
Chapter 633 Put through the paces

Chapter 633 Put through the paces

Obviously, my new Skill would be totally useless to me if I weren't able to make effective use of it, so all four of my brains were made to practice forming it. Early signs… weren't good. It was a nightmare frankly. The entire thing fell to ribbons in my hands, falling apart and vanishing into dust as I watch.

This construct is a fiendish mass of complexity, it's like a construct within a construct within a construct. Which.. I suppose… is exactly what it is. It's capable of creating twelve different types of elemental energy, basically twelve constructs in one! I'm not deterred though, thinking back to how difficult I found creating my first construct, I know that this is only going to be a matter of time. It's like playing an instrument, it takes time to memorise exactly how all the pieces fit together.


[Huh? Crinis? What's up?]

I feel my loyal eldritch terror shift on my carapace.

[How long are you planning to stay here, Master? I know you want some time to spend on your new Skill, but it's been several hours already.]

Oh, right. The war.

[Thanks for the time check, Crinis. We do have things we need to be about. Let's go.]

The last part I say to all of my pets and we gather up to return to the front lines. I toss the practice regime onto the sub-brains and let them deal with it whilst I go back to where the action is. I can almost feel my sub-brains shuddering with pain as the load of putting together this monstrosity of a construct lands solely in their lap. They can suck it up! I don't have the luxury to let them slack off.

It doesn't take long to return to the front, I didn't move that far and it's not like it would move that far in such a short amount of time. I do get a surprise once I arrive at the defensive line in the form of an unexpected visitor.

"Sloan! I'm a little surprised to see you out of the main nest. How are things travelling up there?"

The two generals of the council have been locked in the main nest managing the two sided conflict to the best of their abilities. We've been relying on them to be the organisers and decision makers when it comes to overall strategy, a heavy burden that I was only too happy to not be a part of.

She gives a weary wave of an antenna.

"Busy" she sighs, "very busy. Things are constantly changing and the Colony is now so large that keeping track of all the moving parts is impossible."

"Are we really growing that fast? Are the second and third nests operational now?"

She nods.

"Yes, and producing new brood at full capacity. The Brood Tenders have been in a frenzy, trying to ensure the academy handles the load. There are still teams out there expanding territory and securing resources for the hatchlings even whilst this conflict goes on. Making sure every area has the resources they need has been difficult."

That only makes sense. Nothing is more important than the brood and hatchlings, they're the future of the Colony after all. No matter what is happening out here, the Colony has to ensure that the next generation is cared for.

"What brings you down here then? Getting bored being locked upstairs? Keen to get your mandibles dirty on the frontlines?" I tease.

"Something like that," she surprises me. "Victor and I decided that we needed to get a better sense of what was happening so we each came to a separate battleline. This way we'll have a more direct understanding."

I think for a moment.

"Are you sure you didn't just get sick of feeling as if you were hiding in the nest and wanted to experience a bit of danger?" I accuse.

My antennae poke forward in an accusatory fashion, pinning the smaller general on the spot.

"N-no, of course not," Sloan plays it cool and waves away my concern.

"Hmm," I eye her with suspicion.

Is it possible that the selfless danger seeking instincts of the Colony are still this prevalent? My re-education campaign will be strict indeed.

"How are things on the other front?" I allow myself to get diverted by the question I really want to ask.

"Bloody. The fighting is much more direct there than here. Sarah has agreed to engage as well and with her help we've been able to take the fight right to the golgari for the time being."

I'm shocked.

"Sarah? Really?! I really didn't think she'd be willing… Hopefully she's alright."

It's hard to imagine that reserved and timid person fighting in a gruesome battle, even if she is a ginormous death bear of doom.

"Things on this front are downright boring in comparison to that," I shrug, "we've just been probing and retreating constantly."

The general gives me an odd look.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm just surprised you're being so patient and going along with what we asked, Eldest," she tells me frankly.

I'm tempted to deal out a THWACK for that… but it's too accurate. I've been biding my time waiting for the Skill fusion to occur, patiently grinding levels. I've no need to hold back anymore.

"That may change in the next battle," I answer and Sloan nods.

"We predicted as much. Victor thought you'd crack earlier, I'm the winner of this bet," she says, looking smug.


It isn't long until my newfound lack of restraint is put to the test. The Legion wants to push our lines back faster and faster it would seem, meaning the harassing core shapers have been pulled back and I, along with the more martial caste members, have been put back on the line of fire.

The overall strategy of the colony is still to give ground to the Legion, but I intend to make them pay a steeper price this time. You could say I want them to experience the gravity of the situation.


So it is that when the legion appears before me, advancing towards us once more, I no longer trouble myself with flinging wind at them. Instead, I start powering up a Gravity Bomb. It's been a long time since I tried to harness this level of energy, but my minds work together once again to bring that dark purple mana out of the Gravitational Mana gland and begin to compress it into the miniature sphere of crushing power that I've come to know and love.

As the mana becomes more dense and compressed, more unruly and wild, I see a response from the enemy lines. As I thought, with this level of mana being gathered, it doesn't take them long to be able to detect it. I can't even put any attention towards trying to disguise the build-up, since I want all of my mental muscle dedicated to creating the biggest bomb I can.

The reaction is fast from the other side. The Legionaries stop advancing and brace their shield line. From where I stand I can see their mages move to the front, preparing shields and readying themselves to break apart my spell once I unleash it.

As if I would let it be that easy!

[Let them have it!]

[Sssssshall I take everythingggg? Even their sssssouls?]

Invidia sounds delighted to be let off the chain as his eye begins to shine with a dangerous light.

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