Reincarnated As a Fox With System

Chapter 353 Elder Yang's Terms!

"It is all right if you do not want to tell me. I can just chase after Ye Zhen right now and ask the reason from him by myself." Tang Li Xue's perfect copy said while suddenly stood up from her seat and took a few steps to head out from her room.

Elder Yang felt surprised, but he immediately grabbed Tang Li Xue's smooth white hand to stop her from wandering by herself: "Eh? Wait! The situation outside is quite chaotic and dangerous, so you better not roaming around alone for now."

Tang Li Xue's perfect copy frowned in displeasure and pulled her smooth hand from Elder Yang's grasp while asked with a curious tone: "What do you mean by chaotic and dangerous? Is there something terrible that happened outside last night?"

Elder Yang hesitated for a few moments on whether he should tell the truth to Tang Li Xue's perfect copy or not because this matter was really vital for investigation, and Elder Yang actually did not want to let many unrelated people know about it.

Especially for Tang Li Xue's perfect copy, since Elder Yang thought that telling about this matter to her would only bring her more harm than good.

When Tang Li Xue's perfect copy sensed the hesitation from Elder Yang with her [Extrasensory Perception], she quickly put a coquettish act and said with an alluring beautiful smile on her face: "Elder Yang~, you look very handsome today. I bet all the girls who see you today will fall head over heel with you."

Although she still wore her fox mask, but it only covered the upper half of her stunningly beautiful face, so Elder Yang could still saw her alluring smile very clearly.

Even someone with a steady will like Elder Yang was made dumbfounded for a few seconds in awestruck by her innocent but charming smile.

It took Elder Yang a while to wake up from his daze and chuckled in amusement at Tang Li Xue's perfect copy while said with a teasing tone: "Really? Does it mean you also fall head over heel with my handsomeness today?"

"Of Course, n.... no doubt that I almost fall head over heel with you just now. You are so handsome today after all! Ehehehe... All right, can you please tell me what happened last night, please~ Handsome Elder Yang?" Tang Li Xue's perfect copy almost denied her own praise words in an instant, but she quickly recovered and praised Elder Yang again while giggled cutely and asked him a question with a coquettish tone.

Elder Yang sighed in resignation at Tang Li Xue's behavior. The way she acted and her sparkling topaz blue eyes really reminded him of his late Xiao Bai when it begged for food or something from him.

He really could not refuse his Xiao Bai's request previously after it started to act like that, nor he also had the heart to refuse the request from Tang Li Xue's perfect copy right now after she persuaded him like that.

Elder Yang fondly stared at Tang Li Xue's perfect copy. He did not immediately answer Tang Li Xue's question but stated his terms first: "I will tell you everything about what happened last night, but you must promise to obey my terms first."

Tang Li Xue's perfect copy started to get pissed, and she frowned deeply in displeased, then asked: "Terms?"

Elder Yang proceeded to tell Tang Li Xue's perfect copy about all of his terms: "First, you must never tell anyone about everything I will tell you later. Second, you must always follow me really close to where ever I go from now on. You do not need to ask for the reason. If you swear to follow all of my terms, then you will definitely know the reason after I tell you everything later."

This time, it was Tang Li Xue's turn to hesitate since she really could not fulfill any of those two terms.

First, she must tell every information she got to Instructor Mei Lan and the others sooner or later, so she clearly could not fulfill Elder Yang's first terms.

Second, as Tang Li Xue's perfect copy, she could not go too far from her original self for now, maybe only about several miles away right now, so she also could not fulfill the second terms to always follow Elder Yang closely to somewhere far from her real self.

The previous Tang Li Xue would definitely reject to follow Elder Yang's terms angrily in an instant and scolded Elder Yang back for his unreasonable terms.

But the current Tang Li Xue had already grown up much smarter than the previous Tang Li Xue thanks to her several upgraded skills.

"I understand. I will definitely try to follow all of your terms." Tang Li Xue's perfect copy replied with a serious expression.

Yes, she did not promise to definitely follow it... she only said that she would TRY to follow Elder Yang's terms.

Well... At least, she was trying, right? Although, she would definitely not obey those terms to the end.

Elder Yang nodded and smiled in satisfaction after he heard the reply from Tang Li Xue's perfect copy.

"Let's go! I will tell you everything that happened last night on our way to the crime scene." Elder Yang said to Tang Li Xue's perfect copy as he walked out of her room.

Tang Li Xue's perfect copy hastily closed the door of her room before followed Elder Yang closely from behind.

On their way out from Cherry Blossom Spring Palace, Elder Yang started to tell Tang Li Xue's perfect copy everything.

From Elder Yang's story, Tang Li Xue immediately knew that the situation in Imperial Palace right now was actually far worse than what Instructor Mei Lan had predicted.

Instructor Mei Lan had predicted that there would be someone get killed by the serial killer last night, but the serial killer actually slew more than a third of important officials from Feng Empire that attended the banquet last night.

This terrible news had shaken the entire Imperial Palace of Feng Empire this morning!

Previously, the culprit of serial murder was already killed so many people in Tang Feng City too, and most of them also officials of the Feng Empire, the rest of the victims were the families of those officials and the strong cultivators that got hired to guard them.

But at least, all of those victims were killed outside of Imperial Palace!

However, that cold-blooded serial killer finally found its way to somehow infiltrate into Imperial Palace last night and slew so many people here in the middle of a thunderstorm!

This fact created a huge uproar in the Imperial Palace of Feng Empire because that cold-blooded serial killer finally could threaten all of the people from the Imperial Family living in the Imperial Palace, including the Emperor, Empress, and so on!

The seed of fear, horror, doubt, and suspicion started to spread to all of the people in Imperial Palace, and many kinds of rumors started to spread among the important officials and the upper echelons of the Feng Empire.

According to the number of people who get killed last night, many people concluded that the serial killer was actually not one person, but a group of people or maybe many groups of people, since it was impossible for only one person to kill so many people at once in a single night under that kind of extreme weather.

Some people said that the serial killer was actually the group of important officials that attended the night banquet last night, so it was better to just drive all of them out from Imperial Palace for the safety of Emperor and Empress.

While the other people said that the serial killer was actually a group of people who secretly blended in Imperial Guards and took advantage of the thunderstorm last night to commit the massacre. Their true motive was to carry out the rebellion to overthrow the current tyrannical Royal Family.

Some even said that the serial killer was mixed with the maids, servants, or butlers in the Imperial Palace, so the serial killer could easily kill the victim while the target let their guard down. That group of people might be from the kingdom or empire who lost to Feng Empire in the war before, so they only wanted to take revenge for their own people.

There was also the other speculation that said the serial killer was actually a group of beautiful girls invited by Elder Yang into the Imperial Palace as the guests yesterday. Those girls were actually not humans but the demons in human skin that wanted to devour the lives of all humans in Imperial Palace.

Tang Li Xue's perfect copy was nearly slipped and fell onto the ground when she heard the last random speculation from other people coming out from Elder Yang's mouth.

Elder Yang hastily wanted to help Tang Li Xue's perfect copy while asked: "What happen to you? Do you feel sick right now? Should I call the Imperial Physician here to check your condition?"

Tang Li Xue's perfect copy raised her palm to stop Elder Yang from touching her and replied while forced a smile out: "It is all right. I am only too shocked by that funny speculation you said just now. You do not really believe that nonsense, aren't you?"

Elder Yang chuckled in amusement while looking at Tang Li Xue's perfect copy and said: "Of course not! Do you really take me for the kind of person who will believe those baseless rumors? But the current situation is not looking good for them. Although I already tried to stand up for them in this early morning, but there are just too many people who wanted to use them as scapegoats."

Tang Li Xue's perfect copy frowned deeply and asked in confusion with an annoyed tone: "Eh? But… why? I really do not get it... It is not like those girls offend any of them, right? Then why they want to use those girls as scapegoats?"

Elder Yang sneered in disgust while explained to Tang Li Xue's perfect copy patiently with a cold tone: "Do you know that the Emperor already issued an emergency decree in anger to seal the entire Imperial palace in this early morning? In short, no one can get in or come out from this Imperial Palace from now on until the culprit of serial murder is found by my people from Immortal Sword Sect."

"Who wants to stay in the Imperial Palace where the cold-blooded serial killer is still roaming around? They only want to execute some random people without any authority and power in this Imperial Palace as an excuse, so the emperor can lift the seal and allow all of them to return to their own homes. The group of petty cowards like them still wants to look loyal and courageous in front of the emperor make me want to puke at their sight." Elder Yang mocked them with a tone filled with loathing and disgust.

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