My Children Are Fierce and Adorable!

Chapter 240 - You Like Him?

Chapter 240: You Like Him?

Ye Lulu stopped thinking and immediately withdrew from her plan.

In the house, Guan Chibei’s presence was neither strong nor domineering. His aura was quiet and calm, very similar to his usual performance.

However, that voice seemed to be still lingering in her ears. It was light but could not be ignored.

Alright, that feeling rose again.

Ye Lulu tried to look at the man from the corner of her eye with a subtle expression. Was he jealous?

“No, what do you mean by quite focused?” Ye Lulu said, “Wasn’t he standing beside me? Thus, it was easy for me to look at him. I didn’t look at him specially.”

“Is that so?” Guan Chibei said calmly, “I see that you’re quite engrossed. No one in the room has watched as long as you.”

Ye Lulu paused for a moment. On the face that Guan Chibei could not see, an ambiguous, outgoing, and slightly sexy smile suddenly bloomed. She even subconsciously licked her teeth.

This smile looked even more ambiguous and touching.

“I thought you had your eyes on a young man like Xu Huang. You like him very much,” Guan Chibei said calmly.

He did not make a single sound in the kitchen just now…

At that time, he stood by the kitchen door and did not squeeze in. He watched Mother Rong, Old Aunt Xu, and Xu Huang talk together with the Guan family.

He also saw Ye Lulu standing beside Old Aunt Xu. She was indeed on Xu Huang’s side as well. She turned her head and looked at him without moving.

Since Xu Huang rushed in like a whirlwind, she had been looking at him and could not take her eyes off him.

Her eyes glowed.

There was a look of desire on her face.

He did not know what she was thinking.

Guan Chibei did not have a deep expression on his face, but his eyes were dark and his tone could not hide his meaning.

Ye Lulu’s back became even stiffer. However, she couldn’t help but bite her lower lip and continue to avoid him. “No. Xu Huang is already from the next generation. He’s just a child. How could I?”

“He will be sixteen after spring,” the man behind her said calmly. “He’s only a few years younger than you. Moreover, he’s from our generation. Mother has to address his grandmother as Old Aunt.”

Ye Lulu was speechless. “…”

She raised the corners of her eyes.

Was this man so good at talking?

“But he’s still younger than me. In my eyes, he’s still like a child.” Ye Lulu could no longer suppress her laughter. “Besides… I didn’t look at him all the time, right? How can you be sure? I only looked at him a few times at most.”

— If you say that I’ve been looking at him, that means you’ve been looking at me?

The atmosphere in the room was silent for a moment.

Ye Lulu did not speak either.

Just as her heart rate gradually increased, she heard the man’s calm voice say, “If you weren’t looking, why didn’t you notice someone else was looking at you?”

Ye Lulu’s heart stopped.

Someone. Else.

Who was it?

The ambiguity almost seeped out from the air around her.

He was talking about someone else, but he was obviously talking about himself… So, he was making it obvious now?

Her heart was beating fast.

However, to be honest, Ye Lulu did not seem to have noticed where Guan Chibei was just now… She was focused on Old Aunt Xu and Xu Huang and was thinking about doing business and getting Xu Huang to help.

Her thoughts stopped there. Ye Lulu faced the situation first. She bit her lower lip and said in a voice that suppressed her emotions, “Someone else? Weren’t they all in the house?”

Someone’s aura suddenly approached her from behind.

It was very close.

His existence almost lingered around Ye Lulu. She seemed to have smelled the scent on his body. It was clear, clean, and had a unique meaning.

The air in the room seemed to have frozen as well.

Ye Lulu’s heart pounded. She looked back from the corner of her eye, wanting to see him, but she couldn’t.

She did not know what he wanted to do… What did he want to do?

“They’re all in the house, so you don’t have to look at them?”

A deep voice sounded from behind her, and his breath almost sprayed on the back of her neck.

Ye Lulu’s spine tingled from the bottom to the top.

She stood there.

The strong and strange atmosphere surged for a long time.

Then, she said, “Should I? If I want to… I should take a few looks?”

She was asking herself.

The person behind her paused for a moment.

Then, he said, “Is it enough to take just a few looks?”

She kept looking at Xu Huang just now. She did not look away and did not notice that he was standing by the door.

Upon hearing this…

Ye Lulu bit her lip.

She asked, “Is it not enough? Then what is enough?”

The person behind her replied calmly, “Think about it yourself.”

In the evening, the Guan family sent the cooked shredded chicken porridge to Old Aunt Xu’s house.

The Guan family cooked shredded chicken porridge at night. After killing a chicken, the tender chicken meat was shredded and placed in the porridge, filling the air with fragrance. They also made a few side dishes, such as pickled cucumbers, spicy stir-fried vegetables, and spicy stir-fried shredded meat. This would be delicious enough for the entire Guan family to eat.

Apart from shredded chicken porridge, a small bowl of side dishes was also sent to Old Aunt Xu’s house.

It was indeed difficult for Xu Huang to find food in this cold and snowy land.

Old Aunt Xu had already fallen once and was very weak. She had been saved by Mother Rong, so the Guan family could only take care of her.

However, when Guan Chixi brought food to the Xu family, the villagers saw it. When Mother Rong had carried Old Aunt Xu back to the Guan family, some villagers had also seen that and immediately guessed eighty to ninety percent of the truth.

Some of the villagers’ expressions immediately turned cold. They said, “Oh, the Guan family is so kind. Are they going to provide for Old Aunt Xu and her grandson?”

“Incredible. The Guan family is very rich now, right? They can even manage other families. No one has enough food this winter. The Guan family can even provide for other families! How much food does the Guan family have this winter?”

“I heard that there’s no more rice or grain at Old Aunt Xu’s house. Oh my, is the Guan family going to provide for the Xu family until spring?”

“They really have good intentions. The kind people in the city are not as capable as the Guan family.”

In winter, none of the families had enough food, to begin with. Most families had to keep track of their food, so their lives were tight. Since they didn’t eat well and couldn’t travel because heavy snow was everywhere, most of the villagers were actually uncomfortable.

Therefore, they were very angry at this. Their words were filled with sarcasm.

Another villager said with an ugly expression, “If the Guan family provides for the Xu family, then shouldn’t they care about the other families as well? The Xu family still has a grandson, Xiao Huang. In the village, there’s Aunt Cai’s family, Grandpa Liu’s family, Aunt Li’s family, and the crippled Old Master Zhu’s family. They’re all old people who live alone. They’re old and poor. They don’t even have grandchildren, so they need people to take care of them more.”

“If the Guan family provides for Old Aunt Xu’s family, are they going to do nothing about these families? Then, the Guan family is too unfair. They only care about Old Aunt Xu’s family, but they’re not going to care about these families in the village who are worse off than them?”

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