Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 90 Becoming A Dragon Once Again

"Hmm." Dorian stretched his arms, looking at his fully grown left arm. It had finally grown all the way back, and he couldn't be happier.

After Dorian ran into Anabella, or Bella as she went by, in the library, he had had a rather awkward conversation with her. She'd been going back to retrieve some books about the planet Magmor, and been surprised to see the man she thought was near-fatally injured up and walking.

Their conversation had been somewhat pleasant, now that he thought back to it.

"How are you? We found you passed out in the depths of Blizzaria, near death!" Her voice had been full of concern.

Dorian didn't bat an eye at her tone. Maybe she was being real with him, maybe not. He wouldn't be fooled again.

'Kill her.' The aged voice in his head interjected, wavering into his thoughts.

'Shut up.' He mentally returned, his eyes narrowing.

"Um, hello?" The girl was still looking at him, now with a confused expression on her face.

"Ah, sorry." Dorian held out his hand, giving her a smile,

"Thanks for rescuing me! I'm Dorian!"

She looked at his gauze-wrapped baby-hand.

"Oh, right." Dorian set down the book he was holding and held out his right hand instead. She shook it.

"I'm Anabella, but you can call me Bella."

They shook hands.

They talked for a few minutes. Bella didn't try to pry, and only asked questions about his health. Dorian responded mostly neutrally, while asking questions of who she was and where they were.

He was currently residing in a large mansion near the center of Excelsior. This mansion was owned by a man named Huldon Parnip, a ranking member of the Golden Moon Mercenary Alliance.

Huldon was a former Peak Lord Class Wizard, one that specialized in Fate Magic. Specifically, in the research of Luck Magic, a derivation of Fate Magic, and in studying the Law of Luck.

Both things that were discovered by two of the greatest minds of the 30,000 Worlds nearly a thousand years ago.

The geniuses that discovered them were none other than Arthur Telmon, the current Wizard King of the Borrel Autarchy, and Yukeli Shorn, a genius martial artist that had vanished many years ago, after virtually wiping out the entire Demon Race. Both Heroes of the Third Great Demon War.

Bella studied the same type of Luck Magic. And, according to Ausra, she was a Lord Class Wizard stuck in the middle of Lord Class.

"And so, I'd like to make the offer, if you've recovered sufficiently, for you to join us in an expedition to Magmor, to hunt for the Ascension Ruins! Your constitution is an extremely unique one that has the effect of accelerating my Lucky State. If you come with us, our chances of success are greatly increased!" Bella's voice was full of excitement,

"I would never ask this of you for no reward, however," She continued,

"The danger we would be in, even with my Luck, would be very real. Therefore, you will receive a full third of everything our expedition finds, in addition to a prepayment now of a rare Natural Treasure, a Fire-Aspected Golden Leaf." She gave clear and fair terms, showing her honest intentions.

Apparently, Bella's father Huldon had discovered an inheritance in the Ascension Ruins many years ago, one that led to his training in Luck Magic and the Law of Luck. Realizing the incredible potential Luck Magic held, Huldon did everything he could to study it.

His luck came in, and he managed to reach the Peak of the Lord Class, becoming a respected Captain in the Golden Moon Mercenary Alliance.

Unfortunately, his luck turned, and he was badly injured, his strength falling to the Grandmaster Class.

His daughter, Bella, succeeded him, but had run into trouble trying to complete her study of Luck Magic, and the Law of Luck. Her father had experienced a sort of baptism in the Ascension Ruins, and without that baptism and awareness, it was impossible for Bella to become stronger.

As Dorian heard this all, his face remained emotionless.

'Is this why I ran into her? Because our Fate is connected? We are both heading for the Ascension Ruins… And her Luck Magic… it sounds a lot like how I twist Fate with my soul… Was it the first iteration of what I am?' He thought, his mind cluttered.

For some reason, Dorian was starting to feel as if his life was being guided. As if his every action, from landing on Hasnorth and rescuing Will to learn about the Ascension Ruins, to gaining the memories of Yukeli, to even right now.

It was almost as if everything had been planned, and he was only following that plan.

It was incredibly unnerving.

"Can you give me a day to decide?" Dorian had responded, trying to make a decision.

Bella had agreed and left him on his own. She hadn't set any guards on him, and he was ostensibly free to leave or stay as he wished.

Whether they would track him later was certainly a question, but Dorian would deal with that when he needed to.

After that, Dorian had returned to his room to rest and meditate, letting his arm heal. Hours slipped by, and soon it became night again. He had meditated on his memories, his plans, and his goals, trying to get a better understanding of who he was and what he was doing here.

He didn't find any answers, but he renewed his determination to reach the Ascension Ruins.

He had a feeling that all of his questions would be answered there.

Now, he was standing outside, in a secluded corner of the complex where Bella and her father lived. It was a large mansion, with several open courtyards full of trees and plants. Night was upon them, the dim moonlight from above sifting down through a layer of clouds.

"Alright. Let's Evolve." Dorian's eyes flashed as his body transformed. He expanded, his physique shifting to that of the not-fully-grown Solar Rock Lizard.

He stood a hulking 4 and a half meters tall, with a long, whip-like tail formed, ending in a sharp spike. He was covered in dark scales, with muscles bulging beneath them.

Solar Rock Lizard – Growth Stage: (4/5) Grown Adult Lizard-

Growth Progress – 466,217/272,123 –

"Let's go. Evolve me, Ausra."


Instantly, Dorian's body began to expand. He grew to stand nearly 7 meters tall, the spikes on his back and tail growing in size. His scales took on a dark gleam, becoming much stronger defensively.

The fully grown form of a Solar Rock Lizard.

Solar Rock Lizard – Growth Stage: (5/5) Elder Lizard-

Growth Progress – 194,094/0 –

'Alright!' Dorian licked his lips, stretching his claws. It felt good to be back in a form that wasn't a humanoid. This was also his first natural Pseudo-Lord Class form. Its bloodline was bound to be useful!

'Ausra, run your metrics and tests and show me any good combinations I can form now. Either those with powerful Abilities, or at the Lord Class or higher.' He ordered.

'Acknowledged.' Ausra's cool feminine voice rang out in his head.

As Ausra sent him a return message, Dorian paused, considering the Genie that was present in his Soul Spell Matrix.

According to the history book he'd glanced through, Ausra shared the same name as one of the five Great Heroes of the Third Demon War. Yukeli, one of the other Great Heroes, was clearly the reason Dorian was here. Instead of vanishing like history claimed, he must've somehow reached 'Ascension' and become a Godking.

Dorian wasn't quite sure what that meant, but it made him nervous. What did the man want of him? Why did he have some of his memories? Was there some greater purpose?

There was so much he didn't know. He renewed his determination to reach the Ascension Ruins, not just for Will, but for himself too.

'Running…' Ausra ran her scan, unaware of Dorian's musings.

'4 matching forms have been discovered. Listing now.'

"Hold on a second, Ausra." He interrupted, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Ausra, why are you named Ausra?"


'I have no answer. The data I can access is insufficient.' Ausra's voice echoed cooly in his head.

"Do you have any memory at all of anything besides being in my head? Or how about the Godking Yukeli? How do you know him?"

'His Worship is almighty and powerful. I have no answer. The data I can access is insufficient.' Ausra replied, patently unhelpful.

He sighed, frustrated. He hadn't expected an answer, but still.

He felt like he was part of a grand puzzle, and just missing a single piece that would let him unravel everything.

"Fine. Just list the forms."


-Combining: Human Bloodline, Ifrit Bloodline, Solar Rock Lizard Bloodline

High Sun Lizardman – Lord Class (Early)

Maximum Energy Level: 15,221

Ability: Moon Sense, Sun Sense, Flexible Scales

The High Sun Lizardmen were an ancient, now extinct, race dedicated in their worship of the heavenly bodies. Naturally strong, with highly flexible, defensive scales, High Sun Lizardmen coordinated their powerful physical forms with their adept ability to use magic. They possess inborn instincts in regards to Magic involving the orbiting Moon or Sun of any planet.

-Combining: Black Ambian Eagle Bloodline, Solar Rock Lizard Bloodline, Ifrit Bloodline, Titan Bloodline

Sun Eagle – Lord Class (Early)

Maximum Energy Level: 25,221

Ability: Sun Sense, Steady Wings, Brilliant Flames, Constant Regeneration

Sun Eagles are a rare, nearly extinct species of bird that possess an innate connection with Magic involving the orbiting Sun of any planet. Tough, with incredible regenerative properties, Sun Eagles are very difficult creatures to injure, or even catch. Standing roughly 4 meters tall, they possess an incredibly large wingspan that allows them to travel at very fast speeds. They are also extremely agile, able to move in quick motions or turns with ease.

Their Brilliant Flames Ability allows them to unleash fire that is infused with the power of the Sun. While not equal to the destructive potential of Dragonfire, Brilliant Flames carry with them a purifying element, and are effective against many types of undead, dark, or deathly creatures.

-Combining: Titan Bloodline, Ifrit Bloodline, Solar Rock Lizard Bloodline

Blackmire Demon – Lord Class (Early)

Maximum Energy Level: 28,671

Ability: Fire Sense, Mire Air, Constant Regeneration

Blackmire Demons were huge, Fire-Aspected Demons that stood nearly 12 meters in height. Possessing incredible physical force, Blackmire Demons were an opponent that struck fear into the hearts of many a warrior or Wizard. Blackmire Demons have the natural Ability to manipulate Mire Air, a type of dark Aura that is effective in destroying physical structures. Their Constant Regeneration allows them to shrug off blows and ignore otherwise fatal injuries.

Despite their powerful strengths, Blackmire Demons possess a few notable negatives. They have limited intelligence due to the makeup of their enormous, demonic body, and are unable to make quick movements.

-Combining: Titan Bloodline, Giant Myyr Dragon Bloodline, Berserker Demon Bloodline, Solar Rock Lizard Bloodline, Black Ambian Eagle Bloodline

Black-Scaled Rage Dragon – Lord Class (Middle)

Maximum Energy Level: 39,992

Ability: Constant Regeneration, Moving Force, Berserk Boost, Black Flames, Steady Wings

Black-Scaled Rage Dragons are a new breed of the Draconic Race. They stand 7 meters tall and are covered in luscious black scales. Rage Dragons, as a whole, are renowned for their unstoppable fury and ability to take an incredible amount of damage before succumbing. They are one of the most physically focused Draconic beings in existence. They possess the Black Flames Ability, a type of Dragonfire that ranks towards the middle of all Dragonfire.

Black-Scaled Rage Dragons are a new creation that possess the Moving Force Ability, giving them incredible physical potency above that of normal Rage Dragons.

(Image – https://i.imgur.com/6PaQXoI.jpg ) (Does not open in App)

"Oh wow." Dorian's eyes widened as he looked over the list, his jaw dropping. He'd hit the jackpot this time!

"High Sun Lizardmen have innate senses for certain types of Magic, Sun Eagles can move quickly and use Sun Magic, Blackmire Demons are massive and contain great physical strength, while Black-Scaled Rage Dragon's have stronger Dragonfire and the strongest natural Energy Level of all my forms." He listed the biggest perks of each form out loud, nodding his head.

"Hmm… I'm already working on one type of magic, I don't need to focus on another, so the High Sun Lizardman form is out. The Blackmire Demon sounds strong, but has too many negatives, and is outclassed by the Black-Scaled Rage Dragon. The Sun Eagle is the only other one I'd consider right now, due to its fast movement speed." He scratched his chin.

"Raw power, or faster movement and dodging?" He considered it briefly before shrugging.

"Why not both?" He nodded.

"Ausra, what will it cost to Evolve and gain the Black-Scaled Rage Dragon form as well as the Sun Eagle form?"

The higher Evolution his bloodlines, the more energy points it cost to fuse them and create the completed form. At a lower level, these points spent had been negligible, or actually zero in some cases.

'Approximately 12,000 points to fuse the bloodlines to create each form.' Ausra's voice rang out in his head. Dorian smiled. He could deal with that.

Fusing and Evolving fully grown bloodlines to create new forms was always much cheaper than Evolving completely new bloodlines. His Solar Rock Lizard Bloodline cost hundreds of thousands of points to fully Evolve, but was only a Pseudo-Lord Class beast.

By combining bloodlines he had already grown, he could create powerful forms like the Black-Scaled Rage Dragon for a much lower price.

The perks of his Evolving power, and unique Soul Spell Matrix, were quite clear.

As for what was left of his points… He'd invest the remainder into his Grakon Bloodline. The Expand Ability was too good to pass up, and, according to Ausra, it was his first naturally found Lord Class bloodline.

"Alright, Ausra. Evolve me into the Black-Scaled Rage Dragon! I'll take on the Sun Eagle form when I need it. After that, Evolve me into a Grakon using the stored Grakon Bloodline." He would prepare everything now, ahead of time.


Dorian's body flashed and rapidly began to transform.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

The next morning…

Dorian stood before Bella in one of the tree-filled courtyards in his human form, wearing a set of slim brown robes. A small blade could be seen on his hip, giving him the appearance of an itinerant warrior.

"Alright. I'll come with you."

Bella's eyes flashed, a bright smile appearing on her face.

"Excellent! Then, we will set off tomorrow! Don't worry, my Warrior Women will be sure to protect you!"


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