My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 258 - The Japanese Gods Meeting the In-laws

Chapter 258: The Japanese Gods, Meeting the In-laws

“In January 2049 there were gods born from the Yucatan Peninsula who called themselves the Mayan gods!”

“In August 2049 there were also be gods in South America who called themselves the Andean gods!”

“In April 2050, even Japan, the land of the Direbeasts, saw the emergence of the gods, who called them the Gods of Yamato.”

Emperor Might’s expression was grim. “As of now, four divine pantheons had appeared on Earth, and while they were temporarily pushed back by us, and cannot pass through the wormholes, but they are like ticking timebombs that threaten Earth at all time.”

The more important thing is that we discovered the more potent the Gene Arcana is on Earth, the more gods will return, and they will be even stronger.”

Vulcan said with a rumbling voice.” It was because of this, we dared not plant a large amount of Arcana Trees on Earth so as to not attract those ancient gods, and planted planet-transforming treasures on Mars instead.”

Ling Jiu suddenly had a revelation.

Earlier on, he had been wondering, the Arcana Tree was obviously able to produce that mysterious energy, and improved Earth’s training environment, yet humanity’s top echelon chose instead to plant the trees on a barren sh*thole like Mars, and not on Earth.

But now…

He finally understood why!

It was not that they did not want to plant them, but they dared not.

In the history of human civilization over millions of years, how many Arcanist were there, and how many mythologies were created?

No one knew!

The ones they were recorded were few and far between, so how many were there that were not recorded and were lost in the river of time?

Although there were many man-made myths and stories, even if some of them were real, they were already a handful for humanity to handle.

“The most troublesome thing is, these gods from the ancient times, their mind and consciousness are completely stuck in the past, and in their minds, humans are the slaves of gods, and as slaves, our life and death are theirs to control.”

Emperor Might said solemnly. “So, when the gods returned and found that most of humanity were atheists…they were furious.”

“Therefore, all of them were clamoring to punish mankind severely, and let them return into the embrace of the gods.”

“At the very least, four of the divine pantheons that had reappeared were planning to do that.”

Vulcan seemed to have thought of something and could not help but ridicule. “I still remember the time when the Yamato gods reappeared, they realized that mankind no longer worshipped them, so they were furious and clamored about destroying the world, and guess what happened next?”

Emperor Might too thought about the funny incident, and could not help but laugh.

“What happened?”

Ling Jiu was a little curious.

“So, before those gods could even do anything, they found that the entire Japanese island had long been abandoned, and completely occupied by Direbeasts.”

Vulcan laughed and said. “Those Japanese gods were completely dumbfounded, and thought that all of their descendants had gone extinct.”

“So those Japanese gods got even angrier, and they began to threaten to avenge their fallen descendants, and fought with the Direbeasts in Japan.”

“And in the end?”

Ling Jiu asked.

“The island of Japan is home to four Beast Gods, and under them countless of Direbeasts. The entire island of Japan could be said to be their base.”

Vulcan shook his head and laughed. “Then for that group of gods to suddenly appear, the Beast Gods would of course not look kindly to that, so they fought with the Japanese gods.”

“In the end, we helped the Beast Gods chase the Japanese gods away, and made an agreement with the four Beast Gods entrenched in the island of Japan.”

Ling Jiu nodded, he could probably guess the content of the agreement.

“We have made an agreement with the four Beast Gods, that mankind recognized that the island of Japan is forever their territory, and they can live on the island forever.”

“But that is on the premise that they need to guard the Divine Cavern on the island, and not allow the Japanese gods to emerge.”

Emperor Might smiled. “This is due to personal interests, so even if the four Beast Gods do not want to have anything to do with humans, but they still agreed.”

“Of course, we also promised that should the Japanese gods return, we will help them deal with those gods.”

“That’s right.”

Vulcan also nodded. “Compared to the false gods who are yelling all day and night to destroy mankind and to punish us, to get mankind back into the embrace of the gods who refuse to communicate, the Beast Gods were actually much easier to get along.”

“After all, as long as they are given some territory, they would be very obedient.”

“That’s true.”

Ling Jiu nodded. After all, the Direbeasts had all evolved from wild beasts, and the Beast Gods were no exception, and they had only a short 30-year long wisdom and history.

Because of the short period of time, it was inevitable that they were much more simpleminded, and were far less demanding than the gods who had once received sacrifices, worship, and regard humans as slaves.

All the Beast Gods asked for was nothing more than a piece of land.

But what the gods wanted was the submission of mankind.

In contrast, although the Beast Gods were Direbeasts, they were easier to get along with, and the gods, even as humans, were much more detestable.

“In fact, the three other Divine Caverns are also suppressed by the Beast Gods.”

Vulcan smiled and said. “It was because of them when the Insectoid army invaded, all of the stellar lifeforms could be recalled.”

“Speaking of which, we do have to thank those Beast Gods.” Ling Jiu’s expression was a little weird.

“Not necessarily.”

Emperor Might smiled and shook his head. “In their eyes, Earth is both ours and theirs. They can tolerate the existence of mankind, but they will never allow a group of outsiders to get their fingers into this land.”

“On this point alone, mankind can reach an agreement with them.”

Ling Jiu nodded slightly. This truth was not difficult to understand. “That is to say, it is basically impossible to summon all stellar lifeforms to come here to train.”

“It’s difficult indeed.”

Emperor Might said. “The Beast Gods aside, those Divine Caverns themselves are the biggest destabilizing factor, and no one knows when a new Divine Caverns would appear.”

“Yeah, once everyone comes to White Hole 2 to train, leaving Earth empty, and should another Divine Cavern erupts, then it will be too late to react.”

Vulcan shook his head and said. “You should know, humanity isn’t a monolithic entity, and there are many careerists and faithful believers in gods.”

“They are always thinking about subverting the existing system and causing the entire society to fall into chaos again.

Ling Jiu nodded to express understanding and said. “In this case, why don’t we split the stellar lifeforms into two groups, one guarding earth, and another train here?”

“In any case, the flow of time here is 99 times faster than Earth, three days in Earth is about a year here.”

“I actually planned to do that.”

Ling Jiu glanced at Ling Jiu approvingly, and then looked at Vulcan. “You and I will train separately, each leading a group. This is the most foolproof.”

“Seems like that’s the only way to go.”

Vulcan nodded in agreement. “However, we’ll need to make a proper plan, like how long before change shifts, it cannot be too long nor too short.”

“I’ve counted it. A week on Earth is 2 years on White Hole 2, and I think a weekly change of shifts is good.” Ling Jiu suggested again.

“Two years in a week’s time?”

Emperor Might and Vulcan’s eyes lit up, a week isn’t too long or too short on Earth, but two years on White Hole is not short either if they were to train here for two years…

“This is a good idea, let’s go with that.”

The two happily agreed to Ling Jiu’s decision.

“In that case, let’s go back first.”


An hour later, the three returned to Earth and went their separate ways.

Emperor Might and Vulcan called for a meeting with all of the stellar lifeforms while Ling Jiu took Ling’er home.

“Brother, why don’t you go back with Sister-in-law?”

Yang Ling’er could not help but wonder when she saw Ling Jiu alone.

“Bring her? Now?”

Ling Jiu scratched his head.

“Of course!”

Yang Ling’er said earnestly. “We are all now in the matriculation camp, and we won’t be able to go home more than a couple of times a year. If you don’t bring her back now, when then?”

“Besides, since you have the rare opportunity to come back, I think you should also visit Sister-in-law’s house for a bit.”

“Of course, if you are just fooling around with her, then let’s pretend I never said anything.”

“Fooling around? Nonsense!”

Ling Jiu glared at Ling’er for a moment before calling Bai Ya’s number.

“Honey, what’s the matter?”

Bai Ya asked with confusion.

“Bai Ya, I’m planning to go back home for a bit, do you want to come together?”

Ling Jiu did not hesitate and said it.

“Go to your house? Now?”

Bai Ya panicked. “Is it appropriate for me to go over now? And you’re only telling me now, I have not prepared anything.”

“Unless you don’t want to marry me, there’s nothing inappropriate about this.”

Ling Jiu smiled. “As for gifts… there’s no need, my parents don’t lack anything. Just bring yourself along is fine.”

“You blockhead, this is not a question of lacking anything, it’s common courtesy.”

Bai Ya snorted. “Wait for me first, I’ll get prepared.”

“Where are you now?”

Ling Jiu said helplessly.

“I’ve just arrived at Tianwei training camp, visiting my sister.”

Bai Ya said. “Wait for a bit, I’ll head over the camp commandant’s office to exchange something. By the way, can treasure of heaven and earth be considered a gift?”

“Should be?”

Ling Jiu said helplessly.

“Then that works. I’ll hang up first. Come and pick me up in half an hour.”

Bai Ya hung up after saying and Ling Jiu put away his phone and told Ling’er. “Let’s wait. We’ll pick her up in half an hour.”

“Not a problem!”

Half an hour later, Ling Jiu took Ling’er to pick Bai Ya up before teleporting back to Lantian Base City.

Bai Ya was no longer cold, but looked extremely tensed and nervous, as she asked Ling Jiu throughout the way back. “Honey, will your parents dislike me?”

“Honey, how’re your parents like? Are they difficult to talk to? What if they don’t like me?”

“Honey, tell me about your parents…”

Bai Ya’s worried look left Ling Jiu speechless. Was this still the decisive Lady of Thunder who killed stellar-level Direbeasts as if she was cutting melons?

Ling Jiu could only keep comforting her.

At the door of the villa, Ling Tianci, Yang Su, and Ling Xiaotong were already waiting there.

After not seeing them for a period, his parents were in very good spirits, and even Xiaotong had grown a lot and had grown into a proper maiden.

“Mom, Dad, Xiaotong!”

Ling Jiu called out to them, and then pointed at Bai Ya, saying. “This is my girlfriend.”

At this moment, Bai Ya did not seem all that nervous anymore, as she greeted them and handed over the gift. “Uncle, Auntie, hello.”

“Good girl, so beautiful.”

Ling Tianci and Yang Su bloomed into a smile. “You’ve just needed to come, why bother with the gifts? Come in.”

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