
Chapter 589 The Delegation pt 3

Chapter 589 The Delegation pt 3

The talks themselves were the most straightforward negotiation of Enid's life. Coolant was calm, intelligent and without guile as she spoke clearly and directly with the human council.

The Colony wanted them to assist with negotiations going forward into the future, was this possible?

Yes, it was something they could do, indeed, there would be many who would be happy to volunteer to assist the ants, beyond the passed out fanatics on the floor.

In exchange for the assistance, the Colony would be prepared to expand their efforts to assist the town in its development. Including a wide ranging search campaign for more refugees.

Fantastic, this help would be most welcome.

And it was done. From start to finish it took less than five minutes for them to reach an in-principle agreement, and then a further five were required for Coolant to outline exactly what the oncoming talks with the Dungeon city of Rylleh would entail. Enid was able to gather, from the things that the mage said, that the Colony didn't really know what to do with the city, nor had any real interest in extracting anything from it. The city had presented a threat, they neutralised that threat, now they just wanted to ensure that the city went along, doing its own thing, whilst not building any gates.

Coolant seemed to feel that this was an entirely reasonable position for the ants to take, and from their perspective, it was. Enid was quite certain that the people of the city wouldn't quite see it that way, what with their access to the broader Dungeon society being completely cut off. The list of complaints they'd bring to the table would be staggering, of that she had no doubt. But that was now her problem to deal with as much as it was the Colony's, that was her agreement.

With the generic talks completed, the moment that each and every member of the council had been dreading had arrived. Coolant was almost cheery as she brought it up to the delegation.

[With the more unpleasant business out of the way, I would like to now, as a gesture of trust, invite all of you to meet the Queen in her chamber. You will be heavily under guard, of course, but this is the deepest gesture of openness that we can offer, apart from allowing you to contact our young, which we aren't comfortable doing at this time.]

Such a direct and well-mannered invitation! Enid glanced at the rest of the council and sure enough, each of them was already sweating bullets. They managed to hide it well, but the widened eyes and frozen expressions on their faces told of the inner struggle taking place as they sought to find a reasonable excuse to turn down this visit. As if such a thing could be allowed. Imagine if the ants were to extend this invitation with open hearts, only for every visitor to refuse it. The mayor wasn't sure how the ants would take it, but in sapient societies, such a rejection would be seen as a massive slap in the face. She wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of coming face to face with such a monster, but she refused to insult the Colony in such a way.

[If you don't mind, Coolant,] she led with, [I'd like to accept your gracious invitation on behalf of the council. I would not want to disturb her majesty overmuch with our visit, I alone will be sufficient representative of Renewal.]

The palpable relief on the faces of her fellow council members was a disgrace and Enid turned a hard glare of contempt at the lot of them. They didn't even have the decency to look ashamed! Next time the elections came up, she'd have to make sure that more capable members of the community were persuaded to run. If this was the best that their people had to offer then they were doomed to begin with.

She turned back to Coolant.

[Though it would be nice if Isaac could join me in case I trip. I am very old for a human you understand.]

The giant ant tipped her antennae in acceptance even as Isaac released a disgraceful whimper, his face a picture of wounded betrayal.

[This is acceptable. I'm sure the Queen would prefer to not be crowded. Though I must ask, what is the term 'your majesty' referring to?]

Enid faltered.

[It's uh… a term used to refer to royalty.]

[Who is royal?]

[The Queen?]

Coolant stared at her for a moment, uncomprehending before she replied.

[But the Queen is not royalty, she is the Queen.]

[Of course.]

Enid and an openly weeping Isaac were escorted out of the room and back into the adjoining tunnel. Isaac managed to pull himself together after Enid whispered 'Morrelia' under her breath, which fortunately occurred before they reached a downward slope that they could see opened into a larger chamber.

The two humans steeled themselves before they descended under the watchful eyes of the massive insects that loomed over them, watching their every move. At the bottom of the slope, Enid closed her eyes for a moment as she braced her aged heart and then stepped forward into the chamber.

The Queen both was, and wasn't what she had expected. She was, by far, the biggest ant that Enid had ever seen, towering over the humans as she turned to stare at the two intruders with mild curiosity. Massive mandibles, a gleaming, thick carapace, her legs reached as tall as a house roof before angling back down to the ground. But where she'd expected a bloated, pulsating creature that was barely able to move under her own power, the Queen was instead powerful, sleek and mobile. Only her larger rear segment gave hint to the different nature of her species.

More than that, the presence of two other Queens was quite a shock to the system! Not as large as their mother, the two younger ants stood behind their larger parent as they goggled at the humans who had tread into this, the most private of all chambers. Indeed, other than Enid, Isaac, Coolant and the guards they'd come in with, there were no other ants in the chamber, making it the most peaceful and unpopulated room in the nest that they'd seen.

[I'll handle the mind bridge connection,] Coolant announced, [just give me a moment.]

An awkward silence descended between the two sides as they stood looking at each but unable to offer comment. Isaac had managed to take hold of himself quite well utilising deep breathing exercises and imagining Morrelia's excited face spattered in gore during an intense battle. Even the site of these truly intimidating insects wasn't enough to blow away the ardour he felt towards his goddess.

[Done,] Coolant announced, [Mother, this is Enid, Mayor of the human settlement on the surface and Isaac, some sort of soldier.]

The giant Queen brought her antennae toward each of them as they were introduced, getting a sense for them.

[Welcome to the egg-laying chamber, guests of my family. I must admit, I did not expect that any would accept the offer to visit this place, but I welcome you.]

The Queen's voice was deep, and warm. Not at all harsh or domineering as one might expect of a mighty monster of the Dungeon. Enid could feel a connection to that voice immediately. This was the voice of a matriarch, of someone who placed family above all. That was something she could relate to. She took a bold step forward and addressed the Queen.

[I… We are most pleased to be her, Queen of the Colony.] Manners never hurt anyone, it was one of Enid's dictums. [I have to ask, why did you think nobody would come here?]

Initially she'd thought that the Queen was assuming they'd be too frightened, but when she thought a little more, she doubted that was true. The Queen wouldn't think that anyone would be afraid of her, why would they? If the Colony had said they would be safe, then they would be safe. That's the end of the matter. And why would anyone doubt the word of the Colony? As far as Enid was aware, not one ant had lied even once in all of their dealings and conversations with humans. She thought something else must have gone on in the mind of the Queen, and she was interested in knowing what it was.

The Queen pointed toward Coolant with an antenna as she explained.

[I have a small understanding of human society. Of 'mayors' and 'rulers'. Individuals in charge of things. I am not such a figure in the Colony. I am the mother of many, but I am not a central figure now that we have more Queens.]

[Mother! That simply isn't true!] Coolant protested.


The Queen whipped one of her antennae down to crack it onto the head of the mage ant in a move that brought nothing to mind so much an impatient mother rapping her child on the head with a wooden spoon. The image was so comical that Enid near laughed out loud.

[You and your siblings' continued insistence on something that I do not see as real makes you near as frustrating as the troublesome one. Accept what I say.]

[Yes, mother.]

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