Reincarnated As a Fox With System

Chapter 351 Improved Tang Li Xue!

'All right! Next! Upgrade Decrease Reaction-Time! This skill is quite important in battle, so I hope it can become even more useful after I upgrade it...' Tang Li Xue took a deep breath and chose [Decrease Reaction-Time].

[Decrease Reaction-Time skill already reached mastered. Do you want to upgrade it to Increase Reaction Speed with costs of 10 Skill Points? Yes/No]

'[Increase Reaction Speed]? It does not seem that much different from [Decrease Reaction-Time]... I wonder if it's really worth upgrading? Oh well... YES!' Tang Li Xue pushed her hesitation and approved the upgrade.

[Decrease Reaction-Time skill upgraded to Increase Reaction Speed.]

Tang Li Xue frowned a bit since she did not feel that different after this upgrade, but it did not take long for her to realize the difference.

Imagine if Tang Li Xue suddenly got attacked by the person right beside her in the middle of the crowd, she would probably need 0.3 seconds to think and another 0.3 seconds to react, so she needed 0.6 seconds in total.

Although 0.6 seconds did seem very short, but if the attacker was more powerful than Tang Li Xue, and he was the expert in assassination skill, then 0.6 seconds was more than enough for Tang Li Xue to lose her life a few times.

But with the help of the [Decrease Reaction-Time] skill from before, Tang Li Xue could reduce the time to think and react to half, from 0.6 seconds to 0.4 seconds.

After the [Decrease Reaction-Time] skill upgraded to [Increase Reaction Speed] skill, Tang Li Xue might still need 0.2 seconds to think, but she could react in an instant with her reflexes, which made her almost impossible to get assassinated in an instant.

This [Increase Reaction Speed] could also help Tang Li Xue reacted to dodge, block, or even counterattack when she was facing the enemies with some unexpected abilities like teleport, stealthy, and so on, then attacking her from an unexpected angle, which made it very useful in the real battle.

'This skill is... Not bad! Okay, next! Upgrade [Sharpen Mind]!' Tang Li Xue chose to upgrade the [Sharpen Mind] skill.

[Sharpen Mind skill already reached mastered. Do you want to upgrade it to Razor-Sharp Mind with costs of 10 Skill Points? Yes/No]

'[Razor-Sharp Mind]? Does it mean my mind will get sharper than before? Of course, YES~!' Tang Li Xue joyfully approved the upgrade again.

[Sharpen Mind skill upgraded to Razor-Sharp Mind.]

Surprisingly, the ability of this [Razor-Sharp Mind] skill actually covered up the weakness of 0.2 seconds of delay time to think from before!

This [Razor-Sharp Mind] skill made Tang Li Xue able to think very quickly and instantly take the discerning decision in any crucial moment.

The ability of this [Razor-Sharp Mind] skill might be even more important than the previous [Increase Reaction Speed]!

Equipped with these many convenient skills would certainly make Tang Li Xue much more powerful than before.

Unfortunately, Tang Li Xue was lacking too much in terms of experience and knowledge, which would severely impair her ability to use all of these skills to their fullest potential.

'What a great skill?! Okay... With this, I only have two more skills to upgrade! Let's start with [Concentration] skill first! Upgrade!' Tang Li Xue decided.

[Concentration skill already reached mastered. Do you want to upgrade it to Improved Concentration with costs of 10 Skill Points? Yes/No]

'[Improved Concentration]... I actually still do not get it... What is the difference between [Focus] and [Concentration]?! Aren't the two of them actually the same things? Oh well... Let's see the effect! YES~!' Tang Li Xue approved with a doubtful tone.

[Concentration skill upgraded to Improved Concentration.]

The effects of [Intense Focus] and [Improved Concentration] were certainly very different.

The [Intense Focus] skill would make Tang Li Xue able to think deeply, analyze, and focus on whatever she was doing under any pressure or any condition anytime without feeling distracted.

But 'focused on something without feeling distracted' was not necessarily good, especially in the middle of the fierce battle where she could lose her life at any time.

Meanwhile, the ability of [Improved Concentration] could actually be used to cover that situation.

In short, [Intense Focus] skill might be good, but it will make Tang Li Xue's attention confined in a smaller and smaller area, only on something that Tang Li Xue was focused on doing.

While [Improved Concentration] would make Tang Li Xue's attention to everything around her expanding much greater than usual, made her able to detect all of her allies and opponents' every movement, and use all of her abilities at the right timing.

[Intense Focus] skill will help Tang Li Xue achieved an incredible focus where everything around her slowed down, noise fell silent and shuts out everything else other than the clear goal.

Of course, Tang Li Xue still could not tell the difference between the two of these skills at all right now...

'Eiii~! Who says I cannot tell the difference?! I... I swear I can feel that all of my senses including my [Extrasensory Perception] become sharper than before... probably... perhaps... maybe... Forget it! Let's upgrade the last skill, [Intelligence Enhancement]! Upgrade!' Tang Li Xue moved on and upgraded her last mastered level skill.

[Intelligence Enhancement skill already reached mastered. Do you want to upgrade it to Advanced Intelligence Enhancement with costs of 10 Skill Points? Yes/No]

'Tsk, tsk, tsk~! [Advanced Intelligence Enhancement]?! This is surely my favorite skill among all the eight skills! So... Of course, YES!' Tang Li Xue agreed without any hesitation this time.

[Intelligence Enhancement skill upgraded to Advanced Intelligence Enhancement.]

Tang Li Xue instantly felt that many things she could not understand before had become clear.

Thanks to this [Advanced Intelligence Enhancement], Tang Li Xue could learn and comprehend everything much easier from now on.

'So comfortable! This feeling is truly unimaginable! It feels like I can think of any difficult answer without feeling any headache anymore!' Tang Li Xue licked her pinkish lips in joy.

Tang Li Xue really wanted to laugh out loud to express her excitement so badly right now, but she could not do it because there were so many sleeping people in this room.

After upgrading all of the necessary skills, Tang Li Xue planned to go straight to sleep since she needs to wake up very early tomorrow.

Unfortunately, she could not fall asleep because of her overflowing excitement and eagerness to test her new upgraded skills.

In the end, she decided to send her consciousness to her Dantian and dripped a drop of her blood onto [Sun Dragon King's Pearl] to enter Sun Dragon King's memories.

Tang Li Xue certainly could not use all of her skills and divine abilities in Sun Dragon King's memories, but the passive effect of [Intense Focus], [Improved Concentration], [Advanced Intelligence Enhancement], and so on still affected Tang Li Xue to heightened her overall survivability.

She also realized many things that she failed to realize before.

For example, she actually got the ability to spit the dragon flame on the 2nd day, but the fire she can create was too small, just like a tiny spark of flame.

The previous Tang Li Xue did not even notice this detail because the dragon flame she could spit was too small.

Even if the previous her noticed it, she would definitely just ignore it since that tiny spark of flame could probably not even wound the weakest creature in this extremely dangerous forest.

But with all of her new upgraded skills, the current Tang Li Xue was different than before.

What kind of power made Sun Dragon King became the strongest of the Four Dragon Kings?

Of course, it was its Pure Yang Sun Flame!

This tiny spark of the flame should be the embryonic form of Pure Yang Sun Flame!

Rather than relying on her tiny dragon fangs and claws, she should nurture this tiny spark of Pure Yang Sun Flame instead.

With that idea in her mind, Tang Li Xue started to hunt for the weaker creatures while kept hiding or escaping from the stronger ones.

The previous Tang Li Xue always thought about preserving her life and survives as long as possible, and she also did the same way as this in her real life.

But right now, the current Tang Li Xue finally knew how futile it was.

In order to survive, she could not just remain passive and wait until everything was over, she needs to seize everything with her own hands.

This fact was not only applied in the dream world, but also in the real world!

That was the reason why so many people and beasts fought with each other for cultivation resources so fiercely!

They could not just remain passive and wait for their foes to give them mercy by sparing their lives, aren't they?!

Tang Li Xue also realized the true function of [Intense Focus] and [Improved Concentration].

[Intense Focus] skill will help Tang Li Xue achieved an incredible focus where everything around her slowed down and lost track of time, noise fell silent and shuts out everything else other than her one clear goal.

On the contrary, [Improved Concentration] skill will keep on track of her surrounding in minute detail with all of her senses which heightened to the maximum potential, made her able to analyze everything carefully with a clear mind to defeat her opponents or assist her allies.

[Indomitable Will] kept her emotion in check and stayed clear in any dire situation.

[Advanced Intelligence Enhancement] made her smarter, so she could think of many ideas and strategies that she could not think of before.

In short, almost all of her new upgraded skills were perfectly fit with each other (excluding the [Lock-On Telepathy]). It was not strange that the seven skills could be combined into one OP divine ability later in the near future.

With her improved intelligence, Tang Li Xue could even cleverly provoked the stronger beasts and bait them into the area of giant Venus Traps, made them fight with each other, then took advantage of their exhaustion to slay the stronger beasts and took the beast core.

Tang Li Xue did not absorb the energy from the beast core to nurture her body but using it to nurture the dragon flame.

The dragon flame kept growing more and more powerful and bigger under Tang Li Xue's care.

In only a few days, the tiny spark of dragon flame had grown up into the size of a baby fist, but the heat emitted from it was tremendous.

Surely, that baby fist-sized fist dragon flame was not powerful enough to kill any big creature, but it was more than enough to kill the strong but small creature.

Tang Li Xue immediately set her eyes on the white unicorn living in the lake area and managed to slay it using her dragon flame by hiding inside the lake, then ambushing the white unicorn when it wanted to drink the water from the lake.

It was a high-risk high-return action.

The white unicorn has the powerful lightning-type divine ability.

If Tang Li Xue got found out and zapped by the white unicorn's lightning, she would certainly die in one blast.

Fortunately, it was a huge success for Tang Li Xue.

But the lives in the dangerous forest were not as easy as any place in Immortal World, right after Tang Li Xue managed to kill the white unicorn, its dead body and its beast core almost got stolen by another powerful Storm Hawk.

Thanks to her [Accurate Prediction] and [Increase Reaction Speed], Tang Li Xue could swiftly decide in a single moment to take the white unicorn's beast core before the Storm Hawk could swoop down to take it and immediately jumped into the lake to hide under the water while swam to the other safe place.

With the immense energy of the beast core from the white unicorn, Tang Li Xue's dragon flame grown much more powerful again, it grew from the size of a baby fist to the size of a soccer ball right now.

After entering this world of memories so many times, only this time Tang Li Xue could comfortably live in this world like this.

Unfortunately, Tang Li Xue started to feel conceited with her own strength and began to become greedier.

This was truly a big blunder for anyone, not just Tang Li Xue…

When anyone held great strength, they will feel conceited.

Once anyone feels the great benefit of something, they will want more and more of it, to the point they want to get all of it for themselves.

Thus, everything started to get down for Tang Li Xue before she finally got slain by the king of the forest on her 21st day in that forest.

Nonetheless, this was the longest time for Tang Li Xue to manage to survive in the world of Sun Dragon King's memories.

Usually, she could only survive for less than a week inside the Sun Dragon King's memories.

Tang Li Xue tried to enter the Sun Dragon King's memories again and again until her mind was completely exhausted, but the longest she could survive was only for 23 days there.

In her extreme mental exhaustion, it did not take long for Tang Li Xue to fall into a deep slumber like Yaya, Bing Yi, and Hei Yinghao.

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