. Farmers, merchants, craftsmen and women, each and every one of them a refugee from the devastation of Garralosh. Word of my arrival must have spread quickly, because they run towards me in waves, more of them appearing every moment. When the first arrive behind the priests, they immediately join them, falling to their knees and raising their hands in prayer towards me.

More come, then more, still more, until I stand with my pets and the great gate of the Colony behind me, and thousands of humans kneeling in a great arc before me.

[Just about every person of fighting age came,] Enid says gently. [Almost the entire town.]

I can't even shake my head.

[What is wrong with you people?]

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