Reincarnated As a Fox With System

Chapter 346 End of Dispute!

Tang Li Xue bit her lips lightly in reluctance, but she still decided to follow Instructor Mei Lan's words and bent her knees to kneel toward Elder Yang.

Just like what Instructor Mei Lan had said before, kneeling or kowtowing was nothing important to beast race.

However, Human Race took it as an important gesture to show their repentance, submission, or resignation.

Instructor Mei Lan thought it was better to take a step back at this point and show their sincerity to apologize by ordering Tang Li Xue to do that.

But before Tang Li Xue could kneel, Elder Yang already stepped forward and grabbed her arm to stop her from kneeling to him.

"You can stand up now. There is really no need for you to do this. This is only a misunderstanding. Can we just forget everything that happened before and start over from the beginning?" Elder Yang smiled while said to Tang Li Xue and Instructor Mei Lan.

Tang Li Xue glanced at Elder Yang with confusion in her eyes: "Eh?!"

Instructor Mei Lan also asked Elder Yang in puzzlement: "Honorable Elder Yang, what do you mean by that?"

Elder Yang chuckled as he gave fist palm salute to Instructor Mei Lan and Tang Li Xue while said: "Nice to meet you, young beautiful ladies. My name is Yang Zhiyun, but everyone usually calls me Elder Yang of Immortal Sword Sect. May I know your name too?"

Instructor Mei Lan and Tang Li Xue were stunned for a while, then they giggled at Elder Yang when they realized Elder Yang's intention.

Elder Yang wanted to forget all of the previous displeased incidents and started from the beginning again as if they only meet right now and began to introduce themselves.

"My name is Lan. My student usually called me, Instructor Lan. I am only a rogue cultivator that likes to travel to all places." Instructor Mei Lan saluted back to Elder Yang and introduced herself.

After that, Elder Yang and Instructor Mei Lan fell silent to wait for Tang Li Xue to introduce herself, but he only stood silently beside Instructor Mei Lan without saying anything since she felt that she already introduced herself twice to Elder Yang.

Tang Li Xue only realized that the one who did that was her perfect copy previously after Instructor Mei Lan pinched her waist from behind and glaring at her.

"I… My name is Little Xue, and I… am one of Instructor Lan's students. I am also a rogue cultivator and always traveling around with Instructor Lan." Tang Li Xue half-heartedly introduced herself to Elder Yang.

"Little Bing… Instructor Lan's student and a rogue cultivator too." Bing Yi introduced herself with short words.

"I am Big Hei! Instructor Lan's student, a rogue cultivator, and Little Xue's future husband! Remember my name well, if you dare to approach or bother my future wife again, I will surely will…" Hei Yinghao said with menacing tone to Elder Yang, but before he could finish his words, Instructor Mei Lan already slapped his head hard from behind to stop him from talking.

Instructor Mei Lan humbly apologized to Elder Yang again with a gentle smile on her face, but Elder Yang quickly said that he did not mind it at all.

On the contrary, he said that he really liked Hei Yinghao's straightforward personality and generously praised Hei Yinghao for his courage.

Meanwhile, Ye Zhen felt confused because Tang Li Xue's perfect copy also introduced herself as Xiao Xue to him before when they met for the first time in Quanhai City. (Little Xue = Xiao Xue)

Ye Zhen approached Tang Li Xue's perfect copy and whispered to her: "Young Miss Xiao, is that girl your acquaintance? Her name is identical with yours!"

Tang Li Xue's perfect copy rolled her eyes at Ye Zhen and glared at him for a few moments before replied lazily: "It is only coincidental. Is that really so strange? This world is so big, and Xiao Xue is a general name. There must be many people named Xiao Xue other than me."

Ye Zhen pondered for a while and felt that the words from Tang Li Xue's perfect copy made sense.

"You are right. I almost thought that she is your twin sister since she has an almost identical voice to you." Ye Zhen whispered to Tang Li Xue's perfect copy again.

The real Tang Li Xue and her perfect copy almost slipped and fell down in surprise when they heard Ye Zhen's words.

But out of the people here, Crown Prince Feng and Little Xian were the only people that were still very pissed and gloomy.

Little Xian was a pampered princess, and she already got used to doing whatever she wanted before, so she could not understand why someone with a high-position like Elder Feng must act courteously to several nobodies like Instructor Mei Lan and Tang Li Xue.

Little Xian really wanted to order all of the elite guards to arrest Instructor Mei Lan and all of her students, then executed them all in front of the citizens for their impudence.

Unfortunately, she could not contradict Elder Yang's will, so she could not do anything for now.

Crown Prince Feng actually felt much worse than Little Xian.

All of these elite guards here should listen to him, but all of them seemed to obey Elder Yang's words more because they immediately froze when Elder Yang shouted 'Halt!' before.

As the first person who ordered all of these elite guards, it actually put Crown Prince Feng in an awkward position when his own squad of elite guards listened more to the outsider's order like Elder Yang.

Although Crown Prince Feng knew the reason why all of these elite guards obeyed Elder Yang must be because his royal father, the Emperor, ordered them to do so, but still… it made him feel so embarrassing!

Moreover, it happened in front of all of these citizens of Tang Feng City. It truly made him as the Crown Prince of Feng Empire lost so much face! (It made him feel very embarrassed in front of all these people.)

But just like Little Xian, Crown Prince Feng could not contradict Elder Yang at all since not even his royal father, the emperor, dared to do so… then he has no other choice than swallow all of his displeasure and anger.

Even though Crown Prince Feng did not dare to get angry or have any Crown Prince Feng to Elder Yang, but it did not mean that he also did not dare to touch these rogue cultivator's ladies.

Crown Prince Feng secretly glared venomously at Instructor Mei Lan, Tang Li Xue, and the others from behind Elder Yang.

He especially glared at Tang Li Xue with a pair of eyes filled with greed.

Instructor Mei Lan with her sharp alertness and bright mind along with Tang Li Xue with her sharp [Extrasensory Perception] immediately noticed Crown Prince Feng's bad intention from his glare, but they still acted naturally as if they did not notice it at all.

Elder Yang invited Instructor Mei Lan and her students to sightseeing the scene in Tang Feng City together with his group, and Instructor Mei Lan decided to accept Elder Yang's invitation after pondered it carefully for a moment.

Instructor Mei Lan could calculate that they must be facing a lot of trouble from Crown Prince Feng if she decided to go separate from Elder Yang now.

For her and all of her students to stay safe longer in Tang Feng City and could complete their mission without facing much trouble, she must approach Elder Yang and gained protection from him.

Instructor Mei Lan did not know the reason for Elder Yang's sudden change of attitude toward them or his intention for approaching them, but she could guess that everything should be related to the ring necklace on Tang Li Xue's neck.

Elder Yang conversed with Instructor Mei Lan for thirty minutes or so while looking around the scene in Tang Feng City.

Tang Li Xue, Bing Yi, and Hei Yinghao only followed them silently from behind with Little Xian and Crown Prince Feng, while Tang Li Xue's perfect copy walked together with Ye Zhen behind all of them.

Ye Zhen tried to strike some conversation many times with Tang Li Xue's perfect copy, but she only replied with 'uh', 'ah', 'okay', or 'alright'.

Just like what Instructor Mei Lan had guessed, Elder Yang started to ask about Tang Li Xue's background or origin after some time.

Although, Elder Yang asked really carefully while inserting some light questions about hobbies, tea, or something, but how could someone with a sharp and bright mind like Instructor Mei Lan did not realize it.

'He is… trying to figure out Little Xue's background? Hehehe… So Little Xue's ring necklace really holds great meaning for him. All right, I can use this fact to exploit him instead.' Instructor Mei Lan sneered coldly in her heart.

Instructor Mei Lan started to answer all of Elder Yang's question vaguely that it made Elder Yang more frustrated since he could not get any crucial information about Tang Li Xue's real identity from Instructor Mei Lan's mouth.

Since Elder Yang still could not ascertain Tang Li Xue's real identity, so of course, Elder Yang could not let them go just like that.

At the end of their sightseeing, Elder Yang decided to invite them to stay in the Imperial Palace of Feng Empire.

He said that the building where he lived inside Imperial Palace right now was really huge, so it was not a problem for all of them to stay there.

This was what Instructor Mei Lan actually wants!

But of course, she did not immediately accept it just like that. She still pretended to feel really hesitant and even asked for some time to discuss it with all of her students to make it more natural.

After five minutes or so, Instructor Mei Lan and all of her students finally decided to accept Elder Yang's offer and followed him to enter the Imperial Palace of Feng Empire together.

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