
Chapter 506 Getting too far

Chapter 506 Getting too far

The announcements of the Bearded One ring within my mind as my speedy foe falls to the ground, neatly bisected by the omen chomp.

[You have defeated Level 2 Regulus Bestiae saltus]

[You have gained XP]

[You have reached level 36.]

[You have reached level 37.]

[You have reached level 38.]

[You have reached level 39.]

[You have reached level 40.]

[You have reached level 41.]

[Basic profile unlocked.]

[Regulus Bestiae Saltus, Clawed Leaping Beast (VI). This modified version of the Leaping Beast excels in rapid movement and decisive strikes. Unsuited to extended engagements, its preferred strategy is to kill from the shadows with a single blow. Its powerful musculature and advanced claws give it the strength and penetrating power to tear through almost any defence.]

Heh. Almost any defence. Just not the Diamond Carapace!

Still, that was actually scarier than the final result showed. If my carapace was weaker, or if I didn't have the inner-plating, then there's a good chance the monster could have pierced through and minced my insides. Or if I didn't have my future-sense or rapid reflexes, then my carapace wouldn't have mattered as the creature would have stabbed me through the eye on its first attack. In the end, it was actually a bad matchup for the Leaping Beast. I was uniquely resilient against its preferred strategy and even possessed the means to slow it down long enough to damage it. Against most monsters I wager it would be able to finish them before they could blink. The Shapers were so focused on the Gravity Bomb that they picked my opponent based on that spell alone. Foolish!

No matter. It's done, I survived another round. Hopefully my enemies amongst the Shapers are grinding their teeth watching another of their precious favourites go down in flames. More Biomass for me! And honestly, the experience is really piling up! Six entire levels from this guy! Juicy! I'm already past the halfway mark for my next evolution, which is frankly ridiculous. It wasn't that long ago I evolved. Am I going to get to tier six before Tiny can make it to tier five? That'll really irritate the big ape. Heheheh.

Pleasantly lost to my own thoughts I amble over to the Biomass and begin to drag it back to my side of the Arena. Soon enough the gates are opened and we're on our way back to my own cell. This will buy me a little more time, maybe another day, possibly two. I imagine the time between rounds will shrink, since there's far fewer fights in each round. In fact, going into round five, how many monsters are left? If we started with one hundred and twenty eight… there's only eight left once this round is done?! Holy moly! So I'm a quarter-finalist! Whoo!

Wait, I don't care about winning this thing, get me out of here! Although a few more levels wouldn't hurt…

No! Focus, Anthony! Get back to the Family. You can get levels in a heap of different ways, forget about the incredible wealth of Biomass each of these monsters represents. Speaking of which.


[Already eating, you pig!] Torrina's teasing mental voice connects to mine.

[I'm starving. All that training drains a ton of energy.] I reply calmly as I continue to chomp away.

[I've got good news for you, Anthony. Corun told me that your pet evolved this morning.]

[What? Already?!] There goes my plans to double evolve before Tiny catches up.

Even so, this is great news! My first pet has reached my level once again!

[What about his mana poisoning? Was that resolved?] I ask anxiously.

She nods and smiles.

[Apparently so! It even appears to have had an effect on his evolution. In a positive way.]

I almost sag to the ground with relief. Tiny's ongoing internal injuries had been a huge source of stress for me, and him I'm sure, and to know that it's been dealt with is fantastic news.

[Things are turning up Anthony today, Torrina! When do you think I'll get a chance to see Tiny? I'd love to see his new form. What's his species? No wait, let me guess… Black Mountain Storm Gorilla? Shadow Fist Electric Ape King?! DARK PRIMATE OF THE STORM?!]

[Settle down a little! I don't know what it is, you'll have to wait until Corun can bring him in. We might be able to bring him in tomorrow. I'm not sure what they're planning to do with the schedule. Things might accelerate from this point on or they might slow down. It's all down to the whims of the leadership and who knows what they're thinking.]

Stupid thoughts. They're thinking stupid thoughts. They don't seem too capable of any other kind, that lot. Their lack of capacity to understand the greatness of ants is merely the greatest and most obvious of their failings. Morons. I have no time to ponder their many flaws today. Today is the day to celebrate!

Or it would be if I could work out what this stupid itching feeling is. Am I mutating?! No, that's ridiculous, surely I'd know if I was mutating. The itch isn't that severe, either. It's like a tickle mixed with an itch mixed with a whisper. I can barely feel it at all, it's so minor, but it's persistent, as if someone were scratching with the tip of a single nail at the edge of my consciousness. Whatever it is, it's irritating as heck, but also strangely familiar. Have I felt this before?

I grow still and stop eating, causing Torrina to look at me curiously.

[Something wrong, Anthony?] She asks.

[Uhh… ] I mumble, distracted.

That single nail has been joined by another. Then another. Then another. Then ten more. Then twenty more. Then a hundred more. Then a thousand more. Deep inside my carapace my Vestibule sparks to life and begins leaking energy into my body once more. It starts as a trickle but as the seconds pass it grows to a steady flow. My entire body tingles with a new energy.

Slowly, I lower my head back down to my Biomass and take a bite. In the back of my mind I can sense a flood of connections reaching out across space to whisper in my ear, each of them saying the same thing.

"We're coming."

[It's nothing.] I take a slow bite.

[Nothing at all.]

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